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  • GamerX Player Object Sets

    GamerX Player Object Sets

    At GamerX you can create your own player objects (that only you see). This page contains the names and screenshots of some example player object sets that you can load using the /LPOS command.

    Click here to view instructions on how you can load a player object set.

    A page for viewing recent player object set file names in the server can be accessed here:
    Player Object Sets on this Page:
    • Grove Ramp by Redlaser
    • LS Airport Ramp by Lilou
    • Car Park at SF Airport by JP1
    • Dragon Gullet By JP1
    • Cowboy Road by JP1
    • Bounce Stunt 2 By Rksss
    • Desert by Oddis
    • Loops 1 at SF Airport by Murphy
    • Loops 2 at SF Airport by Murphy
    • Cow at Medic Spawn
    You can find more player object sets and share your own on our forums. ...
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    Last edited by Robo; 17-03-20, 08:49 PM.

  • How to Load a Player Object Set

    in Help

    How to Load a Player Object Set

    This page describes how to load a player object set.
    Once you load a player object set (/LPOS) it is only visible to you, however, other players can load it too or use the /RPO (/RefreshPlayerObjects) command on you. ...
    See more | Go to post
    Last edited by Robo; 17-03-20, 08:38 PM.