Since we are a very united community I was thinking about having a list of friends in the game... when a friend enters the server, in the chat it will leave an ''announcement'' that your friend has entered the server.
Commands: /addfriend id. /Deletefriend id /friendlist.
We can only have 10 slot to add friends, ''staff members only if they have you on your friends list you can add them, otherwise you will not be able to''
- the friends that you have in your ''friends list'' can send you private messages even when you have /nopm.... and with the command /friendlist you can also see who is online of your friends with the nick name in green or in Red if not connected example:
1: Bweeee - online
2: Manuel - offline
6: .........
7: .........
8: .........
9: .........
10: ........
Commands: /addfriend id. /Deletefriend id /friendlist.
We can only have 10 slot to add friends, ''staff members only if they have you on your friends list you can add them, otherwise you will not be able to''
- the friends that you have in your ''friends list'' can send you private messages even when you have /nopm.... and with the command /friendlist you can also see who is online of your friends with the nick name in green or in Red if not connected example:
1: Bweeee - online
2: Manuel - offline
6: .........
7: .........
8: .........
9: .........
10: ........