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GamerX v4.1.7

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  • GamerX v4.1.7

    We released another update to fix some bugs and other issues.

    The changes are as follows:

    GamerX v4.1.7 - restarted 2pm 1st August 2014 (GMT+10)
    * Updated the /lsapartments command to apply upwards velocity to allow time for the object to stream in
    (you need the GamerX Custom IMG File v21 to see the new LS Apartments -
    * Rick: Fixed the bug with Event skins (spawning with default class skin when you have a skin set)
    * Updated the /chp and /cphp commands X and Y position value limits (between 4090 and -4090)
    * Updated the /vehicles (/vehicle or /v) command to allow a vehicle to be spawned by model number
    (eg /v 411 will spawn an infernus)
    * Edited the /vehicles (/vehicle or /v) command to display the vehicles dialog list when a vehicle
    name or model number is not supplied
    * Added code to the /join command to automatically enable streamed objects for the player if they
    have them disabled and the race uses objects
    * Fixed some more wording errors reported on the forum
    * Updated the /ignorepm (/ipm) to allow more than 1 player to be ignored
    * Updated the /shark command to use a holding object instead of an attached object
    * Updated the /dolphin command to use a holding object instead of an attached object
    * Updated the /turtle command to use a holding object instead of an attached object
    * Updated the /starfish command to use a holding object instead of an attached object
    * Updated the /tree command to use a holding object instead of an attached object
    * Updated the /bush command to use a holding object instead of an attached object
    * Updated the /bigbush command to use a holding object instead of an attached object
    * Updated the /speaker command to use a holding object instead of an attached object
    * Updated the /basketball command to use a holding object instead of an attached object
    * Updated the /security command to use a holding object instead of an attached object
    * Added all of the updated holding object commands mentioned above to the /HO2 dialog
    * Removed the /smallbush command
    * Edited the text displayed in the /attachhelp (/ahelp) dialog
    * Added code to the /rocket command to prevent it from being used within 400m of the /hp location
    (there is already code to prevent it being used within 400m of the Goo pickup location too)
    * Added code to the /grenade command to prevent it from being used within 400m of the /hp location
    (there is already code to prevent it being used within 400m of the Goo pickup location too)
    * Added code to the /hp teleport command to automatically remove grenades and rockets for non admins
    * Refined some of the code for the anti cheat timer to detect flying swim cheaters
    * Rick: Updated the Event System code to not load an Event when an admin is building one
    * Rick: Added a code to set the default time remaining to 300 seconds when the Event rotation loads a DM Event
    * Rick: Reduced the minigun frequency for the Funny Death Match Event
    * Updated the text displayed when an admin uses the /rc command
    * Added code to correctly remove all holding objects when the /spec command is used (previously it
    only removed the object from holding slot 0)
    * Updated the create object vehicle mode to not allow the creation of more than 350 player objects
    * Rick: Fixed a bug with edit Event commands caused by the Z limit (thanks nicoud for reporting it)
    * Fixed a minor issue with the Cadrona vehicle (it was spelled wrongly as Cardrona)
    * Fixed a problem with the /specplayer (/spec or /sp) command: it would say the player is not currently
    connected when they are connected
    * Rick: Updated the Derby system code so a player always respawns in a new location (as suggested by rinu)
    * Rick: Updated the the /addderbyteleport command so facing angles are saved correctly (admins will have to
    set the Derby teleports again to fix the facing angle bug)
    * Rick: Updated the Siege Event system so it checks if a team won each time a player dies or leaves the Siege
    * Rick: Fixed the /forceleaveevent (/fle) level 3+ admin command (same reason as /specplayer fix)
    * Edited the /givegunradius (/ggradius) admin command to allow the number of satchels to be specified
    (previously it always gave 10 satchels)
    * Rick: Updated the anti fake kill script
    * Updated the server to 0.3z R3
    As usual please report any bugs here:

    See you ingame!

  • #2
    salute u guys really nice work , keep it up


    • #3
      Great Job thanks for this cool update


      • #4
        I appreciate the way you both work for the server.
        good luck for the future.
        Need new haters, the old one started to love me!


        • #5
          Thanks for the important updates you are doing for server .TY
          Sienna Belle :-Love me like you do
          VidyaVox :-The Closer MashUp - ( Kabira ) - Vidya Vox


          • #6
            Good job, I hope there's still more to come.

            Thank you Matite and Rick for your effort!


            • #7
              Nice updates , keep it up!
              " alt="" data-fullsize-url="http://" data-thumb-url="http://" data-title="Click on the image to see the original version" data-caption="" class="bbcode-attachment thumbnail" />


              • #8
                Closed this thread as we released another update (v4.1.8).


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