We released another update to fix some bugs with streamed object materials and events.
Rick also added a new type of event called "Hunger Games (HG)".
The changes are as follows:
As usual please report any bugs here:
See you ingame!
Rick also added a new type of event called "Hunger Games (HG)".
The changes are as follows:
GamerX v4.3.3 - restarted 11:30am 4th January 2015 (GMT+10)
* Updated the /saveallmystreamedobjects (/samso) level 4+ admin command so it displays how many
objects had materials when saving (previously it only displayed the information to the admin
that typed the command... now it displays it to all admins)
* Fixed a minor bug with the /track (/tr) command: when using it on a player in a "glenshit" vehicle
it would display the player rank line twice and not display the current vehicle information line
* Fixed a minor bug with the /track2 (/tr2) command: when using it on a player in a "glenshit" vehicle
it would not display the current vehicle information line
* Fixed a bug with the /forcerules (/fru) level 3+ admin command: sometimes it would display
"unknown command"
* Fixed a bug with the /unloadstreamobjectset (/usos) level 6+ admin command: it did not reset
the materials used flag for each object unloaded/deleted
* Fixed a bug with the UnloadStreamObjectSet function used to unload streamed objects after a race
or an event: it did not reset the materials used flag for each object unloaded/deleted
* Fixed a bug with the /dapso level 6+ admin command: it did not reset the materials used flag
for each object deleted
* Added the /hardwell command to teleport to Hardwell's Apartments at Temple in LS
* Fixed some other minor bugs related to the "glenshit" vehicle: /paint, /nos, /megawheels, etc
* Rick: Added the GamerX Hunger Games Event
* Rick: Added the /setlmsbounds level 5+ admin command to set/edit the LMS bounds
* Rick: Added the /addhgitempos level 5+ admin command to add a hunger game item position for the
currently loaded Hunger Games/LMS Map (the LMS map must have more than 60 items positions added
to be loaded as Hunger Game Event)
* Rick: Added the /resethgitemspos level 5+ admin command to reset all the items position for the
currently loaded Hunger Games Map
* Rick: Updated the /buildlmshelp level 5+ admin command to display the new commands to convert
a LMS Map to a Hunger Games Map
* Rick: Updated the /eventhelp (/eh) to add the description of the Hunger Games Event
* Rick: Fixed a CTF Bug so players do not have armor in CTF Events
* Rick: Edited the default time remaining for a Siege Event to 6 minutes (was 10)
* Rick: Added the /gotohgitem level9+ admin command to teleport to the specified Hunger Games
item (used for debuging)
* Updated the /mylabel (/ml) command so it can be used to view what another player has set their
3D text label to
* Added the /francyr7 command to teleport to FrancyR7's Offices at the Conference Centre in LS
* Updated the /saveallmystreamedobjects (/samso) level 4+ admin command so it displays how many
objects had materials when saving (previously it only displayed the information to the admin
that typed the command... now it displays it to all admins)
* Fixed a minor bug with the /track (/tr) command: when using it on a player in a "glenshit" vehicle
it would display the player rank line twice and not display the current vehicle information line
* Fixed a minor bug with the /track2 (/tr2) command: when using it on a player in a "glenshit" vehicle
it would not display the current vehicle information line
* Fixed a bug with the /forcerules (/fru) level 3+ admin command: sometimes it would display
"unknown command"
* Fixed a bug with the /unloadstreamobjectset (/usos) level 6+ admin command: it did not reset
the materials used flag for each object unloaded/deleted
* Fixed a bug with the UnloadStreamObjectSet function used to unload streamed objects after a race
or an event: it did not reset the materials used flag for each object unloaded/deleted
* Fixed a bug with the /dapso level 6+ admin command: it did not reset the materials used flag
for each object deleted
* Added the /hardwell command to teleport to Hardwell's Apartments at Temple in LS
* Fixed some other minor bugs related to the "glenshit" vehicle: /paint, /nos, /megawheels, etc
* Rick: Added the GamerX Hunger Games Event
* Rick: Added the /setlmsbounds level 5+ admin command to set/edit the LMS bounds
* Rick: Added the /addhgitempos level 5+ admin command to add a hunger game item position for the
currently loaded Hunger Games/LMS Map (the LMS map must have more than 60 items positions added
to be loaded as Hunger Game Event)
* Rick: Added the /resethgitemspos level 5+ admin command to reset all the items position for the
currently loaded Hunger Games Map
* Rick: Updated the /buildlmshelp level 5+ admin command to display the new commands to convert
a LMS Map to a Hunger Games Map
* Rick: Updated the /eventhelp (/eh) to add the description of the Hunger Games Event
* Rick: Fixed a CTF Bug so players do not have armor in CTF Events
* Rick: Edited the default time remaining for a Siege Event to 6 minutes (was 10)
* Rick: Added the /gotohgitem level9+ admin command to teleport to the specified Hunger Games
item (used for debuging)
* Updated the /mylabel (/ml) command so it can be used to view what another player has set their
3D text label to
* Added the /francyr7 command to teleport to FrancyR7's Offices at the Conference Centre in LS
As usual please report any bugs here:
See you ingame!