Hello everyone!
As it's my birthday within after a week. 18th of April, 2015. So as regarding to it, I'm going to create an event which would be filled with adventure as it would be a very big event for you all. I wish you all would may enjoy it and wish me for my in-coming week birthday.
This would be a PG-OO event where I would hide three PGOO objects inside of the three different interiors, respectively. As I've stated previously that there would be three rounds one by one. One PG-OO would be created as after a round will be done than it will be continued repeatedly according to two rounds. As if like first round's winner cannot join the second event because as we need three different winners from the 3 rounds. Once we have three winners, I'll invite them inside of a virtual world and give them a few weapons. Three of the PG-oo winners need to have a one n' only duel by hand weapons. Whoever wins this duel will be announced as a winner of this event.
- Katana
- Flowers
-Baseball Bat
As there would be only one one winner & two other runner ups so their reward would be:
Reward for the 1st winner = 5000 Cookies
Reward for the 2nd Runner up winner = 500 Cookies
Reward for the 3rd Runner up winner = 250 Cookies
Date of starting is - 18th of April, 2015.
Time of starting is - 4:00PM on GMT +5 (All times of Pakistan)
(You can calculate your time regarding to it.)
If you have ANY questions regarding to this event, you can comment below. I would be happy to help you!