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Derby Event Bug

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  • Derby Event Bug

    [Video removed to prevent players from abusing it](PM me for the video)

    Recently, I found a bug where you can use a vehicle in a derby event which is not meant for that particular event.

    My 1st try, I spawned an Infernus in NortensMap2, we were supposed to use a Quad but instead I was the only one with an Infernus.

    After my 1st try I wasn't able to spawn a car, but something even worse happened(as seen in the video).

    The Vehicle you are given is conflicted with another players vehicle, and the same vehicle that we are using keeps respawning because of the conflict, in that video I was bugged in that vehicle with Cpt.Tall.

    Also, its not the player that is bugged, it is the 'vehicle'.

    Whenever I jack another players vehicle using that bug, that vehicle keeps respawning, so if I jacked all the players vehicle what will happen? Chaos!

    Edit: I did it in a Sumo Event, I had no vehicle, I can enter as passenger in any vehicle. If I'm onfoot I dont get my 'time' recorded but when I enter as passenger it counts, and also if that player fell in water i can exit the vehicle and /rev to get back to the ring with the same amount of time, but with a vehicle.

    Edit2: I noticed its a Major bug that works on every event, on every event it gives different advantages.

    In Blast Survival, I dont get teleported to the event instead i stay in my position but I am a participant /pe.
    Last edited by Zarky; 23-08-14, 03:28 PM.

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