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Drifting needs more vehicle.

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  • Drifting needs more vehicle.

    Good day fellow players!

    Explanation about the Suggestion:

    As the title says it all. But anyways, let me clarify all little more here regarding to my suggestion about drifting. As you all know that a new drifting system has been implanted which is probably one of the best time-killer stuff I liked so as by regarding to it; I was hoping if we could add move vehicles into this thing. As right now we only can (/drift) around & make points with Elegy only, so I was hoping that our management could add more vehicles into (/drift).

    How is my suggestion useful?:

    So as you all know that the only vehicle in (/drift) is Elegy right now but adding more vehicles into can be more interesting later-after. Different vehicles, while some of them are a little hard to control which can make this new system more interesting. As many of you has some other choices on vehicles when you going for drifting, so maybe this new thing can bring more players into (/drift). While some new vehicles in (/drift) which would get spun out easily can be an exciting challenge for everyone.

    Which vehicles should be added?:

    These vehicles should be added into (/drift), while Management can decide about how many vehicles they want to add or any other. These stated vehicles is just a suggestion from me.

    If you have any questions about this. So feel free reply below. I'll answer them as soon as possible.

    Last edited by Megan; 13-03-17, 12:52 PM.

  • #2
    There are more vehicles that can be used, the command just hasn't been added to display them yet. It will be in the next update

    Originally posted by Nate View Post
    About the /drift feature, we will have /drifthelp and /driftvehicles commands to provide more info soon (and fix any bugs from when the script got adapted to the gamemode!). More features to come too


    • #3
      Originally posted by Nate View Post
      There are more vehicles that can be used, the command just hasn't been added to display them yet. It will be in the next update
      This is so fantastic. Hoping to see it very soon in the server!


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