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Teleports gets stuck sometimes

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  • [NOT BUG] Teleports gets stuck sometimes

    Experienced this quite often.

    You are getting this just right after you've exited a CP or about to do it or close to one.

    It's working most of the time though, but sometimes it gets bugged.

  • #2
    Maybe ur Ping gone High and the server didnot registered the teleport, but registered the command, its like you type /car and apear the message "You spawned a infernus....." and after some seconds (Due to lag) the infernus come.
    So i think the cause of this is Lag.


    • #3
      It may be that the moment you leave the ammunation, you put the command too fast and maybe there is where it does not recognize the command and does not work + adding the lag that occurs.

      Just have fun!


      • #4
        Originally posted by Gengar View Post
        Maybe ur Ping gone High and the server didnot registered the teleport, but registered the command, its like you type /car and apear the message "You spawned a infernus....." and after some seconds (Due to lag) the infernus come.
        So i think the cause of this is Lag.
        - Yeah, /car or /nrg spawning can last long in between while one is spawned, but that is more likely to be server lag, sure this could be about server lag as well.

        Anyways, I wasn't lagging nor was the server or had high ping, I'm a low pinger and yeah, obviously it didn't work to teleport, yet the place name came up, but I wasn't teleported.

        Originally posted by Bweeee View Post
        It may be that the moment you leave the ammunation, you put the command too fast and maybe there is where it does not recognize the command and does not work + adding the lag that occurs.
        - Works most of the times, then sometimes not, so I don't think it's specifically just one factor and yeah, you might lose FPS, but I hadn't lag or high ping.
        Last edited by KillingMachino; 27-01-17, 08:17 AM.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Cryless
          That's a glitch and not a script bug, just avoid to spam the teleport command i mean can't you wait to get out of the ammunation and after 5sec you can teleport ...? It's not a bug, it's you who's bugging it. While going out of an interior it sends a request to server to get you out of it when you go to CP so just don't fastly type commands to not bug the usage of it. And maybe what i'm saying is right, maybe not. But still it's not a bug.
          Yeah, that's what I was thinking, too.

          Just have fun!


          • #6
            Originally posted by Cryless
            That's a glitch and not a script bug, just avoid to spam the teleport command i mean can't you wait to get out of the ammunation and after 5sec you can teleport ...? It's not a bug, it's you who's bugging it. While going out of an interior it sends a request to server to get you out of it when you go to CP so just don't fastly type commands to not bug the usage of it. And maybe what i'm saying is right, maybe not. But still it's not a bug.
            - Still a fail as you noticed and I'm not spamming the command as you could clearly see in my video, just once and most of the times it works and sometimes not, obviously a bug yes and glitches might be fixed too, exploiting of glitches and bugs can be patched/ or fixed by scripting to a a far extent, everything is possible.


            • #7
              Cryless told all already, but seems u didn't understood, so when u are leaving an interior (in your case ammuntation chamber) it automatically respawns u outside, but the problem is that before the system could respawn u outside, u teleported away, so the system respawned u back outside the ammunation.
              Not a bug at all, just a glitch, u just need to give it some time, 2 secs would be enough, then u could tele away.
              Hope u understood this time.


              • #8
                I told you before that Enter Exit Marker is not server side checkpoint like what you see in your previous server. It's client sided. It cannot be fixed, you are bugging it yourself like what Cryless said or you were lagging as other player said, and it's alright if you get stuck you can always spawn vehicle or teleport again somewhere, this server is freeroam, not a RolePlay, a RolePlay server would really find that bug as a dangerous exploit, but here not, eventually i often see players say "Help admin i'm stuck", they don't actually need it as they can fix it by themself. Server can just prevent you from using the command by checking if you are entering or not and that wont work 100%, so the other server, like roleplay made a server sided checkpoint. Even so that Enter Exit marker was not made by Kalcor, it was made by Rockstar, you find it how it works in Single Player. Kalcor might able to patch it by placing a modification code on the client, but it's not a true fix.

                Your case=
                1. Client exit the ammunation shop from client-sided yellow exit marker
                2. Client requests to the server to teleport the client to a specific server-sided teleport location.
                3. Client got client-side teleported outside the ammunation shop.

                Now if you wanna proof if it's client side or not, use cheat-engine or any other mod engine to modify/hack the memory. You can even make yourself exit the ammunation from yellow marker but teleported to somewhere else (perhaps, cluckin bell store?). Well that is only if you are a modder and know the memory addresses. Easiest way is try to find a publish mod that changes the enter exit marker behavior, install it on your client, and try it in any server that has yellow marker like this.

                Closed, not a Server Bug.
                Last edited by Robo; 28-01-17, 11:42 AM.
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