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  • Suggestions

    Hello there!
    First Suggestion
    I would like to bring back this suggestion by Kalifa22, a year ago:
    It was suggested before a year and still not added after 2-3 updates of the server. I would like to add to this suggestion that there should be added all wheels not only those. Here is a list of wheels that ain't present:

    1077-Classic | Command should be /clw (/classicwheels; as /cw is used for Cutter wheels).
    1081-Grove | Command should be /gw (/grovewheels) .
    1082-Import | Command should be /iw (/importwheels) .
    1084-Trance | Command should be /trw (/trancewheels; as /tw is used for Twist wheels).
    1096-Ahab | Command should be /ahw (/ahabwheels; as /aw is used for Atomic wheels).
    1098-Access | Command should be /acw (/accesswheels; as /aw is used for Atomic wheels).

    Second Suggestion
    Personal Messages are very important in the server as it's a way to have private conversations with another player
    and I think there would be good if were a command to view all PMs that you got since joined the server.
    The command should be /pml (/pmlist) which shows all PMs that you've got since joined the server in a dialog, which
    can have more that one page.

    Third Suggestion
    This suggestion is all about races, I know that Rick made a great new updated Race system which is the best till now.
    Also I know that there was suggested before about that races should be on virtual world, this would be really great for
    racers to have their own world to race. You would say that some races needs server's objects because it is on the race
    track, but I've thought about this too! All these objects that races needs on their track should be loaded with the race
    on the virtual world. This works like this, I've seen some races track that drives through the bridges objects at /GA, so these bridges should be loaded with the race on the virtual world. Also about the Virtual world, when the player joins
    the race, he should be teleported at the start checkpoint and also be set on the virtual world, and when the race ends
    the player's virtual world should be set to 0, at the same position he is.
    I hope you liked these suggestions and I hope admins will appreciate them.

  • #2
    1. +1 but this is no big deal.
    3. -1
    Many players will exploit it and use speed hack.Other racers will not see it.


    • #3
      1-If We Talk About First Suggestion {Wheels} Its very fine! Why Not! +1
      2-Yes it will be easy for us to see all the messages which we got in recent times! +1
      3-This Should not be added player's can hack in races i don't find it useful! agree with danger so -1


      • #4
        About the third suggestion, in the other side it has many advantages as it removes like the half of the lag that a racer has (i am an example, i lag too much on popular places). Anyway I really appreciate your opinions.


        • #5
          Brother Don't mind i hav seen this system in my server too and in some servers too, we do just /cw so our world will be changed and all player's will be gone! and during this i hav spec people they do hack and broke the race record then i banned them! its not good! i am just expressing my view! Other racer's was thinking we will win we will win but suddenly they realised somebody already got it!


          • #6
            I will give a positive vote to your first and the second suggestion I would like them to be added in the server command list.
            But...I am afraid that I will go for a negative vote to the third suggestion as the reasons are stated above, any player can hack in it without being caught.
            Last edited by LoNeWoLF; 21-06-16, 04:12 PM. Reason: Let me add some colors :v


            • #7
              Well well well this topic is for me

              About the first suggestion I don't have anything against. If I got enought time this week end I will add the commands.

              The second suggestion is a dream. We just can't stock all players pms, it would make the server memory explode, so it's a no and sorry I won't change my mind.

              The third suggestion will be debated soon between Matite and me. I also support this suggestion with virtual world, and I don't really understand the negative votes since all racers will be in the same virtual world.

              I hope I answered to all your requests


              • #8
                Thanks very much Rick!


                • #9
                  its great if its added! thanks rick! i want that virtual world suggestion too! but i was seeing the negative things anyhow its all good! i want that too ty!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Rick View Post
                    The third suggestion will be debated soon between Matite and me. I also support this suggestion with virtual world, and I don't really understand the negative votes since all racers will be in the same virtual world.
                    I would mind, let the race creator (admin) set the virtual world of the race (toggle between default world 0 or 1 in another virtual world) if you can implement race into database so we could save extra variables for options like virtual world, allowing/disallowing nos, vehicle collision toggle, etc, or even allowing different/multiple vehicle models. You would say everything must be fair/equal but players should depend on their driving skills and race will be fun. With this races can be unique.

                    I just never agree if all races must be in another virtual world.
                    KVIrc User


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