I searched the forums about this, but didn't find (feel free to remove if it's already added by someone), myself, I love the /pagesize and /fontsize commands, does a lot to your gaming experience in my opinion.
Built-in commands:
Built-in command:
/q - Close the SA:MP client.
/quit - Close the SA:MP client (same as above).
/save [extra] - Save your current coordinates into savedpositions.txt
/interior - Shows the current interior ID.
/fpslimit [20-90] - Set the maximum FPS for your client.
/pagesize [10-20] - Change the amount of lines in the chatbox.
/timestamp - Show time stamping in the chatbox.
/headmove - Toggle player's head movements.
/dl - Handy developers command to show vehicle information.
/mem - Shows the current amount of memory usage.
/rs - Saves On-Foot coordinates in rawpositions.txt
/cmpstat - Exists but doesn't seems to do anything? more info please!
/nametagstatus (*) - Pause label/on-off
/fontsize <size -3-5> - Alters your mainchat font, also players nick and death-list (UI)
/rcon - Built in admin system, remote control of the server.
This command was added in 0.3x. When enabled (which it is by default), players will see a small hourglass icon next to the nametag of paused players. This includes minimising (alt-tab), the pause menu (ESC), lost connection (crash/timeout) and when taking screenshots that freeze the game for over 3 seconds.
Controller set-up:
H can be for honking the horn and also as a passenger, you might need this for drive-by.
More details do this: Press ESC > Options > Controller setup.
Minimizing your window/Go to desktop:
ALT + ENTER keys:
Minimizes your game window.
Fast access to desktop.
ALT+ 0 to 10 or ALT+ A-Z:
Wouldn't suggest to use these, somehow bugged commands which causes a blackscreen or brings up the desktop toolbar and gta:sa rame but your cursor isn't visible but you can still play, at least for me, tested on Win10 and Win8, havent' found a fix for this, as there is for ALT tab issue in Win10 using SAMP.
Game Keys (you can change the keys action on some too):
F1 - Displays the in-game help menu
F4 - Allows you to reselect a character (on death)
F5 - Shows the network data (eg: bandwidth usage)
F6 - An alternate of "T" (chat)
F7 - Shows/hides the chat window (Pressed twice toggles the HUD removal)
F8 - Takes a screenshot
F9 - Shows/hides the "death" window
F10 - Hides the HUD (while held)
G - Allows you to enter a car as a passenger
H - Allows you to shoot while a passenger
ESC - Accessing gta:sa settings
T - Allows you to chat & enter commands
Shift - Select a class while at the class selection screen (or press 'SPAWN' button)
TAB - Shows the list of players and your ID and nick and scores (always on top is yours)
I searched the forums about this, but didn't find (feel free to remove if it's already added by someone), myself, I love the /pagesize and /fontsize commands, does a lot to your gaming experience in my opinion.
Built-in commands:
Built-in command:
/q - Close the SA:MP client.
/quit - Close the SA:MP client (same as above).
/save [extra] - Save your current coordinates into savedpositions.txt
/interior - Shows the current interior ID.
/fpslimit [20-90] - Set the maximum FPS for your client.
/pagesize [10-20] - Change the amount of lines in the chatbox.
/timestamp - Show time stamping in the chatbox.
/headmove - Toggle player's head movements.
/dl - Handy developers command to show vehicle information.
/mem - Shows the current amount of memory usage.
/rs - Saves On-Foot coordinates in rawpositions.txt
/cmpstat - Exists but doesn't seems to do anything? more info please!
/nametagstatus (*) - Pause label/on-off
/fontsize <size -3-5> - Alters your mainchat font, also players nick and death-list (UI)
/rcon - Built in admin system, remote control of the server.
This command was added in 0.3x. When enabled (which it is by default), players will see a small hourglass icon next to the nametag of paused players. This includes minimising (alt-tab), the pause menu (ESC), lost connection (crash/timeout) and when taking screenshots that freeze the game for over 3 seconds.
Controller set-up:
H can be for honking the horn and also as a passenger, you might need this for drive-by.
More details do this: Press ESC > Options > Controller setup.
Minimizing your window/Go to desktop:
ALT + ENTER keys:
Minimizes your game window.
Fast access to desktop.
ALT+ 0 to 10 or ALT+ A-Z:
Wouldn't suggest to use these, somehow bugged commands which causes a blackscreen or brings up the desktop toolbar and gta:sa rame but your cursor isn't visible but you can still play, at least for me, tested on Win10 and Win8, havent' found a fix for this, as there is for ALT tab issue in Win10 using SAMP.
Game Keys (you can change the keys action on some too):
F1 - Displays the in-game help menu
F4 - Allows you to reselect a character (on death)
F5 - Shows the network data (eg: bandwidth usage)
F6 - An alternate of "T" (chat)
F7 - Shows/hides the chat window (Pressed twice toggles the HUD removal)
F8 - Takes a screenshot
F9 - Shows/hides the "death" window
F10 - Hides the HUD (while held)
G - Allows you to enter a car as a passenger
H - Allows you to shoot while a passenger
ESC - Accessing gta:sa settings
T - Allows you to chat & enter commands
Shift - Select a class while at the class selection screen (or press 'SPAWN' button)
TAB - Shows the list of players and your ID and nick and scores (always on top is yours)