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GamerX Holding Object Guide

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  • iceCupa
    Originally posted by Umi_Hash View Post
    First off this isn't exactly the ideal place to ask a question.
    Secondly there is proabably no such holding object as "TUNE" which is why you couldnt load one

    /Eho requires a lot more than just typing in the name, it is to create a new holding object not to attach an existing one.

    Read this thread well to get the basic idea of how holding objects work here at GamerX

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  • G_St4r


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  • BigleBomb
    Originally posted by Toxic
    Thank you ,Robo ! .
    Originally posted by Robo_N1X View Post
    However, i don't want "thank you" in the post, just use "thanks button"

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  • devil_jin
    well done bro

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  • Robo
    Originally posted by BllaTe View Post
    You did this because I have asked how that goes?

    Anyway, that's a really good help.
    Good job, Robo!
    I made this long long long time ago.
    I decide to re-post because i've seen many question related to holding objects.

    However, i don't want "thank you" in the post, just use "thanks button" even if you are commenting for good thing. So we can prevent spam.
    If you have any question related to holding objects, or about this thread (if there is a mistake or something to add) then post here.

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  • Eugine
    Nice effort , well done!

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  • BllaTe
    You did this because I have asked how that goes?

    Anyway, that's a really good help.
    Good job, Robo!

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  • Robo
    started a topic GamerX Holding Object Guide

    GamerX Holding Object Guide


    Holding Object is an non solid (no collision) object that can be attached to a player's body part.The holding object is based in SetPlayerAttachedObject function (and its related). In SA:MP 0.3d, It's possible to hold up to 10 different objects for a player. Also the object model for Holding Object is same as Player Object, Normal Object, and Streamed Object in SA:MP (it means that you can also have holding object with SA:MP objects and custom IMG file)

    In GamerX the Holding Objects feature were added in SA:MP 0.3c, Player using holding object as clothes, accessories, animation objects, vehicle objects, etc to make their character (/skin) looks cool (also sometimes for vehicle).
    You're free to create your custom holding object, save it to the server, share to another player, load it when you want to use it again.

    Basic Guide

    *NOTE: The dialog message above is not updated, that one says you can only hold one object at a time. However, you can have up to 10 holding objects.


    To equip holding object, there are 3 ways:
    • Create
    You can create an holding object to attach it to your body, by using /myholdingobject (/moh or /mho). You can specify the object model and the object position you want, size of the object, also the slot (You can hold up to 10 objects with slot number 0 to 9).
    You can't attach an holding object to another player (ask them to load or refresh yours), only admin that can set or create an holding object for specified player.
    To change the position of your holding object, you have to set the parameter(s) with /myholdingobject (/moh or /mho) command such as X/Y/Z offset, and RotX/RotY/RotZ offset. The position will depends with your skin, the bone you set, also you can specify the size of the object. Please note that the holding object(s) position is not always same with another skin.
    • Load
    You can load an holding object that already created and saved (with name) to the server by yourself, another player, and from the server (by GamerX Team).
    Use /loadholdingobject (/lho) with the file name to load one holding object, you can also specify which slot you want to put to.
    Use /loadholdingobjectset (/lhos) with the file name to load holding objects set, the slot that will be used/replaced is cannot be changed (the slots from the option in the file).
    To load holding object that created by GamerX Team (mostly by Matite, another is created by players that requested in old forum), use /ho command to display the dialog menu, it's also show you the categories, including holding object set.
    Another way to load an holding object is using commands from /holdingobjecthelp (/holdinghelp, /holdhelp, /hohelp, /hhelp, or /hoh), this command will show the dialog of quick holding object command (example: /skull, /surfboard2, /dice, etc) and also a little information about holding object.
    For NPC, admin can enable/disable an holding object on them (example: Xmas tree on tram driver bot).

    • Refresh
    If you want to hold what another player is currently hold, use /refreshholdingobject (/rho) command with their ID or Name specified.
    This command allows you to set your holding object with the same holding object as the player specified (if they're currently holding any object).
    Please note that, the holding object(s) that you created is visible to all player(s) if they're near or can see you.

    Like i said before, in GamerX you can also save your holding object(s) that you've made to the server. It means that you can load it back when you want to use it again.
    Use /saveholdingobject (/sho) command with the file name as parameter to save your holding object. You can also specify which slot you want to save (use /loadholdingobject or /lho command to load it).
    Use /saveholdingobjectset (/shos) command with the file name parameter to save your holding objects set. It will save all holding object(s) that you currently hold/use (use /loadholdingobjectset or /lhos command to load it).
    You can't save an holding object with a name that already existed/saved, you have to save with another unused file name, or ask an admin to delete it (if you made it).
    It's important to know that you shouldn't use /saveholdingobjectset (/shos) if you only hold one holding object.
    Please note that an admin can delete an holding object file or holding objects set file, after they deleted it, the file can't be restored.

    If you want to remove ALL your holding object(s), you can use /removemyholdingobject (/rmho) command to remove it from your body (this action cannot be undone, you cannot restore it if you have not yet save it).
    NOTE: ALL of your holding object(s) will be removed if you joined a minigame (not all minigames), race, suicide (after dying or respawning, including when you used /kill command), killed by another player , and leave the server.
    Please note that an admin can remove specified player's holding object (If any) it's like forcing you to type /rmho, they may have some reason to remove your holding object(s), probably because it's annoying (usually because the object is too big or you use it in race).

    Simple Guide

    If you still confused with guide above, this one is more simply.

    Creating (Equipping)
    To start creating an holding object/set, first thing you need is the object model you want to attach. You can find the object model type/id from the following page(s): by category with image) (SA:MP objects) (some list from SA:MP Wiki)
    Next step is choosing the bone (see /bones in game or

    And then use a command /MHO to create it, by following usage (See here for more information):
    /mho [Object Model] (Bone ID) (X) (Y) (Z) (RX) (RY) (RZ) (SX) (SY) (SZ) (Slot Number)

    *Note: The dialog message above is not updated (it was for SA:MP 0.3c), so its written that you can hold up to 5 holding objects.
    However, in SA:MP 0.3d, you can hold up to 10 holding objects
    for example (holding a fake m4 in right hand):
    /mho 356 6 (this way is skipping the unused parameters, you can use 0, space or leave blank if you don't want to specify the next parameter, so it will use the optional value)

    Positioning Holding Object
    There are two ways to set holding object position, one is on basic guide (using /mho), if you don't understand that, you can use the SA:MP 0.3e edit function:
    /eho [Slot Number]

    (More information coming soon)

    Loading (Equipping)
    If you want to load an holding object that has been created, use /LHO command with following usage:
    /lho [File Name] (Slot Number) - to load an holding object (you can specify the slot number)

    /lhos [File Name] - to load an holding object(s) set (will use & replace the slot number that was saved in the file option)

    NOTE: The file name is capital letters matter, also it will not load if you put a special character also it's not contain space.

    If you want to see some holding object(s) that saved (by another player or you if you already posted that), you can take a look:
    Another way to load holding object is by using /HO command to load an holding object by categories, the objects mostly created by Matite and another is created by players that requested in old forum (Will use & replace the slot number that saved in the file option)

    Or you can see commands (click here for info) from /HOH (Will use & replace the slot number that saved in the file option)

    Refreshing (Equipping)
    If you want to use what another player is holding, you can use /RHO command with following usage:
    /rho [Player Name/ID] (The Player's Holding Object Slot Number)

    To save your holding object/set (If any), you can use:
    /sho [File Name] (From Slot Number) - for an holding object

    /shos [File Name] - for all of your holding object(s) as holding object set.

    If you want to share your holding object that you've made (and saved), you can post it here with the name of holding object(s) and image(s):

    To remove holding object from your body, you can use /RMHO command or type /KILL (to kill yourself)

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

    Q: What is holding object?
    A: Holding object is a object that can be attached to player's body, so the object will move if the player's body is moving
    Q: How i can use some holding object?
    A: See Equiping section (above).
    Q: I equipped an holding object/set. Can another player see it?
    A: Yes, not like player object(s), your holding object is visible to another player.
    Q: I equipped holding object from /ho or the commands from /hoh, will my holding object that i hold currently removed?
    A: Not really, it depends on your holding object slot you used. Please note that if you use those command it will replace slot number 0 till the number object of it (will not use the free slot). It's mean that it wont remove all your holding object(s), except if there is a holding objects that needs full slot (0 to 9) to equip it.
    Q: How do i create more than one holding object?
    A: Try to change the slot number between 0 to 9, you can change it in the last parameter of /mho (see above). For example: /mho 356 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 <- this one will use the first slot and then /mho 356 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 <- this one will use the second slot, now you have 2 holding objects attached (m4 in right hand & m4 in the back). You can also set the object position/bone/scale for each slot.
    Q: I get in a vehicle, do the object still on my body?
    A: Yes, but it doesn't meant that your object will be attached to a vehicle, as soon you leave the car, the object will follow your body again.
    Q: How do i create an holding object to vehicle?
    A: Actually, you can't create an holding object for vehicle, like i said before (above). But you can still hold holding object(s) in a vehicle, it's hard to create it, you need a big experience on holding object (specially on positioning). Mostly people using foots-area bone to create an holding object in vehicle (7 to 12) because with this bones, the holding object only moving when you change radio station (also another animations that applied with commands). Please see here for more information
    Q: I loaded an holding object set from /ho, it's a neon for infernus (/car). Does it fit on another vehicle?
    A: No, because every vehicle has different sit position, so it will not fit to some another car because your animation (sitting in a vehicle). It's also affect for another seat (passenger seat) because the position of holding object is depends on the player's body position
    Q: I left the server, do i will get my holding object back next time i join?
    A: No, your holding object will be automatically removed when you left the server. This also happens when you joined a minigame (not all minigames), joined a race (with /join command), and when you die (including /kill command). You can't get your holding object(s) back, unless you have saved it already. (see removing section above)
    Q: I saved an holding object/set about 2 years ago, why i can't load it?
    A: Probably, because there was a server crash and the files were lost, see here for information. Well i don't know/not sure if there is a way to restore it back. Sorry about it :-\.
    Q: I didn't find what i'm looking here (about the holding object), i have also read all information on this topic. What should i do?
    A: You can send me a pm (with subject this topic) if you have some missed information on this topic or you can also ask someone in-game about this.

    Credits to:
    Rz4ever6 for his topic about holding object
    Drebin for his article on GamerX Wiki
    Dark, daan_deurloo for his thread about objects by category list with image (Originally made by Millie_lilou)
    AtenA_GirL for her thread about accessories object (SA:MP 0.3c/d) list with image
    Lenito, SugarX for their thread about some saved holding object/set list
    SA:MP Wiki for some holding object information and objects list
    This thread is not finished yet!
    So please if there is something need to be changed or added, you can send me a pm or request (in game/forum) about this
    Thank you for visiting this thread, i hope it will be helpful for you
    Sorry for too many pictures in this topic and my bad english :-X
    Last edited by Robo; 01-01-14, 07:31 PM.

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