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How to detect hackers

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  • How to detect hackers

    Hello and welcome to my tutorial everyone! In this tutorial I will explain how you can detect hackers, report hackers and different kind of hacks.

    How to find hackers and report them
    You usually find hackers around spawns, especially the medic spawn, probably because they're lazy and don't check through all the classes. When you find a suspicious player, don't make a fast judgement as long the hacking isn't 100% obvious. You can also use /spec [ID] to try to find hackers.

    Two good tips is; if you think someone is health hacking, check if the player's ping is high and if the player is laggy. Another tip is, if you think someone is aimbotting, try to jump and run from a short distance away from the suspected player and check if the bullet sprays are hitting good.

    If you think the player is hacking DO NOT yell hacker in the global chat. Use the report function and to do so type in the command /report also you need to type in the ID and the reason. Example: /report 42 Health hacking

    What is a hacktool?
    A hack tool is a mod which includes many different hacks, such as health hack, airbreak, aimbot and many more. s0beit and CLEO is two types of multi-purpose hack tools. Cleo and s0beit is like a hack manager for the hacks the hackers downloaded.

    Different Hacks
    Here I will explain the most popular hacks used.
    1.1 Airbrake is a hack that lets you drive in the air with vehicles just like if it were a road there. Not to be confused with the jump boost filterscript. (/sjb + h) Check if the suspected player is using any pobs with /rpo ID

    1.2 Vehicle Speed hack: The cheater is driving the car so fast, similar to airbreak, can be detected on races.

    1.3 Vehicle Handling is a hack that lets the user to drive the vehicle perfectly even if the hacker gets rammed.

    2.1 Health hack is a hack that makes you immortal and you take no damage. Sometimes players toggle their health hack on and off. I recommend you to spec them a bit longer and when you report the player, type ''hh toggler'' as the reason.

    2.2 Health refill is also another kind of health hack but the difference is that you take damage with this hack, but your health gets refilled quickly.

    2.3 Armour hack is almost the same thing as health hack, but instead of taking no damage on the health bar, your don't take no damage on your armour.

    3. Aimbot is a hack that lets you autoaim on a player.

    4.1 Superman/flymod is a hack that makes you fly in the air, just like Superman. A better explanation is it's almost the same animation as when you are skydiving with a non-deployed parachute, but the difference is that you don't fall down.

    4.2 Swimhack is almost the same thing as the previous explained hack, but you have the swim animation instead.

    5.1 Ammo hack is a hack that gives you unlimited bullets. A good tip is if you found someone suspicious, type /tr [ID] check their ammo or /w [ID], let the player kill you, then check again and see if the ammo count decreased.

    5.2 Rapid fire is a hack that lets you shoot automatically with a weapon. Simplified example: it makes the Desert Eagle shoot spraying bullets like an AK.

    5.3 No reload is a hack that lets you have unlimited bullets in the weapon magazine.

    5.4 Auto C-bug is a hack that lets you c-bug automatically and is a little bit hard to detect. But if you see someone c-bugging really fast you should spec that player.

    6.1 Parkour mod is a hack that lets you make flips, high jumps, somersaults and more. This one is hard to explain so I made a gif from a video on it.

    6.2 Mega jump is a hack similar to the parkour mod, but you can't do flips. Instead you jump really high. Check if Happy hour is toggled on before reporting.

    6.3 Sprint hack: The cheater is found running really fast than normally.

    7.1 Teleport hack is a hack that let's you teleport to players without having your permission with /tg id. They often teleport to you and cut your throat.

    Thanks for reading and I hope this helps many new players to detect hackers and keep the community clean.

    Thanks to
    for additional information and hack explanations

    Last edited by Burnedgrass; 28-05-14, 03:55 PM. Reason: Added more hack explanations.

  • #2
    About 5.1: Rapid fire works with Deagle, Sawn off as i know. Look at the end of the weapon, and if it is constantly bullets coming out, then the player has Rapid Fire. Shoots like a minigun.

    Also sometimes the deathlist gets spammed with a Deagle or Sawnoff's.

    But you can also fly a car like airplane in the air.
    Also have Helicopter mode in a car. I want to make a video of it, if you want that. This hack is used sometimes on GamerX.
    Last edited by daan_deurloo; 24-05-14, 05:34 PM.


    • #3
      Didn't read it all but goodjob Burned.


      • #4
        Nice Job Burned


        • #5
          Wow great tutorioal! That was really helpful.


          • #6
            Good, but i have suggestion to edit...

            For health hack and armor hack (except refill): check if admin gave free health or armor, or the player used /healme (can be seen as chatbubble on the player's head).

            Originally posted by BurnedGrass View Post
            1. Airbrake is a hack that lets you drive in the air with vehicles just like if it were a road there. Not to be confused with the jump boost filterscript. (/sjb + h)
            Also check if the player is using player object (/rpo) or another vehicle mode combination (such as speed boost and instant stop)

            Originally posted by BurnedGrass View Post
            5.1 Ammo hack is a hack that gives you unlimited bullets. A good tip is if you found someone suspicious, type /tr [ID] check their ammo, let the player kill you, then check again and see if the ammo count decreased.

            5.3 No reload is a hack that lets you have unlimited bullets in the weapon magazine.
            I think player can also use /w to check all weapons and track the ammo because /tr only shows the weapon ammo that player is holding.

            Originally posted by BurnedGrass View Post
            3. Aimbot is a hack that lets you autoaim on a player. If you're using a joypad with autoaim I recommend you to stop using that since people can confuse it with aimbot.
            I'm sure this server legacy weapon mode is set to 0 (lag compensation disabled) this also disable the auto aimming on Joypad, so you don't need to recommend it.

            Originally posted by BurnedGrass View Post
            6. Parkour mod is a hack that lets you make flips and somersaults and more. This one is hard to explain so I made a gif from a video on it.
            The explanation is player can do jump higher and flip

            Also add "Mega Jump" cheat this is similar, but no flip, check if it's happy hour, because when happy hour /jump can be set to make you jump higher.

            Add this too:
            Speed hack: The cheater is driving the car so fast, similar to airbreak, can be detected on races.

            Sprint hack: The cheater is found running really fast than normally.
            KVIrc User


            • #7
              Great! very helpful Tutorial!


              • #8
                Thanks for the positive feedback everyone! And thank you Robo for the help. =)


                • #9
                  Amazing Post, Found it very useful man. ty man!


                  • #10
                    Nice Post Helpfull for all Player And New-Player
                    Sienna Belle :-Love me like you do
                    VidyaVox :-The Closer MashUp - ( Kabira ) - Vidya Vox


                    • #11
                      gud work burned , really helpfull post


                      • #12
                        Awesome post dude really helpful....
                        Speak Less Work More.


                        • #13
                          exquisite tutorial, burnedgrass! bravo! but u seem to know a lot about the subject maybe ur a hacker urself


                          • #14
                            Good job xD


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