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Change Name Bug !

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  • Change Name Bug !

    When i type /cn change name to Mons†ers but it's still name [ATM]Nobody

    Then /cn [ATM]Nobody i changed name Mons†ers to [ATM]Nobody ! But look at the chat
    [18 : 01 : 02][ATM]Nobody (32) I will report
    [18 : 01 : 03] Mons†ers (ID:32) Changed thier player name to [ATM]Nobody
    Last edited by Nobody; 18-11-14, 12:15 PM.

  • #2
    I think it doesn't accept special characters like † for user names. #IMO

    -correct me


    • #3
      but Trusted player name ID 4


      • #4
        I didn't mean all, but something like † is not acceptable. The one he's using is still an alphabet character on a different language.

        Tried to join with name †est ..this is the result.
        Last edited by iceCube; 18-11-14, 12:36 PM.


        • #5
          This's probably not a bug but occured cause your new player name contains invalid characters which I guess samp client doesn't accept apart from English and some symbols, the same thing occurs when you try to change your name to any other different player name language.

          Any different player names related to samp apart from English and some symbols won't get changed since they're unacceptable ones. Example, your player name at (Death List, All Players Menu(TAB), Main Chat, Player name above skin, etc..]

          Any player names related to server will get changed since the it supports many different languages. Example, your player name at (/pm or /r, /setpc, /getid command, /cb command or -, /tps dialog box, /admins dialog box, TPs chat, Admins chat, Clan chat, /teams chat, Events chat, /me command, /me2 command, /cn command, etc..]

          Originally posted by Nobody View Post
          but Trusted player name ID 4
          If your PC doesn't support such language ([Arabic], it isn't like this for me) then you might not see the original characters but you will see unknown ones.. btw, that TP ID:4 is me.
          I could change my name to an Arabic one because the server accepts this language and many other different ones.

          Originally posted by iceCube View Post
          I didn't mean all, but something like † is not acceptable. The one he's using is still an alphabet character on a different language.

          Tried to join with name †est ..this is the result.
          And yes, as I stated above, that's cause samp client doesn't accept any other languages apart from English.

          I'm not sure about what I've stated but that's what I guess, correct me if I'm wrong.
          Last edited by Multihunter; 18-11-14, 09:10 PM.


          • #6
            SA:MP doesn't accept that symbol for name, and so you shouldn't use it (and you can't ever use it to join). It's just the sa-mp server bug that saves data of the player name for the server messages even it's not acceptable, however the sa-mp client will not show the invalid name (like in client player message, and player scoreboard).

            It doesn't matter what language you set, you can never able to join with name except 0-9, a-z, A-Z, [], (), $ @ . _ and =

            GamerX only check for name length and some known characters in the keyboard commonly but it doesn't block all of the other symbols like in alt codes.
            Last edited by Robo; 18-11-14, 05:20 PM.
            KVIrc User


            • #7
              Robo explained it already. That character is NOT valid for SA-MP. GamerX does not check all ALT characters when you do /cn.

              Thread closed.


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