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Four Suggestions

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  • Four Suggestions

    1. About /er at /event

    [Removed suggestion.]

    Edit: Slidebug here isn't what I've learned at previous places, I thought slidebug was when you scroll on your mouse back and forward = 2-shot, hence my suggestion about adding c-bug and the slidebug as its referred here as, I've seen be called for sideward c-bug/c glitch walk/fastwalk c-bug at other places.

    2. Race event
    When I /join a race, there was other players, whom wasn't participating there and started to shoot and damaged me, my suggestion is, when you've typed /join, you're getting an anti-spawnkill enabled until race starts or /gm and the /gm would be disabled if you left your car or /leave.

    3. About vehicle fix
    If it has detected that you have been shooting recently and you're typing in either /f or /fix command, there should be a similar message as /af got like 'Do not abuse fix', but not as harsh with that stop and red textdraw, perhaps just only (Remember to not abuse this during a fight.)

    4. /sp mode
    I think, if you're pausing during /sp mode, perhaps there you could add an automatic pause kick, just a thought after like 10 minutes, since it's pretty useless to pause during /sp mode.
    Last edited by KillingMachino; 28-01-17, 04:25 PM.

  • #2
    Originally posted by Cryless
    1) You're confusing! Slidebug has nohing to do with 2shots or c-bug, and who said 2shots/cbug are not allowed on events? We can not disallow 2shots and especially cbug on events lol ! It's just impossible. and this is what Slidebug means:
    - You're yourself confusing don't talk to me like that, remember that.

    And slidebug abuse is very different from server to server, slidebug abuse means when you're sliding on your mouse scroll = 2-shot abuse and that's why it's called slidebug abuse and hence my suggestion about c-bug should be added too in that case.

    But if you have the term slidebug abuse here as the one the video you shown, then ignore that suggestion.

    Originally posted by Cryless
    2) I think there's already a command to change virtual world to avoid that but unfornately it's only for TPs & Admins /myworld, but changing virtual world while racing will make you face some problems like maps missing i think racers should have godmode enabled, for now all you can do is /report and the player will be teleported or jailed, admins decision.
    - Yeah, /gm enabled would be nice for racers, I think that too.

    Originally posted by Cryless
    3) I didn't understood what you really mean, after you drive-by you can't use [/b]/f[/b] ? If yes than it's useless since drive-by is only not allowed on redzones and it was mentionned in your last topic and all you can do against that is report and admins would take the right decision. And fixing your vehicle if it's damaged is a normal thing i think, pointless.
    - Uhm, I explained well enough I think, but oh well...You're getting a 'do not abuse' message when /af enabled, yes but not if you'd /f or /fix your vehicle after a drive-bying, so even if /af is disabled, it's easily abused anyways, hence my suggestion about adding a message to /f and /fix and that stop you're getting when you got /af enabled and tries to db.

    Originally posted by Cryless
    4) Why not !


    • #3
      Originally posted by Cryless
      I think you're hating me, cause i'm replying honestly to your suggestions, i just want to let you know that i'm a direct person, you're developing a complex against me and can't accept my opinions, this a freeroam community everyone has his own opinion and like 5mins ago you messaged me saying don't insult me..Even too i never insulted you or talked to you all i'm doing is replying to your suggestions and giving my opinion, and everyone can see that i'm not talking to you with a bad way or insulting you, if you feel bothered than i'm really sorry even too i said nothing bad to you.
      You are behaving and talking to me like I'm stupid, check through your text, asking that I didn't understand you and etc, stop bullshitting and act up, I'm ain't for that kind of crap you know and I'm a straight forward fella too, I tell my opinion.

      And no, I'm not hating you, are you me?

      I don't have an issue if someone says, in a constructive way something, I just also got an opinion and if I'm wrong I'll admit it, but the thing you're referring to, well, I wasn't wrong in that sentence, still is a malfunction which I did point out, even thought it's a glitch and could need a fix, that's all.

      Originally posted by Cryless
      And Slidebug has nothing to do with c-bug and 2shots again ! Slidebug his name says it all 'SLIDE' it's sliding while using c-bug or 2shots. The rules means that you can use C-bug/2Shots but not with Slidebug.
      Yeah, I'm obviously not suggesting this anymore if you couldn't get it from my last reply.

      However, SLIDE is also doable at the mouse scroll and all of the other servers I've been at, refers 2-shot as slidebug, hence my suggestion, but if you use the term here as in that video, then my suggestion isn't correct, I've already said it.


      • #4
        1 - Cryless explained, but just to point, this bug might me abused to walk faster in CTFs and in maps at interiors (like Monno Hotel) while cbug and 2shot cannot.

        2 - +1, this is a great idea, we just need to make an addiction about what to do with those players who just get out of races without typing /leave, they will stay 10 minutes (max time of a race) with this on and might abuse. The suggestion is great, just need to make it perfect.

        3 - I don't agree as you already have to type /af to drive-by, then you can drive away and fix your car anyway, you can't abuse /fix in my vision.

        4 - I don't see why, sometimes I pause while I spec bots


        • #5
          1) Your version or your servers version of "slide-bug" is incorrect or not the "common" known one, so I will ignore that suggestion.

          2) /gm will be abused by many players in races, it will result in them /join'ing the race, then leaving their cars and abusing the godmode. This will also result in a lot of GM abuse alerts in admin chat. Sorry but the current system is fine, simply /report them - since these types of reports don't take a lot of time - they will be dealt with quicker.

          3) What if I kill a player, then seconds later try to do /f or af and then have that message appear for me? I'm not abusing it if I already killed a player right? I don't ever really agree with "detect last shot time, stop people teleporting/using commands etc" since there are various scenarios that just will make this system be annoying and unneeded. For example, I could have already killed a player like mentioned before, or I am just messing around with my friends. Like said before, if you do see anyone abuse it during a fight, /report them and they will be dealt with.

          4) You mean if someone is spectating someone, and they pause, it results in auto-kick? Don't agree with this, sometimes many admins simply spec a player but need to go afk for some time so just leave. Besides there really isn't much "advantage" in this suggestion. Correct me if I got the idea of the suggestion wrong.

          PS. Both of you are acting weird, especially you KillingMachino since I didn't see anything wrong with Cryless' original response. You lot need to chill out.
          Last edited by Eliteus; 28-01-17, 02:31 PM.
          Please stop asking why I got my admin status removed. I chose to be demoted and there's no drama behind it.


          • #6
            I don't want to vote for your suggestions but I want to make an addition in your 2nd (or making different than yours). So my suggestion about KillingMachino's 2nd suggestion is to put (each and everyone who joins the race) in only and only one virtual world. That is nice far from enabling /god for racers. And it will protect us from being attacked by noobs.
            If you are making fun of someone's Physical disability then congratulations You are mentally disabled.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Pacific View Post
              1 - Cryless explained, but just to point, this bug might me abused to walk faster in CTFs and in maps at interiors (like Monno Hotel) while cbug and 2shot cannot.
              - Ýeah, I know what it is, just were wrong about the definition of slidebug was here. At other places slidebug has meant, when you slide your scroll on mouse and make a 2-shot, that's why I suggested to add c-bugg also to /er and I already added to my first post that my original thought was removed.

              Originally posted by Pacific View Post
              2 - +1, this is a great idea, we just need to make an addiction about what to do with those players who just get out of races without typing /leave, they will stay 10 minutes (max time of a race) with this on and might abuse. The suggestion is great, just need to make it perfect.
              - Cheers for that!

              Originally posted by Pacific View Post
              3 - I don't agree as you already have to type /af to drive-by, then you can drive away and fix your car anyway, you can't abuse /fix in my vision.
              - Ok. I thought more that the server could detect that you're shooting at something and successfully hits and then suddenly type in /f or /fix, in that case you should get same message as you're getting while /af enabled.

              Originally posted by Pacific View Post
              4 - I don't see why, sometimes I pause while I spec bots
              - Alrighty, nah I just thought it's pretty useless to /sp and pause won't add anything to it and since if someone else is spectating and comes on your number they can't click forward, so they have to type in an ID in order to move over yours.
              Originally posted by Eliteus View Post
              1) Your version or your servers version of "slide-bug" is incorrect or not the "common" known one, so I will ignore that suggestion.
              - Well, I don't think it's an incorrect definition, yours or mine, we got two different definitions and used to other terms, but yeah, I removed that suggestion, since it's not what I thought slidebug was here. (sideward c-bug/c glitch walk/fast walk c-bug = your 'slidebug' and my 'slidebug' = slide scroll on mouse and make 2-shot) and perhaps it's used to slidebug at many other places too, perhaps so.

              Originally posted by Eliteus View Post
              2) /gm will be abused by many players in races, it will result in them /join'ing the race, then leaving their cars and abusing the godmode. This will also result in a lot of GM abuse alerts in admin chat. Sorry but the current system is fine, simply /report them - since these types of reports don't take a lot of time - they will be dealt with quicker.
              - I could adjust my suggestion a bit, but I didn't mean that /gm should be enabled if they're /leave:ing a race or step out of car, then it should be disabled and even if they did step and starting to DM the other racers would have /gm on, but I get your point, I just thought this would remove some of the reports.

              Originally posted by Eliteus View Post
              3) What if I kill a player, then seconds later try to do /f or af and then have that message appear for me? I'm not abusing it if I already killed a player right? I don't ever really agree with "detect last shot time, stop people teleporting/using commands etc" since there are various scenarios that just will make this system be annoying and unneeded. For example, I could have already killed a player like mentioned before, or I am just messing around with my friends. Like said before, if you do see anyone abuse it during a fight, /report them and they will be dealt with.
              - Yes, exactly good point, then it's not abuse, but perhaps not as harsh as if /af were enabled, perhaps just a (Remember to not abuse this during a fight) or so.

              Originally posted by Eliteus View Post
              4) You mean if someone is spectating someone, and they pause, it results in auto-kick? Don't agree with this, sometimes many admins simply spec a player but need to go afk for some time so just leave. Besides there really isn't much "advantage" in this suggestion. Correct me if I got the idea of the suggestion wrong.
              - Okay, yeah, true that, no advantage, just that I thought it's pretty useless to pause during /sp mode, but a kick could occur after 10 minutes, not directly.

              Originally posted by Eliteus View Post
              PS. Both of you are acting weird, especially you KillingMachino since I didn't see anything wrong with Cryless' original response. You lot need to chill out.
              - Well, it was about another thread really, where he typed little like I was stupid or so, not this. I'm okay, it's fine.
              Originally posted by Jealous View Post
              I don't want to vote for your suggestions but I want to make an addition in your 2nd (or making different than yours). So my suggestion about KillingMachino's 2nd suggestion is to put (each and everyone who joins the race) in only and only one virtual world. That is nice far from enabling /god for racers. And it will protect us from being attacked by noobs.
              - Yeah, you're onto something here.
              Last edited by KillingMachino; 28-01-17, 04:27 PM.


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