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    sometimes , after saving player objects .. we forget the name ! so i suggest to add /lspos command to see the name of the Last Saved Player Objects by the player !

    If there are already a command for this , please put it in reply because we need it sometimes!

    Regards , Death_Eater

  • #2
    Just note down the name in a paper, document text or anywhere if you are gonna forget it, i think saving the last saved player object(s) file name will take alot from the server CPU for such a useless script, just note it down and you won't forget it.
    "I'm still playing the game, having a great time."

    Jason Giambi


    • #3
      Good suggestion but there will be alot of /spos there how will you find the correct one maybe there must be the timming to written there.
      But it is better you can write it on a paper instead being stroed on the server
      [18:07:09] <.Crus> (19) report 39 aimbot plz admins ee
      [18:07:20] <Jasmeet> (38) lol hes admin hes cashewz hes pro


      • #4
        One option is to save your player object sets with easy names, like "DeathEaterMedicSpawn" "DeathEaterCTF" etc. so that you vaugely remember the part of it (you have to be really special to forget your own name :P ) and then use ctrl+F on this page:

        Not bad idea tho.

        "Good drivers have dead flies on the side windows."(Walter Röhrl)


        • #5
          better utilize the samp chat logs


          • #6
            Originally posted by Dodo View Post
            Just note down the name in a paper, document text or anywhere if you are gonna forget it, i think saving the last saved player object(s) file name will take alot from the server CPU for such a useless script, just note it down and you won't forget it.
            CPU or memory ?


            • #7
              Originally posted by Rick View Post
              CPU or memory ?
              Memory? I'm not experienced with server partitions so i don't know which would it take from.
              Btw it will take space for a useless script from CPU/Memory, i don't know which.
              "I'm still playing the game, having a great time."

              Jason Giambi


              • #8
                Originally posted by Death_Eater View Post
                sometimes , after saving player objects .. we forget the name ! so i suggest to add /lspos command to see the name of the Last Saved Player Objects by the player !

                If there are already a command for this , please put it in reply because we need it sometimes!

                Regards , Death_Eater
                The best idea in my opinion and as i do all the time , that You can just take a screenshot To save Your /lpos name..


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Dodo View Post
                  Memory? I'm not experienced with server partitions so i don't know which would it take from.
                  Btw it will take space for a useless script from CPU/Memory, i don't know which.
                  Memory, CPU does the calculations (Fetch, Decode, Execute), it doesn't store stuff, only temporary data that's removed upon the reboot of a computer.

                  OT: I am okay with the this suggestion, but what if we are working on multiple mapping projects and want to get the name of a POB set from before? I suggest a menu or something from which we can see the POB set saves from a registered player. There are however loop holes given above by Jobu_Janes and the others. I don't mind if these are added or not.
                  Please stop asking why I got my admin status removed. I chose to be demoted and there's no drama behind it.


                  • #10
                    This suggestion was already suggested before (i dont remember the link)
                    I got the links:

                    Originally posted by Dodo View Post
                    Just note down the name in a paper, document text or anywhere if you are gonna forget it, i think saving the last saved player object(s) file name will take alot from the server CPU for such a useless script, just note it down and you won't forget it.
                    Huhu reminds me of someone who spams /spos AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA and then adds A in the next second, saving duplicate of object sets like this:
                    /spos AAA
                    /spos AAAA
                    /spos AAAAA
                    /spos AAAAAA

                    Such a noob, and it was 200 objects large. There was almost a hundred of it, i can count it was just about 20kb large in total.

                    Actually the good answer is: not alot, but both are used.

                    From now you could just /spos the pobs name including your name, so that you can find it easily in player object set page list in the link jobu gave above, but although the website is not working properly right now, so you can't really do it till it get fixed.
                    It would be also good if anti-spam is added before this feature got added.
                    Its pretty much possible and useful, but it will just work on new objects set saved after this gets added.
                    Last edited by Robo; 17-03-17, 06:57 PM.
                    KVIrc User


                    • #11
                      To Rick (and other higher noobs):

                      The best option here seems to be to have a page on the website where users can see all of thier set information.

                      Players could delete sets, view detailed info, and more.

                      Let me know if you want me to create
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