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  • Armor

    My suggestion is not so big i just wanted to say like /healme commadn give health to a person which amout $5000 same as there should be a command for /armor and it could cost 1 cookie or smh for example:
    [14:18:51] * Your armor has been set to full (the cost was XXX).

    Note: I know there is a commadn know as /armor but it teles us to ammo shop and it takes time to buy armor and tehre are many teles to armor but if this commadn is added time is saved.

    P.S-I have bad english.
    Im Dope

  • #2
    no it is bad if u spend cookies on armor if it was money then it would be good
    [18:07:09] <.Crus> (19) report 39 aimbot plz admins ee
    [18:07:20] <Jasmeet> (38) lol hes admin hes cashewz hes pro


    • #3
      Na I do not agree with this suggestion, as you can get armor from spawn places etc, as you are saying /healme as same as /armor, You see there is an armor on every spawn place but you ever see Health in spawn places? that's why there is a /healme cmd. You can not abuse it /healme cmd, like I mean when player is shooting you or what ever, it is also stated in /rules. So No from me.


      • #4
        Originally posted by LoG View Post
        no it is bad if u spend cookies on armor if it was money then it would be good
        Im not saying for 1 cookie i have written the value as XXX

        Originally posted by Laren View Post
        Na I do not agree with this suggestion, as you can get armor from spawn places etc, as you are saying /healme as same as /armor, You see there is an armor on every spawn place but you ever see Health in spawn places? that's why there is a /healme cmd. You can not abuse it /healme cmd, like I mean when player is shooting you or what ever, it is also stated in /rules. So No from me.
        Sometimes When You are not near a spawn place then ? adn if the person has took armor from spawn and in a duel he lost in armor then ? It as same person loses health he uses /healme and If a person loses he /armor

        Nvm thanks for your vote.

        Im Dope


        • #5
          Originally posted by Rolox View Post
          Im not saying for 1 cookie i have written the value as XXX

          Sometimes When You are not near a spawn place then ? adn if the person has took armor from spawn and in a duel he lost in armor then ? It as same person loses health he uses /healme and If a person loses he /armor

          Nvm thanks for your vote.

          Well, when someone takes armor from spawnzone, it only get disable for that who took it, not for stays the same. And as you are saying "In a duel he lost his armor", are you serious man? Why would player buy armor in a can be abusive, you'll get it i tihnk.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Laren View Post
            Well, when someone takes armor from spawnzone, it only get disable for that who took it, not for stays the same. And as you are saying "In a duel he lost his armor", are you serious man? Why would player buy armor in a can be abusive, you'll get it i tihnk.
            Yes.see if the armor get disables u get a fight fith some and ur health reduces to 5 hp and of rhealth u do /healme and for armor u need to go to ammo shop from there u need to buy it takes lot time tho.
            Im Dope


            • #7
              Originally posted by Rolox View Post
              for armor u need to go to ammo shop from there u need to buy it takes lot time tho.
              Armor is available at many places (/l 90, near /l 8, /gg, /wwk, /gr1 Near battery point and many more) u can telepot there to get and it takes less time.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Aryan View Post
                Armor is available at many places (/l 90, near /l 8, /gg, /wwk, /gr1 Near battery point and many more) u can telepot there to get and it takes less time.
                Health is also available dude? so the gx offcial should that ? huh ?
                Im Dope


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Rolox View Post
                  Health is also available dude? so the gx offcial should that ? huh ?
                  Health is available at only /m and /kaz but here we got many.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Aryan View Post
                    Health is available at only /m and /kaz but here we got many.
                    So what ? it is available thats it! thanks for your vote <3
                    Im Dope


                    • #11
                      People already abuse /healme, imagine with a command for armor... I don't support


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Pacific View Post
                        People already abuse /healme, imagine with a command for armor... I don't support
                        But it is useful too.
                        And admin are there to take care of em'
                        Im Dope


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Churre
                          that was a wrong post, sry.
                          I Dont Think so
                          Im Dope


                          • #14
                            Hmm i see, i don't think /armor commmand to regen the armor will be so good, at spawn zones you can find armor, or at /sak, /69, /l 90 and other places, one time of armor is enough i guess


                            • #15
                              This was suggested in the past, and well as you can see it wasn't accepted. The main reason is:

                              Originally posted by Pacific View Post
                              People already abuse /healme, imagine with a command for armor... I don't support
                              It seriously is annoying to have extra reports on it. We already get TONNES of /healme in fight reports, this will literally fill the reports with just refill in fight reports. Many players have mentioned alternate and easy ways of getting it above - get them in those ways instead,
                              Please stop asking why I got my admin status removed. I chose to be demoted and there's no drama behind it.


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