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List of the New SAMP 0.3.7 RC1 Objects

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  • List of the New SAMP 0.3.7 RC1 Objects

    You can view pictures of all of the SA-MP 0.3.7 objects here:

    The following is a list of the new SA-MP 0.3.7 RC1 objects:

    # Objects Added by Matite in SA:MP 0.3.7 (late 2014 to early 2015)

    # Property Icons
    # --------------
    19522, property_red, SAMPIcons, 200, 128
    19523, property_orange, SAMPIcons, 200, 128
    19524, property_yellow, SAMPIcons, 200, 128
    # Wedding Cake
    # ------------
    19525, WeddingCake1, WeddingCake1, 100, 0
    # ATM Fixed (previously it was black during the night)
    # ----------------------------------------------------
    19526, ATMFixed, CJ_CASINO_prop, 100, 0
    # Halloween Stuff
    # ---------------
    19527, Cauldron1, Cauldron1, 100, 0
    19528, WitchesHat1, WitchesHat1, 100, 0
    # Modular Island (grass, sand, concrete and roads)
    # ------------------------------------------------
    19529, Plane125x125Grass1, beach_sfs, 299, 2097152
    19530, Plane125x125Sand1, beach_sfs, 299, 2097152
    19531, Plane125x125Conc1, cs_ebridge, 299, 2097152
    19532, 15x125Road1, cs_ebridge, 299, 2097152
    19533, 15x62_5Road1, cs_ebridge, 299, 2097152
    19534, 15x15RoadInters1, cs_ebridge, 299, 2097152
    19535, 15x15RoadInters2, cs_ebridge, 299, 2097152
    19536, Plane62_5x125Grass1, beach_sfs, 299, 2097152
    19537, Plane62_5x125Sand1, beach_sfs, 299, 2097152
    19538, Plane62_5x125Conc1, cs_ebridge, 299, 2097152
    19539, Edge62_5x62_5Grass1, beach_sfs, 299, 2097152
    19540, Edge62_5x62_5Grass2, beach_sfs, 299, 2097152
    19541, Edge62_5x15Grass1, beach_sfs, 299, 2097152
    19542, Edge62_5x125Grass1, beach_sfs, 299, 2097152
    19543, Plane62_5x15Grass1, beach_sfs, 299, 2097152
    19544, Plane62_5x15Sand1, beach_sfs, 299, 2097152
    19545, Plane62_5x15Conc1, cs_ebridge, 299, 2097152
    19546, Edge62_5x62_5Grass3, beach_sfs, 299, 2097152
    19547, Hill125x125Grass1, beach_sfs, 299, 2097152
    19548, Hill125x125Sand1, beach_sfs, 299, 2097152
    19549, Edge62_5x32_5Grass1, beach_sfs, 299, 2097152
    # The three planes below are the same as the other
    # 125x125 planes above except they have some random
    # lighter areas visible during the night.
    19550, Plane125x125Grass2, beach_sfs, 299, 2097152
    19551, Plane125x125Sand2, beach_sfs, 299, 2097152
    19552, Plane125x125Conc2, cs_ebridge, 299, 2097152
    # Extracted from Skins (hats, mask, boxing gloves and backpack)
    # -------------------------------------------------------------
    19553, StrawHat1, CWMOFR, 100, 2097152
    19554, Beanie1, ogloc, 100, 2097152
    19555, BoxingGloveL, vbmybox, 100, 2097152
    19556, BoxingGloveR, vbmybox, 100, 2097152
    19557, SexyMask1, wfysex, 100, 2097152
    19558, PizzaHat1, wmypizz, 100, 2097152
    19559, HikerBackpack1, wmybp, 100, 2097152
    # Extracted from Supermarket Items
    # --------------------------------
    19560, MeatTray1, MeatTray1, 100, 0
    19561, CerealBox1, cj_ss_1, 100, 0
    19562, CerealBox2, cj_ss_1, 100, 0
    19563, JuiceBox1, cj_ss_1, 100, 0
    19564, JuiceBox2, cj_ss_1, 100, 0
    19565, IceCreamBarsBox1, cj_ss_4, 100, 0
    19566, FishFingersBox1, cj_ss_4, 100, 0
    19567, IcecreamContainer1, cj_ss_4, 100, 0
    19568, IcecreamContainer2, cj_ss_4, 100, 0
    19569, MilkCarton1, cj_ss_2, 100, 0
    19570, MilkBottle1, cj_ss_2, 100, 0
    19571, PizzaBox1, cj_ss_2, 100, 0
    19572, PisshBox1, cj_ss_1, 100, 0
    19573, BriquettesBag1, cj_ss_1, 100, 0
    # Fruit
    # -----
    19574, Orange1, SAMPFruits, 100, 0
    19575, Apple1, SAMPFruits, 100, 0
    19576, Apple2, SAMPFruits, 100, 0
    19577, Tomato1, SAMPFruits, 100, 0
    19578, Banana1, SAMPFruits, 100, 0
    # Loaf of Bread
    # -------------
    19579, BreadLoaf1, BreadLoaf1, 100, 0
    # Extracted Pepperoni Pizza
    # -------------------------
    19580, Pizza1, cj_ff_acc1, 100, 0
    # Extracted from Marco's Bistro Kitchen
    # -------------------------------------
    19581, MarcosFryingPan1, lee_kitch, 100, 0
    19582, MarcosSteak1, lee_kitch, 100, 0
    19583, MarcosKnife1, lee_kitch, 100, 0
    19584, MarcosSaucepan1, lee_kitch, 100, 0
    19585, MarcosPan1, lee_kitch, 100, 0
    19586, MarcosSpatula1, lee_kitch, 100, 4
    # Extracted from a Stack of Plastic Trays and Edited
    # --------------------------------------------------
    19587, PlasticTray1, labins01_la, 100, 2097156
    # Wooden Foot Bridge
    # ------------------
    19588, FootBridge1, FootBridge1, 299, 0
    # Extracted and Edited Rubbish Skip
    # ---------------------------------
    19589, RubbishSkipEmpty1, break_s_bins, 100, 0
    # Extracted from Woozie's Apartment
    # ---------------------------------
    19590, WooziesSword1, ab_wooziec, 100, 0
    19591, WooziesHandFan1, ab_wooziec, 100, 2097152
    # Extracted from a Stack of Baskets and Edited
    # --------------------------------------------
    19592, ShopBasket1, temp_shop, 100, 2097152
    # SF ZomboTech Building and Lab
    # -----------------------------
    # These objects can be used to replace the ZomboTech building in SF.
    # The filterscript called sf_zombotech can be used to remove the
    # existing GTASA map objects, replace the building, add the new lab
    # building below the ground and add an elevator.
    19593, ZomboTechBuilding1, bigwhitesfe, 299, 0
    19594, ZomboTechLab1, ZomboTechLab1, 299, 0
    # LS Appartments
    # --------------
    # This object can be used to replace a block of apartments in LS.
    # The filterscript called ls_apartments1 can be used to remove the
    # existing GTASA map objects, replace the building and add an
    # elevator.
    19595, LSAppartments1, LSAppartments1, 299, 2097156
    # LS BeachSide
    # ------------
    # These objects can be used to replace a block of apartments on the
    # beach in LS. The filterscript called ls_beachside can be used to
    # remove the existing GTASA map objects, replace the building and
    # add an elevator.
    19596, LSBeachSide, LSBeachSide, 299, 2097156
    19597, LSBeachSideInsides, LSBeachSide, 125, 0
    # 19598 = Reserved for SF Building 1
    # 19599 = Reserved for SF Building 1 Insides
    # 19600 = Reserved for SF Building 1 Land
    # Snow Plow
    # ---------
    # Attach to the front of the Barracks vehicle for best results.
    19601, SnowPlow1, SnowPlow1, 150, 0
    # Landmine Edited
    # ---------------
    # Removed the red light at night and dynamic property.
    19602, Landmine1, mine, 150, 0
    # Water Plane
    # -----------
    # A 5m by 5m plane with semi-transparent water texture.
    19603, WaterPlane1, ballyswater, 150, 2097156
    # A 5m x 10m plane with semi transparent and animated water texture.
    19604, WaterPlane2, ballyswater, 150, 2097156
    # Different Coloured EnEx Markers
    # -------------------------------
    # Red, Green and Blue.
    19605, EnExMarker4-2, EnExMarkers, 150, 68
    19606, EnExMarker4-3, EnExMarkers, 150, 68
    19607, EnExMarker4-4, EnExMarkers, 150, 68
    # Stage and Music Equipment
    # -------------------------
    19608, WoodenStage1, WoodenStage1, 299, 0
    19609, DrumKit1, dr_gsstudio, 100, 2097156
    19610, Microphone1, Microphone1, 100, 0
    19611, MicrophoneStand1, Microphone1, 100, 2097156
    19612, GuitarAmp1, dr_gsstudio, 100, 0
    19613, GuitarAmp2, dr_gsstudio, 100, 0
    19614, GuitarAmp3, dr_gsstudio, 100, 0
    19615, GuitarAmp4, dr_gsstudio, 100, 0
    19616, GuitarAmp5, dr_gsstudio, 100, 0
    19617, GoldRecord1, dr_gsstudio, 100, 0
    # Safe with Seperate Door
    # -----------------------
    # You can use the MoveObject() function to make the safe door
    # open and close. The safe_animated filterscript shows you an
    # example of how to do it.
    19618, Safe1, kbmiscfrn2, 100, 0
    19619, SafeDoor1, kbmiscfrn2, 100, 0
    # New Police Light Bar Model
    # --------------------------
    # Uses UV animation so it works during the day too.
    19620, LightBar1, LightBar1, 200, 0
    # Extracted from Cutscene IMG and Edited
    # --------------------------------------
    19621, OilCan1, OilCan1, 100, 0
    19622, Broom1, Broom1, 100, 0
    19623, Camera1, Camera1, 100, 0
    19624, Case1, Case1, 100, 0
    19625, Ciggy1, Ciggy1, 50, 0
    19626, Spade1, Spade1, 100, 0
    19627, Wrench1, Wrench1, 100, 0
    # Modular Road Banked Corners
    # ---------------------------
    19628, MRoadBend90Banked1, cs_ebridge, 250, 5
    19629, MRoadBend90Banked2, cs_ebridge, 250, 5
    # 3D Fish (Bream)
    # ---------------
    19630, Fish1, Fish1SAMP, 100, 4
    # Sledge Hammer
    # -------------
    19631, SledgeHammer1, SledgeHammer1, 100, 0
    # Burning Logs
    # ------------
    19632, FireWood1, FireWood1, 100, 0
    # 360 Degree Ramps
    # ----------------
    19633, Ramp360Degree1, landjump, 200, 0
    19634, Ramp360Degree2, landjump, 299, 0
    19635, Ramp360Degree3, landjump, 299, 0
    # Fruit Crates
    # ------------
    # For transporting on a truck or adding to the shop shelf below.
    19636, RedApplesCrate1, FruitCrates1, 100, 2097156
    19637, GreenApplesCrate1, FruitCrates1, 100, 2097156
    19638, OrangesCrate1, FruitCrates1, 100, 2097156
    19639, EmptyCrate1, FruitCrates1, 100, 0
    # Empty Shop Shelf
    # ----------------
    # Stock it with your preferred items. Three fruit crates will fit
    # side by side on the bottom shelf.
    19640, EmptyShopShelf1, new_cabinets3, 100, 2097156
    # Wooden Fence Section
    # --------------------
    19641, FenceSection1, FenceSection1, 250, 4
    # Half Tube Objects
    # -----------------
    # The MatTubes TXD file contains different coloured textures
    # (RedDirt1, GreenDirt1, BlueDirt1, YellowDirt1 and PurpleDirt1)
    # that can be used to re-colour the tubes below by using the
    # SetObjectMaterial or SetPlayerObjectMaterial functions.
    # Re-colouring the tubes this way preserves the shading (the
    # vertex colours and vertex illumination).
    # The tubes are available in three sizes... normal (100%),
    # medium (50%) and small (25%).
    # ------------------------------------------
    # The tubes in this section are normal size:
    19642, TubeSeg10m1, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19643, TubeSeg10m2a, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19644, TubeSeg10m2b, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19645, TubeSeg25m1, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19646, TubeHalf10m1, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19647, TubeHalf10mJoin1a, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19648, TubeHalf10mJoin1b, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19649, TubeHalf50m1, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19650, TubeFlat25x25m1, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19651, TubeHalfSpiral1a, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19652, TubeHalfSpiral1b, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19653, TubeHalfSpiral2a, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19654, TubeHalfSpiral2b, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19655, TubeHalfSpiral3a, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19656, TubeHalfSpiral3b, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19657, TubeHalfSpiral4a, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19658, TubeHalfSpiral4b, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19659, TubeHalf180Bend1a, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19660, TubeHalf180Bend1b, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19661, TubeHalf90Bend1a, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19662, TubeHalf90Bend1b, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19663, TubeHalf50mDip1, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19664, TubeHalf50mBump1, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19665, TubeHalfLoop1a, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19666, TubeHalfLoop1b, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19667, TubeHalfLoop2a, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19668, TubeHalfLoop2b, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19669, TubeHalfBowl1, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19670, TubeSupport1, dynsigns, 299, 0
    19671, TubeSupport2, dynsigns, 299, 0
    19672, TubeHalfLight1, dynsigns, 299, 0
    19673, TubeHalf5Bend1a, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19674, TubeHalf5Bend1b, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19675, TubeHalf5Bend2a, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19676, TubeHalf5Bend2b, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19677, TubeHalfTwist1a, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19678, TubeHalfTwist1b, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19679, TubeHalfTwist2a, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19680, TubeHalfTwist2b, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19681, TubeHalf45Bend1a, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19682, TubeHalf45Bend1b, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19683, TubeHalf15Bend1a, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19684, TubeHalf15Bend1b, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19685, TubeHalf15Bend2a, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19686, TubeHalf15Bend2b, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19687, TubeHalf25m1, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19688, TubeHalf45Bend3, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19689, TubeHalf45Bend4, MatTubes, 299, 0
    # ------------------------------------------
    # The tubes in this section join normal
    # tubes (above) to medium tubes (below):
    19690, TubeHalfNtoMJoin1a, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19691, TubeHalfNtoMJoin1b, MatTubes, 299, 0
    # ------------------------------------------
    # The tubes in this section are medium size:
    19692, MTubeSeg5m1, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19693, MTubeSeg5m2a, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19694, MTubeSeg5m2b, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19695, MTubeSeg12_5m1, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19696, MTubeHalf10m1, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19697, MTubeHalf5mJoin1a, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19698, MTubeHalf5mJoin1b, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19699, MTubeHalf25m1, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19700, MTubeFlt12_5x12_5m1, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19701, MTubeHalfSpiral1a, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19702, MTubeHalfSpiral1b, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19703, MTubeHalfSpiral2a, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19704, MTubeHalfSpiral2b, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19705, MTubeHalfSpiral3a, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19706, MTubeHalfSpiral3b, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19707, MTubeHalfSpiral4a, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19708, MTubeHalfSpiral4b, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19709, MTubeHalf180Bend1a, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19710, MTubeHalf180Bend1b, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19711, MTubeHalf90Bend1a, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19712, MTubeHalf90Bend1b, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19713, MTubeHalf25mDip1, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19714, MTubeHalf25mBump1, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19715, MTubeHalfBowl1, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19716, MTubeSupport1, dynsigns, 299, 0
    19717, MTubeSupport2, dynsigns, 299, 0
    19718, MTubeHalfLight1, dynsigns, 299, 0
    19719, MTubeHalf5Bend1a, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19720, MTubeHalf5Bend1b, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19721, MTubeHalf5Bend2a, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19722, MTubeHalf5Bend2b, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19723, MTubeHalf45Bend1a, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19724, MTubeHalf45Bend1b, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19725, MTubeHalf15Bend1a, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19726, MTubeHalf15Bend1b, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19727, MTubeHalf15Bend2a, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19728, MTubeHalf15Bend2b, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19729, MTubeHalf45Bend3, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19730, MTubeHalf45Bend4, MatTubes, 299, 0
    # ------------------------------------------
    # The tubes in this section join medium
    # tubes (above) to small tubes (below):
    19731, TubeHalfMtoSJoin1a, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19732, TubeHalfMtoSJoin1B, MatTubes, 299, 0
    # ------------------------------------------
    # The tubes in this section are small size:
    19733, STubeSeg5m1, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19734, STubeSeg5m2a, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19735, STubeSeg5m2b, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19736, STubeSeg6_25m1, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19737, STubeHalf10m1, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19738, STubeHalf5mJoin1a, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19739, STubeHalf5mJoin1b, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19740, STubeHalf12_5m1, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19741, STubeFlat6_25m1, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19742, STubeHalfSpiral1a, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19743, STubeHalfSpiral1b, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19744, STubeHalfSpiral2a, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19745, STubeHalfSpiral2b, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19746, STubeHalfSpiral3a, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19747, STubeHalfSpiral3b, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19748, STubeHalfSpiral4a, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19749, STubeHalfSpiral4b, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19750, STubeHalf180Bend1a, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19751, STubeHalf180Bend1b, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19752, STubeHalf90Bend1a, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19753, STubeHalf90Bend1b, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19754, STubeHalf12_5mDip1, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19755, STubeHalf12_5mBump1, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19756, STubeHalfBowl1, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19757, STubeSupport1, dynsigns, 299, 0
    19758, STubeSupport2, dynsigns, 299, 0
    19759, STubeHalfLight1, dynsigns, 299, 0
    19760, STubeHalf5Bend1a, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19761, STubeHalf5Bend1b, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19762, STubeHalf5Bend2a, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19763, STubeHalf5Bend2b, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19764, STubeHalf45Bend1a, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19765, STubeHalf45Bend1b, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19766, STubeHalf15Bend1a, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19767, STubeHalf15Bend1b, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19768, STubeHalf15Bend2a, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19769, STubeHalf15Bend2b, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19770, STubeHalf45Bend3, MatTubes, 299, 0
    19771, STubeHalf45Bend4, MatTubes, 299, 0
    # Crushed Car Cube
    # ----------------
    19772, CrushedCarCube1, CrushedCarCube1, 100, 0
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------
    # Police and FBI Stuff
    # --------------------
    19773, GunHolster1, MatCopStuff, 100, 0
    19774, PoliceBadge2, MatCopStuff, 100, 2097152
    19775, PoliceBadge3, MatCopStuff, 100, 2097152
    19776, FBIIDCard1, MatCopStuff, 100, 2097152
    19777, FBILogo1, MatCopStuff, 100, 2097156
    19778, InsigniaDetective1, MatPoliceInsignias, 100, 2097156
    19779, InsigniaDetective2, MatPoliceInsignias, 100, 2097156
    19780, InsigniaDetective3, MatPoliceInsignias, 100, 2097156
    19781, InsigniaSergeant1, MatPoliceInsignias, 100, 2097156
    19782, InsigniaSergeant2, MatPoliceInsignias, 100, 2097156
    19783, InsigniaPOfficer2, MatPoliceInsignias, 100, 2097156
    19784, InsigniaPOfficer3, MatPoliceInsignias, 100, 2097156
    19785, InsigniaSeniorLdOff, MatPoliceInsignias, 100, 2097156
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------
    # LCD TVs
    # -------
    19786, LCDTVBig1, SAMPLCDTVs1, 100, 0
    19787, LCDTV1, SAMPLCDTVs1, 100, 0
    # Animated (ANIM) Objects
    # -----------------------
    # Note: You cannot have more than three ANIM objects in total
    # listed below and/or in the Custom.IDE file.
    19901, AnimTube, MatTextures, AnimTube, 299, 0
    19902, EnExMarker4, EnExMarkers, EnExMarker4, 150, 68
    More information is available here:

    Last edited by Matite; 22-04-15, 02:52 PM. Reason: Added link to a page with some of the pictures

  • #2
    Fantastic work, should make building even better now! Loving the new updates.


    • #3
      Omg omg , this looks so awesome , can't wait , + can the new objects be converted normally to MTA OBJECTS so building will become way easier . I converted the special Samp objects normally tho ( the old ones )
      Bibo's Youtube Channel


      • #4
        That's great Matite! I liked the banana the most

        "In a closed society where everybody's guilty, the only crime is getting caught. In a world of thieves, the only final sin is stupidity."

        "Their control panel sucks, if you see, they do not have $$ to buy a gamecp license." ~ Woot


        • #5

          Already messing with the objects. I love the lights on the stage, as well as the land modules.


          • #6
            Few lhos


            • #7
              Great Update Matite


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