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Clan Rules

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  • Clan Rules

    If you're accepted in the clan, you have few rules to follow:

    - After getting Accepted, You should visit forums regularly.
    - You have to accept and follow the requirements.
    - Follow and respect the GamerX rules. (
    - You have to be a good member with good behaviour.
    - Do not change your nickname too often.
    - Put the clan-tag at the end of your nickname (Example: Beer[AK])
    - Members are allowed to vote on Clan Applications, but substructure why you gave that vote.
    - When you're joining you MUST type /Tgc to Enable teleport to your clan mates, Also when you see your clan mate is joining, You need to type /tgc.
    - If a clan member asks for help, you SHOULD teleport to them and assist them in a fight. [I]If you're free at the moment.[/I]
    NOTE: You can create a Clan Application if you meet the requirements. Clan
    Members that have the 'Member' rank can vote on your Clan Application.
    NOTE 2: Players with the rank 'Management Rank' or 'Admin' will check your activity in-game for about a week.
    We will keep our eyes on your activity by helping players in-game and on the forums.
    The Owner or the Management Team will also make the final decision if you get accepted or not.
    Last edited by Krrish; 12-04-20, 05:51 PM.

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Allrounder Killa's [AK]

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Topics: 61
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