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Application #2 [REJECTED]

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  • Application #2 [REJECTED]

    Nickname(IN-GAME): Raz45

    Previous Nicknames(IN-GAME): RwS]Raz, [Branded]Raz45, Aafia WDD]Aafia ProMouse Martex Raz45MatTex RealOuka me_pro i_love_tran Raz [Mars]Raz45

    Previous Clans: RwS, Branded WDD Mars

    Why did you leave those clans?: RwS the first clan i joined was dead. and branded's Owner was permarently banned, WDD Aswell. [Mars]'s clan's leader was also banned.

    Score: 7550+

    Time Spent in-game: 25528 minutes | 425.47 hours | 17.73 days

    Deathmatching skills: Decent on Sawn-off and Micro-SMG, not that good on cbugging.

    Why do you want to join [AK]: I've been tired of joining the clans that dies within a week or so, finding a Clan that's alive 24/7, and even good members. And I saw there are quite a lot of members over there on AKm and also some of my friends are in AK

    In which case would you leave the clan: If i've been kicked, insulted a lot by every one in the clan, or Being Hated by the whole clan. or being hated by the owner.

    Did you invited by any [AK] member? If yes, By who?: Nope.

    Extra information: well i really want to join AK. but Whithes hates me, well i'm really sorry whites for killing you more than 5+times without any reason, and your friend too, then you both teamed up on me and killed me a lot of times, i didn't give tho, i always killed you guys in 2v1. a lot of times xD. Was fun fighting you. forgive me now if possibe.
    Last edited by Krrish; 27-09-18, 06:47 PM.

  • #2
    I don't think you're still ready to join here. Improve your behaviour especially you're being immature. See, you just got unbanned before 10 days, I can't trust you.(your ban appeal). You're clan hopping as well, last time your application has been denied then you joined Mars clan. We need loyal peoples not clan hoppers. And it seems like you having problems with clan members, I don't want to see dramas here.

    Sorry, no from me.


    • #3
      About clan hopping krrish said above, im not really sure, 2 weeks maybe have passed since you left Mars. But about your Ban krrish said above, I have not trusted your behavior yet, so I will give a No for now, good luck next time mate


      • #4
        <GX-13>* Raz45 (ID:2) changed their name to Raz45[420] (ID:2)
        <GX-06>[2] Raz45[420]: i need a good clan name
        <GX-20>* Raz45[420] (ID:2) changed their name to [SS]Raz45 (ID:2)
        <GX-11>* [SS]Raz45 (ID:2) changed their name to [SkZ]Raz (ID:2)
        <GX-21>* [SkZ]Raz (ID:2) changed their name to [SkS]Legend69 (ID:2)
        <GX-01>* Guest Raz45 on IRC: Silent KillerZ SquaD

        Don't re-apply again.


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