We released another update to fix some existing bugs and add protection + detection for the new crasher exploits.
The complete list of changes is as follows:
Please report any bugs here:
See you ingame!
The complete list of changes is as follows:
GamerX v4.3.7 - restarted Midday 18th January 2015 (GMT+10)
* Rick: Fixed a bug revealed by the crashdetect plugin (in the duel code)
* Rick: Fixed a bug with the player race system (/race): the player races did not start correctly
* Rick: Fixed some wording errors for /forceleaveevent (/fle) and /respawninevent (/rev) admin commands
* Rick: Updated the messages displayed when someone wins a duel
* Rick: Fixed a bug with players markers in Events (reported by fp_23)
* Rick: Fixed a bug with /bringevent (/bre) level 4+ admin command (reported by CashewZ)
* Fixed a bug with the /minigun6 (/mg6) command: every 12th time the command was used it would
display the unknown command text as the array was out of bounds
* Fixed many problems related to the selection of streamed objects and player objects: now the code
will not let you select a POB and a streamed object at the same time
* Fixed a bug with the /deleteplayer object (/dpo) command: when a player deleted a POB that they were
currently editing with the /editplayerobject (/epo) command it would leave them unable to edit any
other POBs until they rejoined the server
* Added code to prevent an admin selecting a streamed object with the /so command when they are already
editing a POB with the /editplayerobject (/epo) command
* Added code to prevent an admin selecting a player object when they have a streamed object already
selected for editing with the /eso command
* Updated the /forcedapo (/fdapo) level 6+ admin command so it forces the player to de-select any
POB they have selected
* Updated the /forcedapo (/fdapo) level 6+ admin command so it forces the player to exit from POB
editing modes /epo and /epo2
* Updated the /deletelastplayerobject (/dlpo) command so it will not allow the POB to be deleted if
it is currently being edited with the /epo command
* Fixed a bug with the /epo2 command: if a player was using the /epo2 command and typed /event then
their POBs would be deleted (if they answered yes to the dialog) but the /epo2 timer would remain
running. When the player re-spawned a message would be displayed saying the POB number they were
editing is no longer valid
* Updated the /L command so it displays a message to the admin if the slot does not allow rockets
and the admin has rockets
* Fixed a bug in the /echovehicle (/ev) level 3+ admin command: it caused an error when used with
dynamic vehciles
* Disabled the use of quotation marks in the /setstreamedobjectmaterial (/ssom) level 4+ admin command
* Disabled the use of quotation marks in the /setplayerobjectmaterial (/spoma) command
* Rick: Added a new weapon set for duels: Deagle + Sniper
* Rick: Fixed a bug in /pursuit (/pu) so chased players cannot go inside interiors anymore
* Rick: Updated the Hunger Games System so the player loses health slowly when they are hungry
* Updated the train/tram crash detector code
* Added code to the OnPlayerEditAttachedObject object callback to prevent the new crasher exploit
(admins are also notified and the player is automatically kicked)
* Added the /autoaccamzposalerts (/aacczpa) level 7+ admin command to enable or disable the AC for
the camera Z position crash detection
* Added code to detect another new crasher exploit for camera Z pos when shooting
* Rick: Fixed a bug revealed by the crashdetect plugin (in the duel code)
* Rick: Fixed a bug with the player race system (/race): the player races did not start correctly
* Rick: Fixed some wording errors for /forceleaveevent (/fle) and /respawninevent (/rev) admin commands
* Rick: Updated the messages displayed when someone wins a duel
* Rick: Fixed a bug with players markers in Events (reported by fp_23)
* Rick: Fixed a bug with /bringevent (/bre) level 4+ admin command (reported by CashewZ)
* Fixed a bug with the /minigun6 (/mg6) command: every 12th time the command was used it would
display the unknown command text as the array was out of bounds
* Fixed many problems related to the selection of streamed objects and player objects: now the code
will not let you select a POB and a streamed object at the same time
* Fixed a bug with the /deleteplayer object (/dpo) command: when a player deleted a POB that they were
currently editing with the /editplayerobject (/epo) command it would leave them unable to edit any
other POBs until they rejoined the server
* Added code to prevent an admin selecting a streamed object with the /so command when they are already
editing a POB with the /editplayerobject (/epo) command
* Added code to prevent an admin selecting a player object when they have a streamed object already
selected for editing with the /eso command
* Updated the /forcedapo (/fdapo) level 6+ admin command so it forces the player to de-select any
POB they have selected
* Updated the /forcedapo (/fdapo) level 6+ admin command so it forces the player to exit from POB
editing modes /epo and /epo2
* Updated the /deletelastplayerobject (/dlpo) command so it will not allow the POB to be deleted if
it is currently being edited with the /epo command
* Fixed a bug with the /epo2 command: if a player was using the /epo2 command and typed /event then
their POBs would be deleted (if they answered yes to the dialog) but the /epo2 timer would remain
running. When the player re-spawned a message would be displayed saying the POB number they were
editing is no longer valid
* Updated the /L command so it displays a message to the admin if the slot does not allow rockets
and the admin has rockets
* Fixed a bug in the /echovehicle (/ev) level 3+ admin command: it caused an error when used with
dynamic vehciles
* Disabled the use of quotation marks in the /setstreamedobjectmaterial (/ssom) level 4+ admin command
* Disabled the use of quotation marks in the /setplayerobjectmaterial (/spoma) command
* Rick: Added a new weapon set for duels: Deagle + Sniper
* Rick: Fixed a bug in /pursuit (/pu) so chased players cannot go inside interiors anymore
* Rick: Updated the Hunger Games System so the player loses health slowly when they are hungry
* Updated the train/tram crash detector code
* Added code to the OnPlayerEditAttachedObject object callback to prevent the new crasher exploit
(admins are also notified and the player is automatically kicked)
* Added the /autoaccamzposalerts (/aacczpa) level 7+ admin command to enable or disable the AC for
the camera Z position crash detection
* Added code to detect another new crasher exploit for camera Z pos when shooting
See you ingame!