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[Tᴜᴛᴏʀɪᴀʟ] Guide for new-bies2

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  • [Tᴜᴛᴏʀɪᴀʟ] Guide for new-bies2

    Other useful tutorials

    A very useful tutorial for new-bies.


    In-Game information
    a): How can I earn money in-game?
    b): How can I check online admins and check a full list of admins and how do I whisper with them?
    c): How can I get kills/score so fast?
    d): How can I change my skin,nick color and my in-game nick name?
    e): How can I join any team?
    f): How can I get rocket,sniper,grenade or flamer?
    g): How can I earn cookies,cakes,biscuits,ice-creams?
    h): How can I join any DM Arena?
    i): What are events?
    j): What should I do in events?
    k): How can I check my or other player stats?
    l): How can I reach at next level? (Level 2)
    m): What is TP?
    n): How can I check all server rules,commands?
    o): How to check my level or rank?
    p): What are POBs?
    q): How can I attach toys with my character?
    r): How can I spawn any car and tune it?

    IRC information
    a): What is IRC?
    b): Is it connectable and registerable?
    c): Can I also make a channel?
    d): Has it clients?
    e): How can I connect to any IRC server?

    GamerX Image File
    a): What is GamerX Image File?
    b): What does it do?


    In-Game information

    a): How can I earn money in-game?
    Ans: Firstly, you've to purchase properties or win races or kill players. If you want to get double cash on per kill, call players at /dunga and stand in Green zone and kill players and you will get 4000$ extra money. And if you win race on 1st position, you'll get 1000000$, 100000$ on 2nd,10000$ on 3rd and 0$ on 4th so you must've to win the races on 1st positions. You can earn money by purchasing properties, you'll get money in every 1 minute. And if someone buys your properties while you're offline, you won't get your money refunded! But if someone buys them while you're online, you'll be refunded your money which you cost money on 1 property! And sometimes admins give money to everyone, however, you can ask some of the polite Trusted Players or Administrators for free cash, you'll get them free!

    b): How can I check online admins and check a full list of admins and how do I whisper with them?
    Ans: You can check online admins by using /admins command in-game, and check for full list of admins. And if you want to Whipser with any admin, type /pm AdminID and YourMessage here or if you want to pm any player, type /pm PlayerID YourMessage here.

    c): How can I get kills/score so fast?
    Ans: You can get fast score/kills by killing players at /L 69 and joining events or minigames.Note: You've to be active to get score/kills fast and be a PRO.

    d): How can I change my skin,nick color and my in-game nick name?
    Ans: You can change your skin by using /skin ID and if you want to check full list of skin IDs, goto and type in-game command /color or /colors, it will show you a dialog of all colors available in GamerX Community. And if you want to change your name, type /cn and press Enter and you will be shown a dialog in which you've to type your new nick-name.Note: It is not made to be abused. (EG: Changing nick-name every day or everytime.)

    e): How can I join any team?
    Ans: You can join any team by using in-game command /teams, it will show you a dialog of all teams available in GamerX Community. and If you want to join any group/clan/gang, you have to type /cn and press Enter and then enter [Clan/Gang/GroupTag]YourName or YourName[Clan/Gang/GroupTag] and press Enter and you're done in joining Clan/Group/Gang. And if you want to make your clan/group/gang popular all over the GamerX community, you can introduce it by making another thread in Clan section and if you clan/group/gang meets the requirements, your clan/group/gang will have it’s own board, which means in that section, only your clan will stay not any other and if any other founder does, you can remove his/her thread as you will have the moderator rank of that section.

    f): How can I get rocket,sniper,grenade or flamer?
    Ans: You can get a rocket by using /rocket command, it will cost 1 cookie, and /sniper will cost 1 cake, /grenade will cost 1 biscuit and /flamer will cost 1 ice-cream. Now you'll ask how to earn cookies,cakes,biscuits and ice-creams. So I explain them in following question!

    g): How can I earn cookies,cakes,biscuits,ice-creams?
    Ans: You can earn cookies by doing kill sprees, reporting hackers or cheaters joining Road Trips (Read /chelp to know more about cookies), and cakes can be earned by purchasing 30 properties, you will get 1 cake free as a bonus if you purchased 30 properties with cash and joining Road Trips and kill sprees, biscuits and ice-creams can be earned just from kill sprees and sometimes admins give them to everyone!

    h): How can I join any DM Arena?
    Ans: If you mean to join the events, they're loaded in every 2 or 1 minute(s) (That is also kinda minigame.). If you mean to join any minigame (Available Every time). The minigames are,MiniGun DM Arena: /mg1 /mg2 /mg3[Most Pupular in GamerX] /mg4 /mg5 /mg6. M4 DM Arena: /m41 and /m42 and /m43. Combat Shotgun Minigames: /cs1,/cs2 and /cs3. Rocket Minigames: /rocket1 and /rocket2. Sniper Minigames: /sniper1 and /sniper2. Other minigames: /tank1, /warzone, /dome, /ship, /worksite, /tennis, /boxing1, /shotgun1, /shotgun2, /tec91, /flowers1, /ss1, /grenade1, /pistol1, /jetpack1, /mp51, /dildo1, /chainsaw1, /katana1 and also /cz! These minigames Gx Community currently has.

    i): What are events?
    Ans: The events are minigames, which are loaded in every 2 minutes. And there are many kind of events! Such as: Last Man Standing (LMS), Capture The Flag (CTF), Hunger Games (HG), Target Destruction (TD), Blast Survival (BS), Fallout, Steal The Project (STP), Attack Defence (A/D). These are the kinds of events that are being loaded in every 2 minutes (1 event in every 2 minutes).

    j): What should I do in events?
    Ans: If the event is LMS, you've to be the last player in event (Kill every player who is in event), if the event is CTF, you've to get the oponent's flag 2 times (Sometimes, Capturing flags are set by admins more than 2) and then put it in your base (Base is where you spawn in event.), if the event is TD, you've to attack oponent's object and try to defence your object (There're 4 teams in TD events, so you have to attack at oponent's object), and if the event is BS, you've to escape from the Red CheckPoints (Red CPs means the bomb is incoming there) so you've to run from the red checkpoints and be the last (1st player in event.), if there is Fallout event, you've to escape from falling from the platforms (Every platform falls and you've to escape from falling from them) and be the last (1st) player, if there is STP event, and you're in Red team, you've to steal the Blue team's project and get it to your base as fast as you can, and if you're in Blue team, you've to protect your project and kill Red team players (You can not kill your own team mates) and if there is A/D event, and you're in red team, you've to stand at the Blue team's checkpoint for 30 seconds and try not to get killed, and if you're in blue team, you've to protect your CheckPoint and try not to get it captured by Red teams. (Note: Once you're killed, you'll not be respawned in event back, in STP,LMS,BS,A/D and in Fallout events ).

    k): How can I check my or other player stats?
    Ans: You can check other player's stats by using /stats or /tr or /tr2 playerID command in-game, it will not show you the Player IP but other information about the player (EG: Armor,Health,Money,Banked Money,Rank,Weapons and much more things.). And if you want to check player stats on forums, goto and you'll be shown something white, in which you've to insert player's Name and press Enter and then it will show you specified player's stats.

    l): How can I reach at next level? (Level 2)
    Ans: You can reach at next level by helping players, reporting hackers,cheater or any rulebreaker,being active and hang out with Admins so they can know something about you, and also do not break any rule that makes admins to give you punishment, if you want to check all server rules, check out it will show you all server rules made by Server owners. For further information about the Next level, check forums and Trusted Player Section, and open 'Rules and Requirments [READ BEFORE POSTING]' it will show you more requirments and rules and the format.

    m): What is TP?
    Ans: TP means Trusted Player, but in other servers, it is known as VIP or Helper or whatever they call it, but here, we call it Trusted Player but some players call it Toilet Paper (As fun) XD, but in some servers, VIPs/Helpers have /kick and /slap command, but in this server, TPs don't have these commands as they're admin commands, just afew commands they've such as: give cookie in radius, making HP (P-GOO) and more commands.

    n): How can I check all server rules,commands?
    Ans: You check all server rules by going to it will show you a full list of server Rules, and and it will show 2 links, in which you've to choose one link and download them (They are just like 2 or 3 KBs) and then check them by opening them in a NotePad or MicroSoft Office.

    o): How to check my level or rank?
    Ans: If you want to check your level, type /mylevel in-game command, it will show you your level and server levels OR goto and enter the Player Name and then press Enter and then check Player's level, if you want to check player's rank, type /tr2 playerID and check in the bottom, it will show you the player's rank and type /myrank, it will show you your rank, and also the Gx Community has 100 ranks, so if you meet the rank requirments, your rank will be auto updated, for more information about ranks, type in-game command /rankinfo, it will show you the rank information and requirements for reaching at new rank.

    p): What are POBs?
    Ans: POBs are Player Objects, that helps players in making some challenges,houses or event maps or races. You can also make Event maps,races,challenges, just you've to do is type /cpo POBid (Goto for POBids) and then edit it by using /epo POBid and it will show you some Xy Yz Zx and Xy will let POB go up or down, Yz will let POB go Left or Right and Zx will let POB get Towards and Backwards, and if you want to save them, type in-game command /spos TheNameYouWantSaveWith and /LPOS TheNameYouSaved to load the saved player objects back.

    q): How can I attach toys with my character?
    Ans: You can attach toys with your character by using /LHOS Name, if you want to load toys made by server, type /ho and /ho2 and /hoh for more information about TOYS.

    r): How can I spawn any car and tune it?
    Ans: You can spawn any car by using /v VehicleName or just type /v, it will show you a dialog of all vehicles available in GamerX/Sanadreas. And you can tune only afew cars such as: Elegy,Sultan,Voodoo,Low-Rider etc. and type /tune, it will show you a dialog of all tuning places available in GamerX, and some vehicles can be tuned at the same place where you want, the commands to tune at the same place are /pimp1 and /pimp2 (Only works on Elegy,Sultan,Samavan and afew more). If you want to paint/Color your car, you've to type /pa PaintID1 PaintID2, some PaintIDs can be seen in /phelp and all PaintIDs can be seen at google 'Search: SA-MP Paint IDs' or check the GamerX Forums and open Tutorials section and find the tutorial made by Instant.

    IRC information

    a): What is IRC?
    Ans: IRC means InterNet Relay Chat, means you can have chat with everyone who is online. You can also pm them, click the nick you want to PM and then click on Query and you'll have an extra tab for the chat between you and that player you want to chat with.

    b): Is it connectable and registerable?
    Ans: Yes, it is RegisterAble and ConnectAble (Like SA-MP), what you've to do is just goto and it will show you a page in which you've to choose Connect Mibbit and then it will ask your nick-name and the channel, so In Nick-Name and Server Name, you've to type IRC.TL in Servername and your nick-name that you want to connect with and in channels, type #GamerX and then hit CONNECT and you're done in connecting to the IRC, and after you join to that channel, type /ns REGISTER YourPasswordHere YourEmailHere and Press Enter and then goto the email address that you entered in 'YourEmailHere' text and check your Inbox and you'll see a message from Network, open it and then you'll have to copy the message like '/NS VERIFY YourNickName AndSomeLetters' copy it and then paste it in the Connected IRC and you're done in registering in IRC and verifying yourself (You've to verify yourself in 1 day or the registeration will be expired) and use !cmds or !help command in #GamerX Channel on Connected IRC, you will be shown some commands like !say, !tp, !tps, !admins, !uptime and etc. If you want to send the message in-game, type !say YourMessage and if you want to check online TPs, type !TPs and if you want to check online admins, type !admins and if you want to check server uptime, type !uptime. But since mibbit is banned from GamerX website, so you will have to download any IRC client and then type /server instead of /server

    c): Can I also make a channel?
    Ans: Yes, you can also make your own channel, just type /join #YourChannelName and then after joining it you've to type /CS Register #ChannelName and you'll have the owner on that channel and if you want to get players in your channel, type /invite playerName and wait until he joins, and also you can have BOTs in your channel, ask the BOT owner to get their BOT in to your channel and then ask them how to check their commands and enjoy with their commands and in your own channel! check the Tutorial made by [DC]TochA for more information about IRC.

    d): Has it clients?
    Ans: Yes, it has some clients such as: Ice Chat, KVIrc, mIRC, Snow IRC, Hydra IRC and many, you can check IRC clients in a tutorial made by iceCupa, it is sticked.

    e): How can I connect to any IRC server?
    Ans: You can connect to any server, just type /server ServerName if you're on IRC client and then you've to join any channel that is registered on the server, type /join #ChannelName to join any channel. And you can check IRC servers in google!

    GamerX Image File

    a): What is GamerX Image File?
    Ans: The GamerX Image File is kinda mod, in which you'll access new skins,cars and some POBs, if you want to download it, simply goto

    b): What does it do?
    Ans: It is kinda mod, in which you'll see some new skins,cars and POBs. It also works in other servers, but only you can see these cars and skins, if other guy has this image tool, he will be able to see your skins and vehicles, but you don't have this image tool, and other player has, just he will see these cars and skins, not you or other guy.

    Share your feedbacks guys whether your feedback is Positive or Negative, and if I have forgotten any thing, please tell me in your reply so that I’ll be able to add it.
    Last edited by Altair; 23-12-16, 07:50 PM. Reason: Fixed
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