Problem: I Use /spot command a lot, but when it comes to some lengthy text It Says YOU Typed A Very Long Command... Don't Do That.
Im Not Sure if You Guys Can Fix This Issue But What I Suggest Is To Keep /spot as it is and use it only For Text(eg: /spot 2|GamerX Server{n}v4.11.2) and ADD /spotv - /setplayerobjecttextvariables (eg:/spotv 2|0|arial black|60|1|0xFF009900|0xFF000000|Etc...) for the Font ,Font Size, Bold ,Color Etc.
Thank You.
Im Not Sure if You Guys Can Fix This Issue But What I Suggest Is To Keep /spot as it is and use it only For Text(eg: /spot 2|GamerX Server{n}v4.11.2) and ADD /spotv - /setplayerobjecttextvariables (eg:/spotv 2|0|arial black|60|1|0xFF009900|0xFF000000|Etc...) for the Font ,Font Size, Bold ,Color Etc.
Thank You.
