I found new error I don't know that's its bug or not????
Today I send duel request to ID Wind_Dark (59). He was declined my request, I send it again & again fifth or sixth time when i send him duel Request the error occurd is Sorry, your duel invitation is no longer valid ..... the target player left the game but he is active in game. After 2 sec I pm him for accept duel then they accept my duel request...
This occurd with me from two or three days when i send duel request but today i take snapshot of that... Here I upload it....

I found new error I don't know that's its bug or not????
Today I send duel request to ID Wind_Dark (59). He was declined my request, I send it again & again fifth or sixth time when i send him duel Request the error occurd is Sorry, your duel invitation is no longer valid ..... the target player left the game but he is active in game. After 2 sec I pm him for accept duel then they accept my duel request...
This occurd with me from two or three days when i send duel request but today i take snapshot of that... Here I upload it....