That isn't the right attitude dude xD
You don't have friends in this server this year so you want to apply to be TP to get them. Firstly that concept it hugely wrong, let me tell you why. When I first was new here I thought that I couldn't get friends, I was a rulebreaker etc. I eventually got hang of myself and then decided to talk a lot on chat and I made tonnes of friends! Also if you want to see more non TP's who have friends here it goes:
There's many more, now I'm not saying these guys are fit for TP's BUT what I'm saying is, that you don't have to be a TP to get friends. To make friends crack GOOD jokes, get into conversations, hang out around groups of people. TP's are to be Helpful, Reporting, and this can't be accomplished in a matter of a few days so rethink your future apps and see if you think you'll get accepted.