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GamerX rules.

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  • GamerX rules.

    Okay, so, there is a requirement to add n' edit few rules.

    1. Howsoever Left didn't reply here - yet but after my talk with him, he said spectating and killing a player if they're getting annoyed isn't allowed. So, a new rule about not spectating and killing players if they're getting annoyed is to be added.

    More than half of trusted players doesn't follow rule number 4.1 which is the very first rule of the section 4. No admins take any action against it either. When I talked about this with an admin, he told me, I was the first one who talked about this thing. Two things can be done in this case, first - remove this rule or, second - edit this rule and make medic spawn as an exception.

  • #2
    Originally posted by Flogrils View Post
    [B]2. More than half of trusted players doesn't follow rule number 4.1 which is the very first rule of the section 4. No admins take any action against it either. When I talked about this with an admin, he told me, I was the first one who talked about this thing. Two things can be done in this case, first - remove this rule or, second - edit this rule and make medic spawn as an exception.[/U]
    Well today, admins were talking about how the top part of medic spawn should be remove as part of the red zone, because godmode is allowed there, as is drive-by killing. About hanging out in the actual bottom part of the medic spawn, I''d say 30 seconds is being too picky, maybe staying there for above a minute should count as "hanging out".

    Please stop asking why I got my admin status removed. I chose to be demoted and there's no drama behind it.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Eliteus View Post

      Well today, admins were talking about how the top part of medic spawn should be remove as part of the red zone, because godmode is allowed there, as is drive-by killing. About hanging out in the actual bottom part of the medic spawn, I''d say 30 seconds is being too picky, maybe staying there for above a minute should count as "hanging out".

      Mate, you takin' the term "hanging out" too literally. I'm sure while writing this rule, Bloodcell meant not going there with god mode enabled, he didn't mean an actual hangout like TPs there smoking and drinking and camping lmao.
      About the removal of the upper part as the medic spawn zone, will that's gonna fix the problem to an extent but it will be sad to see that part without the red color of spawn zone [yes, I've OCD] lol


      • #4
        Originally posted by Flogrils View Post

        Mate, you takin' the term "hanging out" too literally. I'm sure while writing this rule, Bloodcell meant not going there with god mode enabled, he didn't mean an actual hangout like TPs there smoking and drinking and camping lmao.
        About the removal of the upper part as the medic spawn zone, will that's gonna fix the problem to an extent but it will be sad to see that part without the red color of spawn zone [yes, I've OCD] lol
        What if the TP has /gm enabled and spawns there. They aren't allowed there at all are they? So they will need to spawn in a spot which isn't marked as a red zone. Of course I am kidding but c'mon 30 seconds is pushing it.
        Please stop asking why I got my admin status removed. I chose to be demoted and there's no drama behind it.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Eliteus View Post

          What if the TP has /gm enabled and spawns there. They aren't allowed there at all are they? So they will need to spawn in a spot which isn't marked as a red zone. Of course I am kidding but c'mon 30 seconds is pushing it.
          Okay, 15 seconds? That sounds perfect to me, lol. Even if we say its 30 seconds, players still are having it for hours at that top area so some change is needed, either in this rule or in the medic spawn's area management.


          • #6
            1 - I was spectated before by a player in order to kill me and when I talked to an admin he said he could do nothing besides putting me in a virtual world. So, with this, I understand that spectating a player in order to chase it to kill him is not against any rule (as Flogrils said) directly. Well, as it happened around 2014 I think, the thought of administration might have changed. BUT, if it happened so, we, normal players, MUST BE INFORMED, we don't have crystal balls to predict rule changings inside the administration. What if a TP did this and got demoted? This would cause a huge unnecessary confusion as he didn't know this rule although it existed. So, I support the idea of Flogrils, that, IF THE RULE IS SET, it should be updated on the list of rules. BUT, I don't support the act of spectating in order to kill being against the rule after all. The player can drive, fly, sail around all the map freely, join an event, minigame, etc, etc. There are a lot of things that players can do to avoid being killed - of course, if it didn't joined a fight. Somewhen the spectating one will get bored and forget it.

            2 - "Hangout" for me means walk around the spawn where people shoot each other, etc, etc. The upper part of hospital is not a place like this. We, TPs, were even once told (I don't remember exactly when and who said) that, in the upper part of hospital, we are ALLOWED to use godmode. It is an exception and we, TPs, were told about it. I think another case in /gb3. /gb3 is on the top of a building. The building itself is inside a red-zone, but I'm sure that, in the teleport /gb3 we are allowed to use godmode as it doesn't affect the main region that is down there on floor, near the Cluckin' Bell. The same thing applies to upper part of hospital. It doesn't affect the main spawn zone, where people actually spawn. Did you get the ideia? I just didn't know that drive-by was also allowed there on upper part, but whatever. The best thing we could do is removing upper part of hospital from the zone. And hanging out being a time like 30 seconds seems fine to me. 15 seconds seems too much. What if someone with godmode on get rammed down and lands in the middle of medic spawn? The player would have to walk back all the way and it'll take more than 15 seconds although the player was not abusing it.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Pacific View Post
              1 - I was spectated before by a player in order to kill me and when I talked to an admin he said he could do nothing besides putting me in a virtual world. So, with this, I understand that spectating a player in order to chase it to kill him is not against any rule (as Flogrils said) directly. Well, as it happened around 2014 I think, the thought of administration might have changed. BUT, if it happened so, we, normal players, MUST BE INFORMED, we don't have crystal balls to predict rule changings inside the administration. What if a TP did this and got demoted? This would cause a huge unnecessary confusion as he didn't know this rule although it existed. So, I support the idea of Flogrils, that, IF THE RULE IS SET, it should be updated on the list of rules. BUT, I don't support the act of spectating in order to kill being against the rule after all. The player can drive, fly, sail around all the map freely, join an event, minigame, etc, etc. There are a lot of things that players can do to avoid being killed - of course, if it didn't joined a fight. Somewhen the spectating one will get bored and forget it.

              2 - "Hangout" for me means walk around the spawn where people shoot each other, etc, etc. The upper part of hospital is not a place like this. We, TPs, were even once told (I don't remember exactly when and who said) that, in the upper part of hospital, we are ALLOWED to use godmode. It is an exception and we, TPs, were told about it. I think another case in /gb3. /gb3 is on the top of a building. The building itself is inside a red-zone, but I'm sure that, in the teleport /gb3 we are allowed to use godmode as it doesn't affect the main region that is down there on floor, near the Cluckin' Bell. The same thing applies to upper part of hospital. It doesn't affect the main spawn zone, where people actually spawn. Did you get the ideia? I just didn't know that drive-by was also allowed there on upper part, but whatever. The best thing we could do is removing upper part of hospital from the zone. And hanging out being a time like 30 seconds seems fine to me. 15 seconds seems too much. What if someone with godmode on get rammed down and lands in the middle of medic spawn? The player would have to walk back all the way and it'll take more than 15 seconds although the player was not abusing it.
              1. I don't support that rule either, but if you'll read by indirect admin complaint, you'll come to know that it's a rule that already have been made. My point here is, if a rule already have been made, it as well should be added to the rule book.

              2. Not every player is aware of top of medic spawn being an exception, so, if it's an exception, changes in the red zone or in the rule book for sure are needed.


              • #8
                Rules have been updated.
                * PM from Vishwajit_king (ID:74) to Left (ID:31): thanks sir for rejecting my TP application
                * PM from Vishwajit_king (ID:74) to Left (ID:31): sir i love admins like u


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