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Two suggestions

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  • Two suggestions

    1. Bike /duel challenge
    Have a bike challenge for /duel, would be nice.

    2. /sp command adjust
    When spec:ing and someone's using /sp you cannot jump over him/her, so you have to type /sp ID, in order to jump over, my suggestion is that it'd jump automatically over someone who's in spec mode or so.

  • #2
    1 - You can create a challenge map using bikes and post here on forum, as "duel" is more like for PvP with weapons. But if you mean something like "drive-by duel", I suggested this kinda of event a time ago but I never got a final answer tho. I think it is cool

    2 - Like you are specing and passing player by player with mouse then you reach another player specing and can't jump his id? I never noticed it but, if it happens, I support the suggestion


    • #3
      Originally posted by Pacific View Post
      1 - You can create a challenge map using bikes and post here on forum, as "duel" is more like for PvP with weapons. But if you mean something like "drive-by duel", I suggested this kinda of event a time ago but I never got a final answer tho. I think it is cool
      - Yeah, like a drive-by duel, indeed, would be cool, since it's a nice skill to master as well.

      Originally posted by Pacific View Post
      2 - Like you are specing and passing player by player with mouse then you reach another player specing and can't jump his id? I never noticed it but, if it happens, I support the suggestion
      - Yeah, it's getting stuck if someone is spec:ing, you can't move forward, so you have to type in the ID next to the player. Cheers for your reply!


      • #4
        Originally posted by KillingMachino View Post
        1. Bike /duel challenge
        Have a bike challenge for /duel, would be nice.
        You can /challenge and choose the challenge you want but all challenges got desactivated after the down of the server.
        But you can send a race invite to your friend by /race <IdPlayer> then choose NRG-500 bike Race.

        and if you want to suggest a challenge map you can get all info Here.
        Last edited by NeuroX; 27-01-17, 03:24 AM.


        • #5
          Originally posted by NeuroX View Post
          You can /challenge and choose the challenge you want but all challenges got desactivated after the down of the server.
          But you can send a race invite to your friend by /race <IdPlayer> then choose NRG-500 bike Race.

          and if you want to suggest a challenge map you can get all info Here.
          That's not what he mean, he is asking about duel with weapons and also with bikes (drive-by). There is similar event called "Bloodring", where you can play by driving a vehicle and shooting others. However, it's not a 1vs1.

          I don't get what you mean with /sp command adjust, You can go to next or previous player by using the arrow right or left on numpad key or Left click/Right click on your mouse button. You can also press tab and click on the player list to spectate them while you are still in spectate mode. You can also tap space key to try to switch the camera mode and also to catch the player again, what you saw when it stuck does not always mean that they are in spectating mode, but it can sometimes happen when they are paused/lost sync (especially when they are in vehicle)/just died/not spawned yet. I don't know why you don't notice these messages, and i don't know why you are using /sp to write the id every time. And i have guess that you also typed /specoff to exit, you can actually press shift (jump key) to spawn and exit spectating.
          Last edited by Robo; 25-01-17, 03:42 PM.
          KVIrc User


          • #6
            Originally posted by Robo_N1X View Post
            That's not what he mean, he is asking about duel with weapons and also with bikes (drive-by). There is similar event called "Sumo", where you can play by driving a vehicle and shooting others. However, it's not a 1vs1´
            Yes, exactly what I meant.

            Originally posted by Robo_N1X View Post
            I don't get what you mean with /sp command adjust, You can go to next or previous player by using the arrow right or left on numpad key or Left click/Right click on your mouse button. You can also press tab and click on the player list to spectate them while you are still in spectate mode. You can also tap space key to try to switch the camera mode and also to catch the player again, what you saw when it stuck does not always mean that they are in spectating mode, but it can sometimes happen when they are paused/lost sync (especially when they are in vehicle)/just died/not spawned yet. I don't know why you don't notice these messages, and i don't know why you are using /sp to write the id every time. And i have guess that you also typed /specoff to exit, you can actually press shift (jump key) to spawn and exit spectating.
            - Cheers, but no, fella I tried and it got stuck on the player who was spectating I moved along with LMB and got a stop suddenly and that's why I typed in the next ID of the spectating player, otherwise I wouldn't suggest this, I also thought weird why it didn't work, tried the keys shown at help message, still couldn't get pass the one player spectating.

            There comes up a spec warning yes if someone's just spawning, I know about that and that wasn't my issue and yes, I've tested the available commands, you can also use LCTRL to move forward and ALT GR to move forward and right CTRL to exit.

            The issue still remains, you cannot move past someone who's spectating, hence my suggestion:

            I was spectating other players, coming to this player I couldn't move forward anymore, had to type in another ID:


            • #7
              Is that suggestion like Bike Derby which is in game !!?
              [18:07:09] <.Crus> (19) report 39 aimbot plz admins ee
              [18:07:20] <Jasmeet> (38) lol hes admin hes cashewz hes pro


              • #8
                Originally posted by Robo_N1X View Post
                That's not what he mean, he is asking about duel with weapons and also with bikes (drive-by). There is similar event called "Sumo", where you can play by driving a vehicle and shooting others. However, it's not a 1vs1.
                Ah I understand from you in the first I didn't understand because he didn't explain anything ,anyway I think that's not important suggestion

                Originally posted by Robo_N1X View Post
                There is similar event called "Sumo", where you can play by driving a vehicle and shooting others. However, it's not a 1vs1´
                We cannot shoot each other in "Sumo" event but we can smash other players' cars.
                Last edited by NeuroX; 25-01-17, 07:09 PM.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by KillingMachino View Post

                  The issue still remains, you cannot move past someone who's spectating, hence my suggestion:

                  I was spectating other players, coming to this player I couldn't move forward anymore, had to type in another ID:
                  Did you tried the TAB key and click on the player? if it still not working then it should be a bug report.

                  Originally posted by NeuroX View Post
                  We cannot shoot each other in "Sumo" event but we can smash other players' cars.
                  Ahh sorry i mean bloodring event!
                  KVIrc User


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Robo_N1X View Post
                    Did you tried the TAB key and click on the player? if it still not working then it should be a bug report.
                    - Yes, brought the scoreboard as it should, but it didn't jump over an ID nor directed me to a player when clicking on an ID from the TAB list.

                    Alright, should I post separately this at bug report section or what do you think, or is it enough that it's here?
                    Last edited by KillingMachino; 26-01-17, 07:35 AM.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Robo_N1X View Post
                      That's not what he mean, he is asking about duel with weapons and also with bikes (drive-by).
                      +1Very great idea!, i hope I hope they implement it!

                      Just have fun!


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