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How to post a suggestion [READ BEFORE POSTING]

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  • How to post a suggestion [READ BEFORE POSTING]

    The Suggestions board is somewhere that players can suggest new features (commands, entire features, changes, etc) for GamerX overall. This means that you can suggest new features for the echo system, the gamemode, the forums, and the website.

    Please note that this board is not for bug reports, these belong in the Bug Reports board, and also note that there are sub forums for things such as IMG File Requests and Property Requests.

    Basic Guidelines

    When suggesting something, please remember to label your suggestion by adding a tag to the subject name (ie [GAMEMODE], [IRC], etc) and remember to also explain your idea sufficiently, as your suggestion will be immediately deleted if its not clear enough.

    Also, do not post or attach any code or filterscripts/gamemodes to your suggestion. We do not use random code from the SA-MP forums, and are perfectly capable of coding any features ourselves.


    Please, search before you post a suggestion! If it has already been suggested do not suggest it again as it will just be deleted.

    Please note that this rule is not meant to be too restrictive. If someone else has already suggested something similar to your suggestion, then you are allowed to post it, or if someone else suggested it, but did not suggest it well then you can re post it (and make sure its clear).

    Note that repeated failure to follow the rules of this section may result in making yourself Banned.
    Last edited by Robo; 14-06-14, 10:36 AM. Reason: added link for bug reports and img file suggestion

  • #2
    NOTE: If you want to reply to a suggestion, then try to discuss about it please or give a statement to it with valueable content. Point out where the difficulties are or what else could be improved. Find arguments why you are for or against the suggestion.

    We don't want to read which suggestion you like or which you don't, thats not the point of it. So please hold your fingers back if you got nothing useful to post - otherwise your post get deleted.
    Last edited by Left; 23-09-15, 11:01 PM.
    * PM from Vishwajit_king (ID:74) to Left (ID:31): thanks sir for rejecting my TP application
    * PM from Vishwajit_king (ID:74) to Left (ID:31): sir i love admins like u


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