Duel Event
-This event is about duels . The one who will duel the best and win this event will be awarded with cakes/cookies/cash/etc. This event will be held next week. Please read below for other information
What to do in this event?
You have to give your name in the "reply box" using the correct format(format is below). The one who will give his name without using the format will not be allowed to participate in the event. We will decide your opponent and if you'll win , you'll go to further stages. This event will only consist of deagle and sawnoff.
Your ingame name: Weapon(deagle or sawnoff):
1st position - 1000 cookies , 500 cakes and 10 million from me.
2nd position - 500 cookies , 100 cakes , and 2 million.
3rd - 100 cookies , 20 cakes and 1 million.
P:S: The names will only be taken of the first 20 members. Offer is valid till Friday i.e 18th December. The event will held on next Sunday , i.e 20th December.
How to post the proof that you won the duel?:
You will duel only once and take a screenshot and post it here so that we believe you are the winner of the duel
Name of the duelers : Nancy and Gamehunter
Weapon: Deagle
Winner: Gamehunter
Name of the duelers : FinalFuture and Northwest
Weapon: Sawnoff
Winner: [ATM]FinalFuture
Name of the duelers : Puk and Panzehir
Weapon: Deagle
Name of the duelers : Twitch[M] and MarisaKirisame
Weapon: Deagle
Winner: Twitch[M]
Name of the duelers : fp__23 and Gengar[M]
Weapon: Deagle
Winner: fp_23
Name of the duelers : Golden_eyes and GhostMeDo[AS]
Weapon: Deagle
Winner: GhostMedo
Name of the duelers: PotatoWasTaken[M] and TinaRex[M]
Weapon: Deagle
Winner: PotatoWasTaken[M]
Name of the duelers : garib_admin and Manuel[M4]
Weapon: sawnoff
Name of the duelers : [ATM]infamous and Jordi[A]
Weapon: Deagle
Name of the duelers : War[M4] and [_Price_]
Weapon: Deagle
Winner: [_Price_]
The names will be automatically added of the participants.
Hoping to see a good response.