THE [E3] Games #1 .
By - EVIL___[E3] and CasHewZ
Prizes By -
Welocme ! To The 1st [E3] Games- The EVIL Empire Games. This will be a 2 vs 2 team Dm . If u want to participate just post here or pm EVIL___[E3] or CasHewZ in game [Note - U Must have a partner to participate] . The Objective is to win against the other team by killing both the players. The team who survives at the end wins.
Prizes -
1st place - 3000 cookies ,2000 cakes ,1500 biscuits and 1000 icecreams
2nd place - 2000 cookies ,1000 cakes , 1000 biscuits and 500 icecreams
3rd place - 1000 cookies , 500 cakes , 500 biscuits and 250 icecreams
# Special prizes to be awarded for fairplay and skills .
Respect you competitors or it may result into a disqualification.
-Do not annoy.
-Listen to my instructions.
-Sabotaging the event would result in disqualification.
-Dont pm me or CasHewZ unless its very important .
-Fight only when there is a 10 sec CD by CasHewZ.
-using weapons or annoying people by punching them is not allowed .
- U will be fuked up if u dont follow the instructions.
-You can also bet on teams . just give me the cookies and if u win u get double cookies.
How to participate -
You will need a partner to participate , just post the name of ur partner here and you will be added.
Date of event to be announced soon.
#1- discplex and rinu
#2-Neverless Breakdown
#3-Blackhand and Glator
#4-[IDC]VirusX and [IDC]Joker
#5-Storm and Lorsimon
#6-[Hitman]Remember_me and [Csi]tina
#7-Instant and Umair[UMD]
#8-Dream and cpt. tall
#9-Norten and rockingEvilz
#10-Pirate and Dunga
#11-Scoutz and [7Na]Evil_ (PRo. XD)
#12-Sprunk and [SAK]JackassCZ
#13-Hano and Gigabyte
#14-Rehman_[R] and CrazyGirl_[E3]
#15-CasHewZ and Brago.
#15-Alex Spraky
#16-BURTONS and Gx14
If u dont want to participate in the event u can purchase vip seats to view the event . for 30 cookies .. only 6 seats.
Date and time of event- soon (UTC time) yet