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  • Good luck with life, jan nissan.
    PastorRichads: /q for Liberating yourself from the chains and bounds of this Virtual Nightmare

    <@GX-07> [14] Legend27: nick is indonessian


    • Originally posted by Jan_Nissan View Post
      Dear GamerX and his players,

      I had a great time with you all but for me it's time to leave. I need to focus on school at the first side but i got more reason. I loved playing GamerX and I want to thank you all for that. I hope you will have a great time in GamerX!

      Special thanks to :

      - Mousytom, mate you are a awesome admin you helped me a lot in GamerX man.

      - Nate, you and mousytom are a great couple man, i mean if you guys are together you are able to kill eachother always laughed with you two guys.

      - Beer, awesome admin should be promoted very soon i mean he is doing his job so good and so serious. I hope you will get promoted soon.

      - Benjokiller, Simply a great person man.

      - Queen, i had a great time with you. You are my bestie and i will keep up the contact.

      - All ATM members, you were all so friendly and funny mates will miss you.

      - MaxSafy, i will miss you Bro it was an awesome time with you i hope we wont cut out contact.

      - Daan Deurloo, Mate you were fucking awesome man ''Microsoft Fake technical support calls'' awesome times. we will keep contact but in game i will miss you aswell.

      - Ariana Grande, even if we hadnt much contact i will miss you aswell because i know you had a hard time i tried to help you wich i hope it did worked, anyway i will miss you.

      - Eliteus, Cool guy also friendly and a good mapper. Man i will miss your jokes.

      - All the players i did not mentioned i will miss all of you to.

      Well its time to say goodbye then. Will miss you!

      Goodbye GamerX!
      oh man you are leaving ! :/ sad extreemly sad! but every one had to go some day some time change with time!
      since i came back in gx, u was so good with me! great guy! good helping guy! always helps me when i wanted to ask some rules confusion or anything! i wish you good luck! in life hope to see you! soon! mate <3


      • Bye bye, jan.


        • BB Jan Will miss u :'(
          I always stand out,
          So people can call me Outstanding..


          • Good luck Jan we hope you will be back some day atleast to say hi!


            • Goodbye Jan, you were a good guy


              • You will be missed, keep in touch. I hope those conversations we had were good for you, wish you all the best in your school and real life.


                • Dutch words:

                  Letter 2 jan,

                  Jan, in een korte periode ben je veel voor mij gaan betekenen. Je stond voor mij klaar wanneer ik snakte naar hulp. Toen ik veel verdriet wegens prive zaken was jij één van de weinige die ik mijn issues toe vertrouwde. Je bent een goed persoon en moge God over jou waken. Neem alsjebliefd de juiste beslissingen en het belangrijkste; MAAK NIET DE ZELFDE FOUTEN DIE IK HEB GEMAAKT. Maak je school alsjebliefd af, als ben je misschien niet altijd gemotiveerd, zorg dat je je diploma haalt. Dat ene papiertje maakt jouw leven zo veel makkelijker. Ik heb mijn opleiding niet afgemaakt en nu zijn er weinig wegen voor mij geopend. Krijg alleen de rot baantjes. Het zijn domme fouten die ik gemaakt heb, waar ik veel spijt van heb. Maar uiteindelijk wordt je te oud om nog een opleiding te gaan volgen. Ik koos ervoor om te spijbelen en lol te hebben op school waardoor mijn cijfers slecht waren, waardoor ik nog meer gedemotiveerd raakte. Geloof mij, vroeg of laat krijg je spijt, dus blijf jezelf motiveren. Ik zal altijd voor je klaar staan, want in slechte tijden leer je je echte vrienden kennen. Jij bent er één van!

                  Hopelijk zullen we het contact behouden, zal je niet vergeten!

                  Je bent altijd welkom hier in GamerX !

                  Bedankt voor de leuke tijden !


                  • Good luck Jan. you're mi best friend you know


                    • Eh, ik heb geen woorden. Ik weet dat ik wel een traantje heb moeten laten. En als je wilt kan ik mijn nummer geven in PM. Ik ga je ook missen maat ik zou het liefst willen blijven maar, ik moet gaan het leven roept. Ikzelf heb het ook niet heel breed he. Dus dat maakt verder ook niks uit. Moge God ook over jou waken. Je weet het he als je mij nummer wilt gewoon zeggen.


                      • Originally posted by Queen View Post
                        Good luck Jan. you're mi best friend you know
                        I will miss you aswell :'(


                        • Originally posted by Jan_Nissan View Post
                          Dear GamerX and his players,

                          I had a great time with you all but for me it's time to leave. I need to focus on school at the first side but i got more reasons. I loved playing GamerX and I want to thank you all for that. I hope you will have a great time in GamerX!

                          Special thanks to :

                          - Mousytom, mate you are a awesome admin you helped me a lot in GamerX man. <33 will miss you!

                          - Nate, you and mousytom are a great couple man, i mean if you guys are together you are able to kill eachother always laughed with you two guys.

                          - Beer, awesome admin should be promoted very soon i mean he is doing his job so good and so serious. I hope you will get promoted soon.

                          - Benjokiller, Simply a great person man.

                          - Queen, i had a great time with you. You are my bestie and i will keep up the contact.

                          - All ATM members, you were all so friendly and funny mates will miss you.

                          - MaxSafy, i will miss you Bro it was an awesome time with you i hope we wont cut out contact.

                          - Daan Deurloo, Mate you were fucking awesome man ''Microsoft Fake technical support calls'' awesome times. we will keep contact but in game i will miss you aswell.

                          - Ariana Grande, even if we hadnt much contact i will miss you aswell because i know you had a hard time i tried to help you wich i hope it did worked, anyway i will miss you.

                          - Eliteus, Cool guy also friendly and a good mapper. Man i will miss your jokes.

                          - Pedro, i will miss you aswell man you are a good admin.

                          - Rick, DJ Rick for life. I will miss you.

                          - Jobu Janes, Damn specially i will miss you, we had sucha great times together man. I didnt know you that much but that changed. I will miss you man and i wanna keep contact with you.

                          - PANZEHIR noof <3 i will miss this to!

                          - Burnedgrass, you helped me a lot in GamerX and i will miss you '*****'

                          - Grimvirus, man i will miss you it was great with you.

                          - Nancy, even if we didnt know eachother that much, we had fun and, i will miss you.

                          - Tinarex, 'Thanks for saving me' no problem i have to say on that. Call me whenever you need me i will help. And i will miss you!

                          - BreakDown and Kanwar, great great guys i will miss you bro's!

                          - Dodo, bro bro bro imma miss you aswell. You are a good player.

                          - Twitch, Even if we had all these fights about nothing i mean who the fuck will fight for a girl (I will). Anyway man imma miss you aswell.

                          - Nick, i will miss you to man.

                          - Bibooooo, imma miss you mate!!!!

                          - All the players i did not mentioned i will miss all of you to.

                          Well its time to say goodbye then. Will miss you!

                          Goodbye GamerX!

                          I will post a goodbye videos created by myself later!_
                          You will be really missed by my side. I know we made mistakes, but on the other side you are such a good friend and why not a boy who knows how to handle his life! I wish you the best on your life steps and Hope one day you will be back! Good Luck Brow!


                          • Jan I wish you the best in your real life and for your studies. I really hope you will visit us when you will have free time. GamerX doors are opened for you


                            • Hello guys,

                              As of tomorrow, 30th of June - I have to attend the annual cadet summer training camp where hopefully I should be trained and put on a test to get the next rank slide which I am extremely looking forward to. However that means my activity on GX will be weak, which is a real shame since I can't survive without it, however it is only 2 weeks so I will back in the game as soon as the training is complete. On the bright side, after 1 week, during the weekend I will be coming home, but will have to go back soon after, so you will be seeing me next Saturday and Sunday. So I will be ingame having so much today before leaving for a bit!
                              Last edited by Eliteus; 29-06-16, 02:29 PM.
                              Please stop asking why I got my admin status removed. I chose to be demoted and there's no drama behind it.


                              • Good luck eliteus! have a good one! i will be waiting for you!


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