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A new Game Mode if possible

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  • A new Game Mode if possible

    Well , there is only 1 reason im posting this. we all know that GTA is improving its games a lot and its already been years since San Andreas is released but 80% of players dont know that SAMP exist and 30% of them dont have internet connection so they dont even know that another world exist. and most of u know that Vice City servers are completely shut down now and no way to play multiplayer on it over few years. we all dont know how long people will keep playing SAMP as everyone are being diverted to play latest games like GTA5 , watch dogs and some other shitz .... lets get to the point.. i want to ask if admins can make a new game mode which will allow players to be able to play both DeathMatch and Team DeathMatch . i know that we already have DM and TDM maps but what im trying to say is , it would be more interesting if we can add a new Game Mode where players can take weapons as pickups (around the map and not like HG where guns are in ground , but pick ups like we get sniper at /gh2 or rocket laucher at /m ) , and next thing is to be able to fall from higher places without health loss. like we are at top of a building or a box but if we fall down , we die since the distance from ground is too far but it would be nice if we can be alive after falling from there because it would help players to make new maps without limits. and one more thing is .... a health pickup at the middle of the map (pickup must be able to taken by one player and the pickup must respawn again in 2 minutes time) and armor pickups if possible. at first we would get baseball bat, 5 grenades , deagle , shotgun and sniper rifle. this will be interesting . we start with low ammo and get more ammo by picking up enemy weapons to get ammo or by going around the map for weapon pickups. i can promise u some maps if there is anyway to make a map with more than 350 objects . i believe this game more would make people interested in it. and help players to enjoy Samp before it dies. we cant tell how long it might exist , hope you understand what i mean..

    New Edit:-

    People who dont understand what i tried to say , i would like to explain it a lil bit briefly .
    what im trying to say is , i want to ask if we can make a new game mode to change our open world San Andreas into a Shooting game . like death match, team deathmatch .. since we already have those game modes already , im asking if its possible to make this game mode without so much ammo (and pickup weapons around dead bodies and pickups around the map) this way we can also make more weapons available like Minigun (with atleast 50 ammo) at top of map (like a big pickup) which needs time to climb up and only available for 1 person (again available after 2 minutes to pickup by others) and one more thing is 80% of fps games dont decrease players health even if we fall from a high place because maps are big and impossible to climb down (it would take all time) so it will be helpful for us if we add this feature to this game mode because this way, we can create big maps and enjoy every bit of San Andreas before all servers are dead. we all knows San Andreas is going to be dead someday . lets enjoy it while we still can.

    pleaes hit the like button if you agree

    Suggestion from my friend:-

    Ok, i get it.
    So you're asking for a different gamemode with tdm/dm.
    it sounds nice BUT will be hard to make (scripts and bla bla)..

    why dont we just make an event with that 'idea' of yours OR i have another idea for this "gamemode", we can add a "play zone" which will be having some machines which we can enter in.

    for example there will be 4 machines (Dm,TDM,Parkour& Stunts) each machine will cost us 5 cookies to enter and all the maps/player objects related to the machine will be loaded in a different virtual world.

    》guns will be given on spawning in an event by default. There can be a variety of maps in every machine, for example 5 maps for the tdm event, 5 for dm etc.. the 5 cookies which we pay to the machine will be equally distributed to the TPS so that they can make goos and make road trips (cuz i have seen them asking for cookies to start a road trip). Health pick-ups can be added in various places in the map. And alot more things can be done which i will tell if this suggestion is considered.《

    this will make the server better as we will be the first ones to have play zones.

    we (the people) will be able to do what we want to.
    we will not be annoying admins anymore and asking them for dm or other events (as we will be busy in our "play zones")

    the simple command to enter the machine will be /enter and /exit to leave it at any time

    a minigame will be started after a gap of 15 mins (when one minigame ends another one will start after 15 mins)

    ++ i like your tdm idea but that falling from high building idea was stupid as it is impossible to add and if that is enabled we wont get hit by bullets and our hp wont be decreased.

    There are alot of mappers in GamerX so we have no problem with that (even i can map for a dm/tdm event)
    + if a good map is submitted, the one who submitted it will get 500 cookies as a gift and 200 cookies to those whose map gets rejected..(this will solve the "hard to earn cookie'' problem)

    over all, i like your idea but i guess this "play zone" idea should be considered.

    we all know samp is gonna die one day, so lets sqeeze every drop out of it and have fun !

    ask me more regarding this suggestion I'll tell.
    feel free to delete this reply if you want to

    ++ it is a YES from me but consider my suggestion as well

    if the idea is not clear, just ask again.

    And yea if you/admins dont wanna add machines and play zones we can add simple commands -- /tdm /dm /parkour /stunt

    Last edited by SnipePrincess; 07-05-17, 07:05 AM.

  • #2
    I don't really get your point to be honest.
    I don't know what you are trying to explain but if you're suggesting a new sort of event, it might get selected then. Neutral on your suggestion as not sure what it actually is.


    • #3
      all pickups are client side so you're basically just suggesting an event with normal guns. It would have been good if the pickups where server side.


      • #4
        Ok, i get it.
        So you're asking for a different gamemode with tdm/dm.
        it sounds nice BUT will be hard to make (scripts and bla bla)..

        why dont we just make an event with that 'idea' of yours OR i have another idea for this "gamemode", we can add a "play zone" which will be having some machines which we can enter in.

        for example there will be 4 machines (Dm,TDM,Parkour& Stunts) each machine will cost us 5 cookies to enter and all the maps/player objects related to the machine will be loaded in a different virtual world.

        》guns will be given on spawning in an event by default. There can be a variety of maps in every machine, for example 5 maps for the tdm event, 5 for dm etc.. the 5 cookies which we pay to the machine will be equally distributed to the TPS so that they can make goos and make road trips (cuz i have seen them asking for cookies to start a road trip). Health pick-ups can be added in various places in the map. And alot more things can be done which i will tell if this suggestion is considered.《

        this will make the server better as we will be the first ones to have play zones.

        we (the people) will be able to do what we want to.
        we will not be annoying admins anymore and asking them for dm or other events (as we will be busy in our "play zones")

        the simple command to enter the machine will be /enter and /exit to leave it at any time

        a minigame will be started after a gap of 15 mins (when one minigame ends another one will start after 15 mins)

        ++ i like your tdm idea but that falling from high building idea was stupid as it is impossible to add and if that is enabled we wont get hit by bullets and our hp wont be decreased.

        There are alot of mappers in GamerX so we have no problem with that (even i can map for a dm/tdm event)
        + if a good map is submitted, the one who submitted it will get 500 cookies as a gift and 200 cookies to those whose map gets rejected..(this will solve the "hard to earn cookie'' problem)

        over all, i like your idea but i guess this "play zone" idea should be considered.

        we all know samp is gonna die one day, so lets sqeeze every drop out of it and have fun !

        ask me more regarding this suggestion I'll tell.
        feel free to delete this reply if you want to

        ++ it is a YES from me but consider my suggestion as well

        if the idea is not clear, just ask again.

        And yea if you/admins dont wanna add machines and play zones we can add simple commands -- /tdm /dm /parkour /stunt



        • #5
          Originally posted by Marshall_;n178312

          if the idea is not clear, just ask again.[/COLOR]

          And yea if you/admins dont wanna add machines and play zones we can add simple commands -- /tdm /dm /parkour /stunt

          it is possible to make such machine using soda machine


          • #6
            Not the soda machine.. but we can use these ids -- 1948 , 2779 , 1835 OR 2785 (Source : Google)

            a person standing in front of the machine within 1 meter will be able to enter by typing /enter.


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