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Permanent Class

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  • Permanent Class

    Here I come with one simple suggestion, allowing players to have their favorite class, so, this way, it wont be necessary to chose class everytime we rejoin. When we login, it will spawn us automatically in our chosen class spawn zone. Of course we are allowed to change it with F4+/k.

    And no, I'm not lazy to go into my class, i dont waste 5 seconds on it, but i think this would be a cool feature

  • #2
    Not about laziness, but it would be better that when we join the server we get automatically spawned to our preferred class.
    Beside that alot of players spawn as Medic it doesn't take time just clicking on 'Spawn' but for those who skip classes and classes to find his preferred class. +1

    "I'm still playing the game, having a great time."

    Jason Giambi


    • #3

      I wrote this ages back, and almost everyone loves this idea of auto spawning!

      As my days as a new TP, I loved this suggestion to bits and I still think to this date that this is an exceptionally brilliant feature that should be implemented into GamerX. A lot of scripters didn't really respond here and I don't think we have any scripters active at the moment therefore it will be a shot in the dark however I'll go ahead and suggest and put out my idea still. So first thing is first, this can be added in and has been considered in the past:

      Originally posted by In TP Suggestions Section
      I thought of an idea,that TPs can choose a default class so they dont have to choose it everytime they enter the server. btw,its a good hideout.

      Edit By Matite: We will look into this in the future... we would like a way that registered players (not just TPs) can choose their default class.
      So we can clearly see that Matite is in favor of this suggestion...sorta. Anyway so how will this work anyway? So basically once we are registered, we pick a class and we spawn. After we spawn we can use a command such as /tac (/toggleautoclass) which will turn ON and OFF the ability to auto select the class. The class that is made your auto-class is the class you are present in when typing the command, /tac.

      Conditions when using the command
      • Player must be spawned in a class
      • Player must be registered

      • Player presses F4 - Once pressing F4, /tac is toggled OFF, and the next time you die you are again present in the spawn selection screen, you once again need to turn on /tac in order to enable it again

      Doesn't seem too complicated does it? Therefore I would like to bump this suggestion. Don't know if Rick or a scripter will see this but I am bumping it anyway.

      Please stop asking why I got my admin status removed. I chose to be demoted and there's no drama behind it.


      • #4
        Yes pleeeease, this is amazing, +50


        • #5
          +1 very great idea!

          Just have fun!


          • #6
            I don't see what is so special in it? You choose the class when you join the server which doesn't even take 5 seconds. What is the sense of it ?
            * PM from Vishwajit_king (ID:74) to Left (ID:31): thanks sir for rejecting my TP application
            * PM from Vishwajit_king (ID:74) to Left (ID:31): sir i love admins like u


            • #7
              Originally posted by Left View Post
              I don't see what is so special in it? You choose the class when you join the server which doesn't even take 5 seconds. What is the sense of it ?
              The truth is that it is not very grate every time a re-logentra on the server, has to be choosing the class, the good thing about this suggestion is that if it is applied we will not have to choose the class all the time. Having a pre-determined class and when we want to change class we use commands instead of re-log etc....

              Just have fun!


              • #8
                You don't have to relog to change your class. It works well with F4. It takes couple of seconds to select your character so its pretty useless for me..
                * PM from Vishwajit_king (ID:74) to Left (ID:31): thanks sir for rejecting my TP application
                * PM from Vishwajit_king (ID:74) to Left (ID:31): sir i love admins like u


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Left View Post
                  You don't have to relog to change your class. It works well with F4. It takes couple of seconds to select your character so its pretty useless for me..

                  For what it would serve more than anything is when you have to leave the server and have to choose the classes again and there are times that one is the same and has to do the procedure again if we had to choose 1 time Class And we have forever, it would be easier...
                  (we could also change the class when we want with f4 etc...)

                  Just have fun!


                  • #10
                    It is same thinking of the short commands. For example /sc and /spendcookies. It doesn't take you 5 seconds to type the long command, but the short is there because is more practical.


                    • #11
                      I'm thinking it's good idea.. +1


                      • #12
                        Maybe it is not necessary. Take 5 sec to choose class doesn't waste much time .. what you're wasting time is open samp looking at samp loading screen and Verona beach.

                        /sc doesn't same with this , spend cookies get chainsaw and country rifle which can't using any cmd to get it
                        \(0.0)/ MaxSafy ~
                        o.O.o Allen ~
                        (~0.0)~ Robo_N1X


                        • #13
                          Why was the auto rejoin Minigame added then? That takes around 5 seconds too to get back to. Sometimes we need to look at the ease of players, and little features such as this just make the game much more intriguing. Plus a lot of players want this feature added, so why not make the players happy? It isn't really TOO hard of a task in coding either.
                          Please stop asking why I got my admin status removed. I chose to be demoted and there's no drama behind it.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Eliteus View Post
                            Why was the auto rejoin Minigame added then?
                            Auto rejoin minigame help us rejoin different minigames easily, so we don't need to use the cmd again and again. This feature just for once to us while we login , except for those who're usually quit the game when goes afk. To look at the ease of players and a lot of players like this feature , I've no problem with it. For me, I'm neutral
                            Last edited by Poro; 15-01-17, 03:44 PM. Reason: rip yellow color
                            \(0.0)/ MaxSafy ~
                            o.O.o Allen ~
                            (~0.0)~ Robo_N1X


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Eliteus View Post
                              Plus a lot of players want this feature added, so why not make the players happy? It isn't really TOO hard of a task in coding either.
                              Good, I hope it will be implemented! Good Luck!

                              Just have fun!


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