Hello all
Today I was playing some events, then a siege autoloaded. I joined... but I left (/leave) and I fastly go back into the event (typing /event again). So I noticed that the weapons of my class went to event with me (I had weapons like TEC9 and Sawn-off, that arent in /gunmenu for sieges)
Here is a proof:

It can be done with sieges that arent in interiors... I dont know if this happens in other events (LMS, HG, etc...). So, Its better to do something about it, because players can abuse it to get sawn-offs and tec9 or uzi into the event, what is not fair...
It doesnt happen only to me. Admin Blackbird tested and happened the same thing to him.
Please check this.
Today I was playing some events, then a siege autoloaded. I joined... but I left (/leave) and I fastly go back into the event (typing /event again). So I noticed that the weapons of my class went to event with me (I had weapons like TEC9 and Sawn-off, that arent in /gunmenu for sieges)
Here is a proof:

It can be done with sieges that arent in interiors... I dont know if this happens in other events (LMS, HG, etc...). So, Its better to do something about it, because players can abuse it to get sawn-offs and tec9 or uzi into the event, what is not fair...
It doesnt happen only to me. Admin Blackbird tested and happened the same thing to him.
Please check this.