First , When you are muted you can't use /care /me /lol and other cmds like that , but you can still use /say command 

That's the first one , Second is when you teleport to your world using /myworld cmd , You can't use /rockets , /grenade , And you cannot spawn a Hydra on the Red Zones :
But you can cbug normally without showing the msg ' Do not use weapon bugs (eg C-bug or 2 shots) in the red spawn zone areas '

Another thing , when you do /rocket you see " sorry you cannot spawn rocket.........Type /ski and i think that this command was disabled months before as when you type it, it says it's disabled so the /rocket dialogue should be changed as well
This is for TP , Admins only
Thanks for reading
That's the first one , Second is when you teleport to your world using /myworld cmd , You can't use /rockets , /grenade , And you cannot spawn a Hydra on the Red Zones :
But you can cbug normally without showing the msg ' Do not use weapon bugs (eg C-bug or 2 shots) in the red spawn zone areas '
Another thing , when you do /rocket you see " sorry you cannot spawn rocket.........Type /ski and i think that this command was disabled months before as when you type it, it says it's disabled so the /rocket dialogue should be changed as well
This is for TP , Admins only
Thanks for reading