1- You must know at least the basics of English language.
2- You should have 50+ hours of playing in GamerX
3- You must be loyal.
4- You must be mature.
5- You must join our discord server If your application has been ACCEPTED.
6- Your behavior should be good among all GamerX players and GSH members.
7- Lying in your application will lead you to directly be DENIED.
8- Don't copy anyone's application, or your application directly will be DENIED.
9- If you are requesting to join GSH, you cannot apply at the same time to another clan or you will be directly DENIED.
10- Don't try to ask members for support or your application directly will be DENIED.
11- You must not be in other clan, or your application directly will be DENIED.
12- You must be at least 1 week without clan to apply in GSH, or you will be directly DEINED
[CENTER][CENTER][B][I][SIZE=20px]GSH Clan Application[/SIZE][/I][/B][/CENTER][/CENTER] [I][B]In-game nickname: Any previous nicknames(IF IT EXIST): Time spent in-game Any previous clans(IF IT EXIST): Why did you leave those clans? Age: Gender: Your country: When did you start playing GamerX?: Why do you want to join GSH? (Minimum 30 words) What would be your nickname if you're accepted In GSH? (Must include our tag): Have you ever been banned before?: Reason(IF IT EXIST): Rate your English skills on a scale of 1 to 10: Rate your Deathmatch skills on a scale of 1 to 10: Rate your Race skills on a scale of 1 to 10: Your Discord nickname (e.g. felix#3895): Do you meet all the requirements in order to join the clan?: A player is trash talking your clan, what would you do about it?: A clan member is insulting you, what would you do about it?: Did you invited by any [GSH] member? If yes, By who?:[/B][/I] [B][I][/I][/B]