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  • Eject

    a simple suggestion from my side cause it is annoying if any other layer get in ur car with ur freinds and u want to eject him only
    then /eject <player id / player name> it will be good.
    [18:07:09] <.Crus> (19) report 39 aimbot plz admins ee
    [18:07:20] <Jasmeet> (38) lol hes admin hes cashewz hes pro

  • #2
    Yeah I agree with a system that works like this. So that it detects whether the ID that you have entered is valid, and is in the vehicle you are driving - then ejects only him and no one else. All level 1 players also do not have the /gipv command so like TP's they cannot simply retype it to get back in so this system would come in very handy. Wouldn't mind if it wasn't added though simply because it doesn't seem to be a huge recurring issue that people complain about from day to day (like the RC-Vehicle evading).
    Last edited by Eliteus; 07-04-17, 11:35 AM.
    Please stop asking why I got my admin status removed. I chose to be demoted and there's no drama behind it.


    • #3
      Its useful in sometimes like in /roadtrip some one try to enter in the drivers vehicle so this will be good.. if they entered also we can use /eject id
      very useful!!!


      • #4
        I also agree with this idea, in my opinion this can be added easily, but besides of typing the ID of the player you want to eject would be good to type the seat's number he's taken as well (the same way that /ppiv command works).


        • #5
          I agree with you, +1 from me.


          • #6
            I wanted to do that many times... i agree +1


            • #7
              Simple suggestion, wouldn't be hard to add and it's not that big of a deal, agreed.


              • #8
                Nice one, should be added ASAP.


                • #9
                  2 Months passed its a good suggestion must be added to the server .
                  [18:07:09] <.Crus> (19) report 39 aimbot plz admins ee
                  [18:07:20] <Jasmeet> (38) lol hes admin hes cashewz hes pro


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by LoG View Post
                    2 Months passed its a good suggestion must be added to the server .
                    ye its a good suggestion


                    • #11
                      yes it's a great idea


                      hope they add it


                      • #12
                        Good idea cuz it's annoying if someone you don't know get in your car and you're chilling with your friends..
                        so [/eject id] will be really good , and if you want to eject all the players from your car just type the old command wish is [/eject] (without mention the id).
                        anyway +1


                        • #13
                          yes +1


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