Regular Player
* /f - (Factions, type /f help for more info on how to use these)
* /afk
* /balance - Will show your balance, you may use this money to shop around the spawn city.
* /help
* /home <name> - Teleports you to your home.
* /sethome <name> - Sets your home location. You may set up to 3 locations as a Regular Player.
* /kit - Gives you a starter kit that includes basic tools, food, and armor.
* /list - Lists the players online sorted by group.
* /mail <read,clear,send> <Recipient Name> <message> | sendall <message> (Player can be offline)
* /me
* /motd - Displays the message of the day
* /msg <Recipient> <Message> - Sends a PM to the specified player (Player must be online).
* /nick <new nick> - Allows you to change your name.
* /pay <player> <amount> - Allows you to send money to a player.
* /rules - Displays the server rules.
* /seen - Displays the last time a player was seen.
* /spawn - Teleports you to the spawn.
* /suicide
* /tpa /tpaccept <name> - Accepts a teleport request.
* /tpahere <name> - Sends a request for a player to teleport to you.
* /tpdeny - Denies a teleportation request.
* /tptoggle - Toggles the ability for players to teleport to you.
* /ping
Trusted Players
* /balance <name> - Allows you to view someone else's balance.
* /clearinventory - Allows you to clear your inventory.
* /god
* /sethome <name> - Sets your home location. You may set up to 5 locations as a Trusted Player.
* /invsee <name> - Lets you see someone else's inventory.
* /jails - Lists all the jails.
* /realname - Allows you to see a players minecraft name when they're using a /nick.
* /tp - Allows you to teleport to anyone.
Admin Level 3
* /bigtree - Spawns a big tree.
* /clearinventory <name> - Allows you to clear the specified player's inventory.
* /fly - Enables fly mode.
* /gm <0,1,2> - Sets your game mode to survival, creative, or adventure respectively.
* /give <name> <item> <amount> - Gives you or the specified player an item.
* /item <name> <amount> Gives you an item.
* /kick <name>
* /mute <name>
* /speed <type> <0-10> <player> Sets your or the specified player's walking/flying speed.
* /time - Allows you to set the time in the current world.
* /top - Teleports you to the highest block above you.
* /tphere <player> - Brings a player to you.
* /tpo <player> - Overrides a player with teleportation disabled and teleports you to them.
* /tpohere <player> - Overrides a player with teleportation disabled and brings them to you.
* /tppos <coordinates> - Teleports you to the specified coordinates in the map.
* /warps - List all the available teleportation locations.
* /whois <name> - Desplays some nice information about the player.
* /butcher <radius> - Kills all the mobs within the specified radius.
Admin Level 4
* /ban <player> <reason>
* /banip <IP>
* /broadcast - Relays a message to everyone in the server.
* /burn <name> - Sets the specified player on fire.
* /god <name> - Toggles god mode for the specified player.
* /tempban <name> - Allows you to ban someone temporarily.
* /unban <name>
* /unban <IP>
* //fixwater <radius> - Fixes all the water within the specified radius.
* //fixlava <radius> - fixes all the lava within the specified radius.
* //snow - Adds snow and freezes all the water within the specified radius. (BE CAREFUL!!)
* //thaw - Removes all the snow and unfreezes all the water within the specified radius. (BE CAREFUL!!)
Admin Level 5
* /kill <name> - Kills the specified player. (BE CAREFUL!!)
Admin Level 6
* /setwarp <warpname> - Allows you to create a new teleport.
* /spawnmob <mobname> - Allows you to spawn a mob (BE CAREFUL!!)
* /togglejail
* /tpall - Brings everyone to you. (BE CAREFUL!!)
* /weather - Allows you to set the weather.
Admin Level 7
*/setjail - Allows you to set a location as a jail.
Admin Level 8 +
Every available command except //wand. //wand is reserved for Ops.
* /f - (Factions, type /f help for more info on how to use these)
* /afk
* /balance - Will show your balance, you may use this money to shop around the spawn city.
* /help
* /home <name> - Teleports you to your home.
* /sethome <name> - Sets your home location. You may set up to 3 locations as a Regular Player.
* /kit - Gives you a starter kit that includes basic tools, food, and armor.
* /list - Lists the players online sorted by group.
* /mail <read,clear,send> <Recipient Name> <message> | sendall <message> (Player can be offline)
* /me
* /motd - Displays the message of the day
* /msg <Recipient> <Message> - Sends a PM to the specified player (Player must be online).
* /nick <new nick> - Allows you to change your name.
* /pay <player> <amount> - Allows you to send money to a player.
* /rules - Displays the server rules.
* /seen - Displays the last time a player was seen.
* /spawn - Teleports you to the spawn.
* /suicide
* /tpa /tpaccept <name> - Accepts a teleport request.
* /tpahere <name> - Sends a request for a player to teleport to you.
* /tpdeny - Denies a teleportation request.
* /tptoggle - Toggles the ability for players to teleport to you.
* /ping
Trusted Players
* /balance <name> - Allows you to view someone else's balance.
* /clearinventory - Allows you to clear your inventory.
* /god
* /sethome <name> - Sets your home location. You may set up to 5 locations as a Trusted Player.
* /invsee <name> - Lets you see someone else's inventory.
* /jails - Lists all the jails.
* /realname - Allows you to see a players minecraft name when they're using a /nick.
* /tp - Allows you to teleport to anyone.
Admin Level 3
* /bigtree - Spawns a big tree.
* /clearinventory <name> - Allows you to clear the specified player's inventory.
* /fly - Enables fly mode.
* /gm <0,1,2> - Sets your game mode to survival, creative, or adventure respectively.
* /give <name> <item> <amount> - Gives you or the specified player an item.
* /item <name> <amount> Gives you an item.
* /kick <name>
* /mute <name>
* /speed <type> <0-10> <player> Sets your or the specified player's walking/flying speed.
* /time - Allows you to set the time in the current world.
* /top - Teleports you to the highest block above you.
* /tphere <player> - Brings a player to you.
* /tpo <player> - Overrides a player with teleportation disabled and teleports you to them.
* /tpohere <player> - Overrides a player with teleportation disabled and brings them to you.
* /tppos <coordinates> - Teleports you to the specified coordinates in the map.
* /warps - List all the available teleportation locations.
* /whois <name> - Desplays some nice information about the player.
* /butcher <radius> - Kills all the mobs within the specified radius.
Admin Level 4
* /ban <player> <reason>
* /banip <IP>
* /broadcast - Relays a message to everyone in the server.
* /burn <name> - Sets the specified player on fire.
* /god <name> - Toggles god mode for the specified player.
* /tempban <name> - Allows you to ban someone temporarily.
* /unban <name>
* /unban <IP>
* //fixwater <radius> - Fixes all the water within the specified radius.
* //fixlava <radius> - fixes all the lava within the specified radius.
* //snow - Adds snow and freezes all the water within the specified radius. (BE CAREFUL!!)
* //thaw - Removes all the snow and unfreezes all the water within the specified radius. (BE CAREFUL!!)
Admin Level 5
* /kill <name> - Kills the specified player. (BE CAREFUL!!)
Admin Level 6
* /setwarp <warpname> - Allows you to create a new teleport.
* /spawnmob <mobname> - Allows you to spawn a mob (BE CAREFUL!!)
* /togglejail
* /tpall - Brings everyone to you. (BE CAREFUL!!)
* /weather - Allows you to set the weather.
Admin Level 7
*/setjail - Allows you to set a location as a jail.
Admin Level 8 +
Every available command except //wand. //wand is reserved for Ops.