Your name ingame: XShowTimeX
The time/date your ban occurred: ???
The name of the Admin that banned you: ???
The reason of the ban: ip banned
Extra information you would like to add: Been years since the last time i joined, but i dont remember being banned
last stuff i have from gamerx was on 05/07/2019
Anyways, unban me for nostalgia, i wanna join this server again
Even my original account from forum was banned, or i dont remember password, i only have this one
Hope any admin still alive to reply this xD
The time/date your ban occurred: ???
The name of the Admin that banned you: ???
The reason of the ban: ip banned
Extra information you would like to add: Been years since the last time i joined, but i dont remember being banned
last stuff i have from gamerx was on 05/07/2019
Anyways, unban me for nostalgia, i wanna join this server again
Even my original account from forum was banned, or i dont remember password, i only have this one
Hope any admin still alive to reply this xD