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  • /afk

    Basically I would like to see people that go on pause for more than 15 minutes or so, get automatically set as away from keyboard, so you can check /afklist instead of PMing them and getting no response.

  • #2
    Some people do want to be AFK without others knowing it.


    • #3
      well some people do use /afk or /brb so when someone pm them then they get to knw that person not available.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Blackbird View Post
        Some people do want to be AFK without others knowing it.
        Yeah, but if this gets added it won't appear on the chat that you got AFK if you pause for more than 15 minutes.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Domination View Post
          Yeah, but if this gets added it won't appear on the chat that you got AFK if you pause for more than 15 minutes.
          not until they get pmed


          • #6
            Any more opinions on this?


            • #7
              Basically if rick want to and can add a check code that runs interval of player updates, it's possible to implement the pause system.

              See the following similar suggestion and information about the pause thing.

              It's too odd, but let me explain again how it is:
              Can server technically check if the game frame is paused? No.
              Can server check if player pressed ESC key? No.
              Can server check if player pressed alt+tab key? No.
              Can server determine if player is really away from keyboard (in real life, you don't sit infront of your desk)? No.
              (You can afk when you are idle, but you can also still infront of your keyboard when you are not idle, you can pause your game, but still that doesnt mean you are idle, or you can idle without pausing the game)
              What server can do?
              There is an equivalent (not equal) way to determine if player is away, more accurately to see if player is idle or not doing any activities/respond to the server from the synchronization ticks that send updates to other player and server. (This is what other server do)
              Server can mark player as in "idle" state which indicates that the player has no send any request or respond to the server.
              It may mismatch the information on lag/desynchronized/bugged players, especially if they are being disconnected/timeouted with the server.
              It need to run interval of player updates which is frequently run at server update tick rate around 30 milliseconds which increases server usage depending on the player count.
              It does not immediately mark the player as idle, server need to calculate between inactive times till acceptable ticks to be marked as idle.
              It does not mean player paused their game (with ESC/alt+tab), the player might be just inactive. Not all keys are detectable, player may still marked "idle" by server when they are typing a client command or client key in their game (even just moving mouse).
              So it's not 100% accurate.

              Almost the same for the client feature "name-tag status". It will show when the player or the target lost synchronization, You may notice then when you are playing and then you get unstable connection before timeouted, you will see other players having the "hour-glass" indicator next to their name, and so they will also see you with that. So it's wrong to call those name-tag status indicator as "AFK/PAUSE" indicator.
              Last edited by Robo; 17-03-17, 11:05 AM.
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