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  • How to register your account on GamerX

    in Help

    How to register your account on GamerX

    What is meant by registering an account?

    Registering an account on GamerX allows for your stats (Kills, deaths, number of cookies etc.) to be saved to the GamerX databases. Having stats saved can help in ranking up, being illegible to apply for certain clans and even have the opportunity to come up on the "Overall Stats - Top 10 List" page.

    How to register your account?

    Upon having connected to the server, you will come across the spawn screen where...
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    Last edited by Eliteus; 12-01-18, 06:34 PM.

  • How to connect to the server

    in Help

    How to connect to the server

    To play in the GamerX Server, you need:
    • Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (GTA:SA) v1.0 installed in your computer
    • San Andreas Multiplayer (SA-MP) modification installed for your GTA:SA
    Visit the SA-MP download page to download latest version of SA-MP client:
    or from GamerX mirror:

    Check out the the official wiki page for guide on installing the SA-MP client and more information:
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    Last edited by Robo; 25-09-20, 08:00 AM. Reason: sa-mp client 0.3.7 R4 windows executable download mirror