It's a simple boxing fight, the target of this little event is to beat your opponent. Everyone fights for himself, that means there is no
teaming in this event.
Depends on the participants, there will be few rounds.
All winners will fight against each other. This will be repeated, until we get a final winner.
- The only weapon are your fists. Other weapons are not allowed - You will be automaticly disarmed by an admin when the event starts.
- Using /healme during a fight is disallowed. Not following this point leads to a disqualification
- Leaving the ring is disallowed. You have to fight until one of you has won the round.
- Running in the ring to avoid the fight is disallowed. Not following this point leads to a disqualification.
- Do not use any holding objects. It's annoying.
- Cheats/Cleos/Mods are disallowed of course.
- Godmode is not allowed.
- Make sure that no one is able to teleport to you, except admins.
- Don't spawn vehicles during the fight.
- Make sure your ping is not that high, if you got lags, you can't participate.
- Animations are not allowed.
- Only the default fight style.
First place: 1000 Cookies; 300 Cakes; 100 Icecreams; 100 Biscuits +10 Eventpoints!
Second place: 750 Cookies; 200 Cakes; 75 Icecreams; 75 Biscuits + 7 Eventpoints!
Third place: 500 Cookies; 150 Cakes; 50 Icecreams; 50 Biscuits + 5 Eventpoints!
Fourth place: 250 Cookies; 100 Cakes; 25 Icecreams; 25 Biscuits + 3 Eventpoints!
The event will take place at a special area on May, 18th 2014 at 7 PM UTC +01.00. All participants will get brought by me to the area.
Just to avoid chaos and keep everything in order.
You can bet on participants. Just transfer me the amount of cookies and tell me the person you're betting on.
If the person lost, your cookies won't be refunded. If its not the case, you will win the double amount of your bet cookies!
Just post that you're participating. I will add you to the list!
-Adrenaline (fat)
-39 participants!!!