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Some suggestions

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  • Some suggestions

    New suggestions got into my mind and I want to post it.
    1st. For properties.
    In my opinion it is really hard to gain money from the start with 50k. So I suggest to add some features into earnings from properties. So what do I suggest, I think the earnings have to be changed in this way:
    Prices and earnings:
    Properties to 100k have to give you 10% from the price.
    Properties from 100k to 1 million have to give you 7.5% from the price.
    Properties from 1 million to 10 millions have to give you 5% from the price.
    Properties from 10 millions to 50 millions have to give you 2.5% from the price.
    Properties above 50 millions have to give you 1% from the price.
    I don't really know how to do it but I think it would be much more interesting to get money in this way.
    2nd. For manhunt.
    I think a player who writes /mhm has to recieve a dialogue box with the value he wants to choose for his death (e.g. icecreams). After it he will be automatically brought to manhunt hideout with cars(May be more than one and they are selectable). During the manhunt /spec for the victim would be disabled, same with vehicle modes like speed boost and others. You may ask yourself how I will know where to search it. After the player choose all of the options there will be shown a message "The victim spawned in LV, the price for their head is *** icecreams, good luck in hunting".
    I hope you understand what I say.

  • #2
    I had a similar suggestions for the manhunt and Rick told me they are working on improving it. But I also like that idea.
    Manuel[M4]:Banned by Admin CoCoReNdAn[7NA] , please wait for her Reply.
    WoooIly:From now i love all admins just CocoRindan because he is the most sucker dicks girls


    • #3
      I liked the man hunt idea the most! I think these changes should be brought to make hunting and earning for fun!


      • #4
        +1 man good idea


        • #5
          I like the manhunt idea, but about the properties its already waaaay to easy to earn money, c'moon, i earned almost full bank in 1 day...


          • #6
            I seem don't get what you're talking about the property, but I think it's enough for now. You can start by buying cheaper props then moving to the expensive one. It's just the matter of time since admin sometimes giveaway money too.
            And for the manhunt, I like your idea. It's fair enough for the hunter to get more than just money, and for the wanted player also, because /spec is disabled
            Last edited by Soo; 06-04-14, 09:11 AM.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Kyle. View Post
              I like the manhunt idea, but about the properties its already waaaay to easy to earn money, c'moon, i earned almost full bank in 1 day...
              That's why he suggested to make it more difficult to get money.
              * PM from Vishwajit_king (ID:74) to Left (ID:31): thanks sir for rejecting my TP application
              * PM from Vishwajit_king (ID:74) to Left (ID:31): sir i love admins like u


              • #8
                ''In my opinion it is really hard to gain money from the start with 50k.''
                He suggested to make it easier to ear money. Ah i don't know how to put small quotes from other posts


                • #9
                  To be honnest, nobody cares about the money in GamerX so the properties will stay as it is. But for the manhunt, as I said a month ago, we will improve it to make it more attractive : cookies, icecreams, cakes, biscuits...
                  We wanna also make the Death Match part in GamerX more fun so you can give your ideas about this too.


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