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  • Suggestions

    1. Dialogue menus:
    Make /stats, /tr2, /duel etc as text draw menus like text boxes, since you can't move when type them commands, just thought this could be better then getting a stop of checking them, at least add text draw menus to the more critical ones.

    2. Message when you got full cash:
    When you got full amount of cash ($999999999), you should get a message of /myp earnings, that you can't receive anymore cash due to that you've maxed that amount, same messages when admins gives gifts or so.

    Edit: As Gengar suggested, perhaps could directly go to bank if maxed out too.

    3. On screen Text aka OST at Footer textdraw location, or above it:
    I think, duels, reaching a rank, events like death-match one or so should be at a separate location then the mainchat, or IF players wants it at mainchat sure, but I think it's pretty hard to sometimes follow /pm:s when everything is so colored and a lot happeing in that mainchat, so therefore an option should be like having OST enabled or disabled, enabled means that then some messages will show up at the bottom and disabled it will be normally at the mainchat if you rather prefer that.

    4. /pa command:
    I think the /pa [num] [num] should work when you also type /pa [num] to single colors for cars which only accept single colors, a lot faster to type it in like that, so it automatically reverse the code to painted in 21, 21, done, it's doable.

    5. /near [color] - /near:
    I think this command could be rather cool to have, if you type it in, you'll see like one color closest to you if you only type /near and if you type /near blue you'll see the closest blue colored labelled player.

    6. Remove the walking in animation when goes through CPs (checkpoints):
    It's rather annoying, someone can abuse this, by walking into it and waiting for you to come inside and just shoot, since you're in animation, you can't do much, it's doable to just walk in, without that walking/open door animation. Sometimes it actually have no animation, but mostly it got one.
    Last edited by KillingMachino; 20-01-17, 01:11 PM. Reason: Added info.

  • #2
    1. For /stats, /tr2 and /duel as you said text draw menu like text boxes, You can use /tr instead to track players so you can see it from mainchat and you can normally move but in duel i don't think that is possible to selecting because you have to accept the duel or decline and select duel locations & weapons.

    2. For "Message when you get full cash", In my point of view it's not necessary because i don't think money is more important here.

    3. For the 3rd suggestion, Like this thing already suggested before(For reaching a rank) ->HERE<- but anyway you can scroll your chats up and down by Pressing "Page up" and "Page down" keys if it bother you

    4. For /pa command, It's good suggestion and i agree with it.

    5. There is already a command "/NP" to check nearest player but its only for Trusted players and admins.

    6. - (Can you explain that 6th suggestion, Sorry i can't understand that.)
    Last edited by Bazid; 19-01-17, 01:17 PM.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Bazid View Post
      1. For /stats, /tr2 and /duel as you said text draw menu like text boxes, You can use /tr instead to track players so you can see it from mainchat and you can normally move but in duel i don't think that is possible to selecting because you have to accept the duel or decline and select duel locations & weapons.
      - Thanks for the reply and yeah about /tr instead of /tr2, quite good example of to use text draw menu instead, such without you have to stop while viewing them.

      Originally posted by Bazid View Post
      2. For "Message when you get full cash", In my point of view it's not necessary because i don't think money is more important here.
      - No, money isn't important, I know, wasn't really a money suggestion itself, just that it'd be nice, even though it's a minor thing, but if server would take notice that you've full amount and say like "You Cannot Hold Anymore Cash" or so, now it says that I'm earned from properties cash, even though I've maxed the account, so that's false in that meaning, that's my point.

      Originally posted by Bazid View Post
      3. For the 3rd suggestion, Like this thing already suggested before(For reaching a rank) ->HERE<- but anyway you can scroll your chats up and down by Pressing "Page up" and "Page down" keys if it bother you
      - Yes, I know about scrolling, started playing samp in 2008, but I think it can be rather messy at the mainchat and that's my own experience and couldn't see it'd be hurtful to add this as an OPTION, so if some don't want it, you can pick that option.

      Originally posted by Bazid View Post
      4. For /pa command, It's good suggestion and i agree with it.
      - Thanks

      Originally posted by Bazid View Post
      5. There is already a command "/NP" to check nearest player but its only for Trusted players and admins.
      - Yeah, true that, I think that /near color would be fun to have though.

      Originally posted by Bazid View Post
      6. - (Can you explain that 6th suggestion, Sorry i can't understand that.)
      - Example:

      Go /dp, go in and out at the checkpoint exist/enter arrow and you'll notice how you have a walking animation, you're not directly going out, as sometimes, it does work, but mostly you got that animation, which is awful in my opinion.


      • #4
        1 - Bazid explained, unnecessary as you have /tr

        2 - So what? This doesn't make any difference, it seems just more like obsessive compulsive disorder. The props keep giving you money, it just doesn't count as you have the max. The same thing happens if you try to give cash to players with max money, they will still receive the information that got money even if it doesnt count.

        3 - If you get confused to read a /pm through the chat, use the command /lpm to read it again.

        4 - Even the single colored cars has two colors codes as you can check in the file "carcolors.dat" in GTA folder, so server needs the information of two colors even if the car can hold only one.

        5 - Bazid explained, command exist for level 2+

        6 - I don't have opinion as I didn't know it


        • #5
          Originally posted by Pacific View Post
          1 - Bazid explained, unnecessary as you have /tr
          - Yeah, I wasn't just exactly meaning only that command, said others like them and if you type that, it goes to mainchat and you have to keep scrolling, it's not a textbox you know, so big difference.

          Originally posted by Pacific View Post
          2 - So what? This doesn't make any difference, it seems just more like obsessive compulsive disorder. The props keep giving you money, it just doesn't count as you have the max. The same thing happens if you try to give cash to players with max money, they will still receive the information that got money even if it doesnt count.
          - So you're referring to OCD when someone suggests to correct a script line? Don't make sense dude. However, I was into scripting before, PAWN, just aiding a friend and I think, that it's a lot nicer to have a complete script than uncomplete one, that's why I suggested that (not only /myp, others too as I mentioned) that you could get a message telling you that you're maxed, what's wrong with that?

          Originally posted by Pacific View Post
          3 - If you get confused to read a /pm through the chat, use the command /lpm to read it again.
          - Still not only about /pm, you're focusing on the wrong things here, I mean that some of the events, which takes place on the mainchat could be removed to an OST below, where the foot header is located, just as an option, not everyone are even interested in the messages arriving there and sometimes it can mess up the /pm chat, since you have to scroll up, however, this should be as an option at /settings.

          Originally posted by Pacific View Post
          4 - Even the single colored cars has two colors codes as you can check in the file "carcolors.dat" in GTA folder, so server needs the information of two colors even if the car can hold only one.
          - If you'd read more closely my suggestion, I typed 21,21, which means two colors, so when you type /pa 21 it gives automatically 21,21 instead of having to type /pa 21 21, for an example...

          Originally posted by Pacific View Post
          5 - Bazid explained, command exist for level 2+
          - No, not the color part, the other part yes.

          Originally posted by Pacific View Post
          6 - I don't have opinion as I didn't know it
          - Alrighty.


          • #6
            I have someting to add on ur suggestion, i hope you think about it
            About the second suggestion: Should be good if you recheach 999999999 cash (Full ammount) and after earn some money, the money earned be Self-transferred to the bank.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Gengar View Post
              I have someting to add on ur suggestion, i hope you think about it
              About the second suggestion: Should be good if you recheach 999999999 cash (Full ammount) and after earn some money, the money earned be Self-transferred to the bank.
              - Yeah, actually that'd be a great idea, since you're making tons of cash just like that anyways, yeah sure.


              • #8
                This is Matite's gamemode, not CrazyBob's (for your suggestion number 1,3,5,6), so if you want those style to be applied here, it wont be good idea and gamerx would not unique anymore (and also in my opinion, it would be nice for sa-mp beta testers not to fight each other).

                Back then people from partyserver thinks register need /ns prefix, it does not mean GamerX would make it like that, you can try to type /ns in game and see what it says...

                Large and popular server stay awesome because they are unique, not because they copy stuff from other server, even though it looks cool (this is what small servers doing).
                I mean it's just style matters, still that you can have the fun here.

                The only suggestions that are helpful and likely going to be added here is just your 4th suggestion about /pa and maybe makes sense for the 2nd one.

                The rest, let me tell you why:
                1. We got /tr and /tr2 both text and dialog version, it's simple, Textdraw need more graphic performance, and it's actually not really good for smaller screen when you are making a good textdraw. The amount of textdraw could also lag the low-end pc players.

                2. You can actually look at /stats and /tr or /tr to see your current money without waiting your game money HUD shows max, other players also previously suggested for the money to be stored in bank instead (i don't remember where is the topic link), but still it's not really necessary actually since the money right now isn't that worth.

                3. The same for this, talking about textdraws again. actually the lower display part already used for help and tips, information, and property information textdraw.

                4. Would be useful for the lazy users, but nothing wrong!

                5. Let it be Trusted Players commands. You are not in a roleplay server, some of player dont really want to be located (e.g. hiding the goos), not like in roleplay server where you cant actually hide nowhere, even they can find you in your house.

                6. Those are En Ex yellow marker, default from GTA:SA, and so the animation. It's not the checkpoint with streamer plugin being scripted to enter interior like you see in other server. The animation cannot be removed (it is client sided), but it can be disabled completely with the enter exit marker, but then you wont be able to enter anymore, unless it's scripted for warping/teleporting portal/CP.
                Last edited by Robo; 20-01-17, 08:59 AM.
                KVIrc User


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Robo_N1X View Post
                  This is Matite's gamemode, not CrazyBob's (for your suggestion number 1,3,5,6), so if you want those style to be applied here, it wont be good idea and gamerx would not unique anymore (and also in my opinion, it would be nice for sa-mp beta testers not to fight each other).
                  - Yeah, no idea why you're telling me which server I'm at, but yeah I know...However, in my world, I think getting a stop while checking /stats for an example is just annoying, it got nothing to do with other servers, just my personal feeling about it, but yes, then again, if you're used to it, then sure, let it be as it is, just had a humble suggestion about it.

                  Also particurarely suggesting this thing don't make it un-unique, I mean GX has it own unique GM and style, so that's not changing if we could change few dialogue boxes to text draw menus and keep the dialogue boxes at ammunation etc.

                  Originally posted by Robo_N1X View Post
                  Back then people from partyserver thinks register need /ns prefix, it does not mean GamerX would make it like that, you can try to type /ns in game and see what it says...

                  Large and popular server stay awesome because they are unique, not because they copy stuff from other server, even though it looks cool (this is what small servers doing).
                  I mean it's just style matters, still that you can have the fun here.
                  - Of course the uniqueness is important, hadn't stated otherwise, just suggested suggested few ones which would be great to have, at least as an option, like my OST suggestion, since I think it's rather disturbing to have all messages coming at mainchat, but that's me and haven't suggested some /ns command nor does it exist where I've played, but yeah, I got the point you're making.

                  Originally posted by Robo_N1X View Post
                  The only suggestions that are helpful and likely going to be added here is just your 4th suggestion about /pa and maybe makes sense for the 2nd one.
                  - Cheers!

                  Originally posted by Robo_N1X View Post
                  1. We got /tr and /tr2 both text and dialog version, it's simple, Textdraw need more graphic performance, and it's actually not really good for smaller screen when you are making a good textdraw. The amount of textdraw could also lag the low-end pc players.
                  - Yeah, I get the point, sure, just felt it was bad to have an instant stop when you checking them, but it's cool really.

                  Originally posted by Robo_N1X View Post
                  2. You can actually look at /stats and /tr or /tr to see your current money without waiting your game money HUD shows max, other players also previously suggested for the money to be stored in bank instead (i don't remember where is the topic link), but still it's not really necessary actually since the money right now isn't that worth.
                  - Yeah, it's easy to put in bank and you can check your amount at those commands, but I meant, that you could get a message telling you that you aren't getting anymore cash, because you've maxed out or perhaps transferred directly to bank, just an idea.

                  Originally posted by Robo_N1X View Post
                  3. The same for this, talking about textdraws again. actually the lower display part already used for help and tips, information, and property information textdraw.
                  - Yes, it is used, but I just thought about this possibility to add some of the messages on OST bottom, as an option, would be great.

                  Originally posted by Robo_N1X View Post
                  4. Would be useful for the lazy users, but nothing wrong!
                  - Ye lol, it's all about time fella! :P

                  Originally posted by Robo_N1X View Post
                  5. Let it be Trusted Players commands. You are not in a roleplay server, some of player dont really want to be located (e.g. hiding the goos), not like in roleplay server where you cant actually hide nowhere, even they can find you in your house.
                  - Sure, if it's viewed as an RP server, then why TPs got one, you might think, but sure, I can understand if this ain't added.

                  Originally posted by Robo_N1X View Post
                  6. Those are En Ex yellow marker, default from GTA:SA, and so the animation. It's not the checkpoint with streamer plugin being scripted to enter interior like you see in other server. The animation cannot be removed (it is client sided), but it can be disabled completely with the enter exit marker, but then you wont be able to enter anymore, unless it's scripted for warping/teleporting portal/CP.
                  - Yeah and that's why it'd be better to change them in my opinion, just my personal feeling about it, not comparing other servers, just that I think the animation is bad, that's all.
                  Last edited by KillingMachino; 21-01-17, 12:07 AM. Reason: typos


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