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Forum Suggestions.

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  • Forum Suggestions.

    Good day everyone!

    As I've been thinking about these ideas about the forum as stated above in the title already, which isn't only one suggestion but more then one which is related to forums. So here are my ideas which can be a little helpful and easy thing for the Forum Moderators who deal with the threads all times & some neatly formats as well. Here are the topics of the suggested stuff below.

    Trash Can Suggestion
    Suggestions Format

    • So here is my first suggestion. I've have been looking up to the forums lately and found there's no section of useless & inactive which are like inactive for months. As from my point of view, it's kinda needed though because whenever a thread is locked, it's still in the same section and look like a mess to be honest. So coming up with a new section known as Trash Can, maybe? Where the Forum Moderators can dump all the Locked - Inactive threads or etc in there. As from my point of view, it won't look like a mess in all the sections and only active threads in every section can stay while ANY other topic in ANY section which is locked or inactive can be trashed in the Trash Can section.

    • And here is my second suggestion. As you know there's no some sort of format in the Suggestions section to fill in order to write a neat suggestion which look good, as all the players here just posting the stuff they want which doesn't look realistic I guess. So as by regarding to this, I've been thinking to come up with a small format to fill up in-order to place your suggestion. As for Example:

    • Your In-Game Name: (Write here)
    • Is your suggestion is related to Forum or Game?: (Write here)
    • Details about your suggestion: (Write here)

    PS; Feel free to use this stated format or make one yourself if you want to as after hopefully this suggestion gets approved ASAP.
    EDIT: Please state a VALID reason if you disagree with any of these suggestions stated above.

    Thank you for taking your time out from your schedule to read my suggestion, much appreciated! Ciao.
    Last edited by Megan; 21-02-17, 12:43 PM.

  • #2
    Neutral with first suggestion bcoz its not neccessary to put inactive/useless threads in new section you can use search bar to search the thread u are looking for.
    And about 2nd, its kinda neat suggestion it will be in format without ' i was thinking, it should be added etc ' +1 to this
    I always stand out,
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    • #3
      Originally posted by MaxSafy View Post
      Neutral with first suggestion bcoz its not neccessary to put inactive/useless threads in new section you can use search bar to search the thread u are looking for.
      I do understand that it's not that much necessary but it is, even for a little because some locked threads are in between of the active ones which look like a complete mess and from my point of view, it's also not that much hard for the Moderators & the admins to move it into a trash section. Well still appreciated about your opinion!


      • #4
        I think 2nd suggestion is good and it should be added +1


        • #5
          Originally posted by Megan
          So here is my first suggestion. I've have been looking up to the forums lately and found there's no section of useless & inactive which are like inactive for months. As from my point of view, it's kinda needed though because whenever a thread is locked, it's still in the same section and look like a mess to be honest. So coming up with a new section known as Trash Can, maybe? Where the Forum Moderators can dump all the Locked - Inactive threads or etc in there. As from my point of view, it won't look like a mess in all the sections and only active threads in every section can stay while ANY other topic in ANY section which is locked or inactive can be trashed in the Trash Can section.
          Yeah well, This one seems to be good but, When they are moved to trash, If someone started to reply on it, Everyone will start to make that post active.. Also you can use search box to find any posts and to reply.. Kindly ignore it If I'm wrong.

          Yeah here is second suggestion,
          Originally posted by Megan
          And here is my second suggestion. As you know there's no some sort of format in the Suggestions section to fill in order to write a neat suggestion which look good, as all the players here just posting the stuff they want which doesn't look realistic I guess. So as by regarding to this, I've been thinking to come up with a small format to fill up in-order to place your suggestion. As for Example:

          Your In-Game Name: (Write here)
          Is your suggestion is related to Forum or Game?: (Write here)
          Details about your suggestion: (Write here)
          Its better idea.. As there is no format to do.. This should be added for best results.. +1.


          • #6
            Great idea love this PSS +100
            [18:07:09] <.Crus> (19) report 39 aimbot plz admins ee
            [18:07:20] <Jasmeet> (38) lol hes admin hes cashewz hes pro


            • #7
              Originally posted by Krrish View Post
              Yeah well, This one seems to be good but, When they are moved to trash, If someone started to reply on it, Everyone will start to make that post active.. Also you can use search box to find any posts and to reply.. Kindly ignore it If I'm wrong.
              So about the inactivity of threads not something you want so that isn't a problem either. We can set it like to trash the only threads which are locked and ready to be trashed. I believe this one seems abit fair!


              • #8
                So here is my first suggestion. I've have been looking up to the forums lately and found there's no section of useless & inactive which are like inactive for months. As from my point of view, it's kinda needed though because whenever a thread is locked, it's still in the same section and look like a mess to be honest. So coming up with a new section known as Trash Can, maybe? Where the Forum Moderators can dump all the Locked - Inactive threads or etc in there. As from my point of view, it won't look like a mess in all the sections and only active threads in every section can stay while ANY other topic in ANY section which is locked or inactive can be trashed in the Trash Can section.
                Los más buenos siempre caen primero.
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                • #9
                  Whenever the suggestion thread already locked it's either should go to Accepted or Rejected already. While not everyone can accept/reject suggestion, mostly a few can be done by management decision, the rest are up to Owner/Developer decision which you find it rarely happen as they are the person who is in charge to make it happen or not. Moderators are admin level 7+ and they do not actually decide to accept/reject the suggestion.

                  Forum are sorted by latest post date, so those inactive ones are already on the other forum pages depending how old is the thread. As other said, you can also use search (that's why it's on sticked topic "search before posting"), user can put the idea keyword, time & date, who posted it, etc. So i don't think it's a problem. It's also okay to bump an old inactive suggestion topic if it has no answer yet.

                  Suggestion format isn't really needed as they are not filling forms like the event/race map suggestion, they can just post their idea, they do not really need to type their name again as the post already shows their forum username, wether it's related to gamemode, irc, forum, web, etc they can specify a thread prefix tag like [GAMEMODE] in the topic subject/title already.
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