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  • /HP

    Hi! I'm just going to post an simple suggestion. That while starting an /HP (With lots of objects like /stair,/plank) Just suggesting to add an checkpoint and % of completed. When we have reached 50% to 75%, it have to save as a checkpoint. After we reaches 50 to 75 % if we fell down, We will type /hp, Then we can continue from that checkpoint.So admins can save a checkpoint at any % of that /hp using any command. It annoys many times.. While finishing it, we're felling down.. So hope this % dialog box and this checkpoint will help.
    lets take example for this:-

    You are feel free to tell an opinion.
    Last edited by Krrish; 25-03-17, 08:13 AM.

  • #2
    In my opinion that'll get too messy and complicated. When an admin starts a goo hunt(with objects in this case) he's keeping an eye on the hunt, looks for cheaters and put another further starting locations. Here's another scenario, a player reaches the certain checkpoint, another player teleports to him and gets to the checkpoint also, seems pretty unfair, doesn't it? Over all my opinion is to keep the system as it is.


    • #3
      Yes, what batcold said as well as read the replies in this suggestion:

      I also don't have a lot against it, but it can be abused in so many ways that we would need to address all misusages and try to prevent them from happening. Rick could try overcome these issues with his scripting skills I guess but I'm not too sure. I'd only like such a system if it had no ways to be abused. In that case, the whole /hp system would have to be changed to that of the /challenge courses or at least undergo a few changes.
      Last edited by Eliteus; 25-03-17, 10:27 AM.
      Please stop asking why I got my admin status removed. I chose to be demoted and there's no drama behind it.


      • #4
        well, it will be good if we'll have this feauter in goo hunts.


        • #5
          Saving location in hp does not seem to be a good idea while that of percentage to very little extent seems good.
          Your suggestion litterally means you want to get things alot easier by adding checkpoints. It will completely destroy the fun of competition and of seeing players get rage upon falling down the ground. I am not supportive to the idea which will probably ruin the fun


          • #6


            • #7
              Thanks for all your opinions.
              If you wish you can add percentage dialog box as everybody feels its useful.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Krrish View Post
                Thanks for all your opinions.
                If you wish you can add percentage dialog box as everybody feels its useful.
                That still cannot be calculated without the checkpoints.

                As you can see on challenge suggestion, where it was previously having no checkpoints:
                Last edited by Robo; 25-03-17, 07:18 PM.
                KVIrc User


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Robo_N1X View Post
                  That still cannot be calculated without the checkpoints.
                  Why cannot? if server can calculate the distance between player and goo


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Rackham View Post
                    Why cannot? if server can calculate the distance between player and goo
                    It will be weird and not give a perfect calculation of how much of the /hp you have calculated. There are two things it can calculate:

                    The distance between the start of the /hp teleport and the hidden pickup itself. That can be done, but it's pretty pointless. About the completion of the track itself (as in how much of the percentage of the track you have completed), unlike races there is only 2 points from which the percentage can be measured, it can be pretty inaccurate, considering it will need to use the players position away from the hidden pickup. Map could be shaped weirdly where it detects the player being more far away from the hidden pickup when actually he has completed more percentage of the course. There are also no checkpoint systems in /hp's so such a calculation would be pretty hard to make without any type of scripting and calculation.

                    To be honest the current system is fine, I think a few people will rage and stuff but that is all part of the fun. About the percentage, it's just not gonna work.
                    Please stop asking why I got my admin status removed. I chose to be demoted and there's no drama behind it.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Rackham View Post
                      Why cannot? if server can calculate the distance between player and goo
                      Calculating distance between the player and goo will make finding hidden goo too easy, you just have to go to direction where the distance decreases and you'll find it.

                      Check MaxSafy's and my reply on the forum topic link i gave above and Eliteus' explanation.

                      Although, creating a goo in another virtual world is possible for admins who are willing to make challenge map with its objects and 36 checkpoint positions and announce the goo by having players enter the challenge map.

                      Admins are already too lazy to make such goo with objects. Also please note that Hidden Pickup game is not just for purpose to be created with objects, which makes all suggestions within goo and talking about objects irrelevant. Can be said that, these suggestions are just for ShipCTF map while CTF is not only for ShipCTF, for instance suggesting the ship on ShipCTF to move.
                      Last edited by Robo; 26-03-17, 04:04 AM.
                      KVIrc User


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Eliteus View Post
                        It will be weird and not give a perfect calculation of how much of the /hp you have calculated. There are two things it can calculate:

                        The distance between the start of the /hp teleport and the hidden pickup itself. That can be done, but it's pretty pointless. About the completion of the track itself (as in how much of the percentage of the track you have completed), unlike races there is only 2 points from which the percentage can be measured, it can be pretty inaccurate, considering it will need to use the players position away from the hidden pickup. Map could be shaped weirdly where it detects the player being more far away from the hidden pickup when actually he has completed more percentage of the course. There are also no checkpoint systems in /hp's so such a calculation would be pretty hard to make without any type of scripting and calculation.
                        isnt that the same as in race: when you take shortcuts and your progress slightly lowers down, knowing that your progress is decreasing you still keep tracking the checkpoint(via map).Then your progress in no time restores itself back when you touch the checkpoint, doesnt that seem weird? yet it is being implimented.
                        Yes it will be inaccurate for few instances untill you get to the way which is straight leading to the hp. Refer MaxSafy's edited image.
                        Progress bar can also be compensated with the height hp is lying at (if percentage is not a better idea). With reference of the bar that appears at height when you are a paratrooper(in-game), similar idea can be worked on in hps. And everything comes with work, you cannot get anything without scripting.

                        Originally posted by Robo_N1X View Post
                        Calculating distance between the player and goo will make finding hidden goo too easy, you just have to go to direction where the distance decreases and you'll find it.
                        Admins are already too lazy to make such goo with objects. Also please note that Hidden Pickup game is not just for purpose to be created with objects, which makes all suggestions within goo and talking about objects irrelevant. Can be said that, these suggestions are just for ShipCTF map while CTF is not only for ShipCTF, for instance suggesting the ship on ShipCTF to move.
                        Yes hidden pickup is not only by objects, unlike normal goo hunt(on the ground). Yet there is a solution to the progress bar/height bar that is being able to toggle the bar ON/OFF. When the hp is set using objects, admin who is looking after the players during hunt, will have to enable the bar for players within the range or for those who teleported to hp location.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Rackham View Post
                          Yes hidden pickup is not only by objects, unlike normal goo hunt(on the ground). Yet there is a solution to the progress bar/height bar that is being able to toggle the bar ON/OFF. When the hp is set using objects, admin who is looking after the players during hunt, will have to enable the bar for players within the range or for those who teleported to hp location.
                          And so you just go to the direction where the progress bar increases faster?
                          Originally posted by Robo_N1X View Post
                          Calculating distance between the player and goo will make finding hidden goo too easy, you just have to go to direction where the distance decreases and you'll find it.
                          Last edited by Robo; 26-03-17, 03:31 PM.
                          KVIrc User


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Rackham View Post
                            isnt that the same as in race: when you take shortcuts and your progress slightly lowers down, knowing that your progress is decreasing you still keep tracking the checkpoint(via map).Then your progress in no time restores itself back when you touch the checkpoint, doesnt that seem weird? yet it is being implimented.
                            Yes it will be inaccurate for few instances untill you get to the way which is straight leading to the hp. Refer MaxSafy's edited image.
                            Progress bar can also be compensated with the height hp is lying at (if percentage is not a better idea). With reference of the bar that appears at height when you are a paratrooper(in-game), similar idea can be worked on in hps. And everything comes with work, you cannot get anything without scripting.
                            It seems you haven't read my reply well, in races percentage of it can be tracked easier because there are multiple checkpoints in it, so it calculates which checkpoint you have passed, and how far off from the next checkpoint you are.

                            In races, players cannot get confused since they simply follow the next checkpoints, in /hp's they can get confused since there isn't always a set point. I've seen many /hp's where there are multiple possibilities to where the player can find the goo. Having a progress bar in this case wouldn't work out as it would just narrow out the options and make it easier for the player to find the goo, as it would say in which direction it is closer and closer thus will spoil the fun.

                            /hp's are about exploring and discovering, races however are about speeding to the next points and eventually to the end. It is clear that the progress bar would make more sense to be implemented on races and not /hp's. Besides, players who rulebreak by spawning cars and boost in hopes to find the /hp will have their job made easier with this feature.

                            So no, this feature is better to not be implemented.
                            Last edited by Eliteus; 26-03-17, 03:51 PM.
                            Please stop asking why I got my admin status removed. I chose to be demoted and there's no drama behind it.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Robo_N1X View Post
                              And so you just go to the direction where the progress bar increases faster?
                              No. The bar would be used only if the goo hunt is based on objects (bar can be toggled ON/OFF)

                              Originally posted by Eliteus View Post
                              In races, players cannot get confused since they simply follow the next checkpoints, in /hp's they can get confused since there isn't always a set point. I've seen many /hp's where there are multiple possibilities to where the player can find the goo. Having a progress bar in this case wouldn't work out as it would just narrow out the options and make it easier for the player to find the goo, as it would say in which direction it is closer and closer thus will spoil the fun.

                              /hp's are about exploring and discovering, races however are about speeding to the next points and eventually to the end. It is clear that the progress bar would make more sense to be implemented on races and not /hp's. Besides, players who rulebreak by spawning cars and boost in hopes to find the /hp will have their job made easier with this feature.
                              This is how the height bar would look like. It will only be applicable to hunts which are on objects, leading upward. This bar will not let players to know where the goo is and it will not let them to jump exactly to the right way (if there are different possible ways in hp map) because all the possibilities are mostly from same height but leading to different ways and more convincingly end at the same height.


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