I joined with the name "GXTempNameID69" today and have tested some bugs. So my name was "GXTempNameID69" and my ID was 20.
I have written to the IRC and I noticed that I write as "GXTempNameID20".
The same goes for many other commands (/brb,/me,/me2,/care etc.)
I think the best way to fix this little bug it to kick the players which join with the name "GXTempName".
btw: What happens if ID:69 is joining at the same time and canceled the login dialog-box? Can he also get the same name?
I have written to the IRC and I noticed that I write as "GXTempNameID20".
The same goes for many other commands (/brb,/me,/me2,/care etc.)
I think the best way to fix this little bug it to kick the players which join with the name "GXTempName".
btw: What happens if ID:69 is joining at the same time and canceled the login dialog-box? Can he also get the same name?