This app is a combination of IRC and Team Speak . Discord had over 25 million users. And now our GamerX has even join it.(Know more here:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discord_(software)).
So, you can access this app through web or by downloading its app on ur device.
This is Discordapp" web page:https://discordapp.com/ and it appears like:
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Web Browser
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You can see a pic as this abt middle of the page. Click on it to directly download the app to ur windows device.
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You can see a pic as this abt middle of the page. Click on it to run the app on ur browser.
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If u click it then:

Here you will have to put your username, and press enter button.
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Then u may/may not see this:

If u see it click on the empty box.It will do verify and will take you into the app.
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If you just want to make an acccount and join a premade server, you need to press skip.
Else if you wan to make ur own server press Get Started.(I am not gona teach how to make server Google it for more info.

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When u press Skip the app appears as this:

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Verify Step(Start)

Click on it to open the settings.(It is present on the lower left corner of the window.)
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It would appear as:

This is how User Settings looks.
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Click here if u want to edit ur username.
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Click here and put ur valid email id here.
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Click here to put pass for Discord account here.(It is not asking ur Email id Password)
Then press on Done.(Work is not over yet xD)
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If u go to Setting again. It will show:

This means you have to login into ur email id provided above by u and Verify the account then u are done.
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Press here on the User Settings(Lower left corner) to logout.
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Putting A profile pic:

Click on it(While u r in User setting).
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A pop up as below will apper:

Select the which pic u want. Press Ok and done!
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Next u can use this link to login into Discord (by ur Browser):https://discordapp.com/login
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Downloaded App
Let's now talk abt Downloading it's app on pc. To be honest it will take some time to start so, be patient.

Download it's app here:https://discordapp.com/download
Ok when Download is done open it, ofc xD

Press Run
Then It would Install the app.
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When it is done a window will pop up as:

If u are already registered by following the above process u can directly log in fron here.
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Else press the register button on it.It will redirect :

Fill up the feilds. Then press continue.
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It will take u to a verify page.

Press on the box, it will redirect to some picture puzzle and solve it(It's very easy)and verify it and done!
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Refer to the Verify Step to Verify and claim ur account and refer to Putting A profile pic add profile pic to account.
Ye, U just got registered,but u need GamerX Discord Server to contact ur friend.
Stay logged in Discord and open this link:http://https://discord.gg/cnSwMEq
It appears as:

And guess what u r done now, Text or Voice chat wiyh ur GX friends.Enjoy!!
Any doubts plz reply below.