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Kill spree

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  • Kill spree

    I guess a suggestion about kill spree rewards was posted earlier and was denied but I wasn't able to find it, nor am I aware of why it was closed back then so ye, here it is;
    Rewards above 100 kill spree count should be awarded. I guess to the limit of 500. Its not easy for everyone to make a kill spree of that count but players who are able to make them, I guess they should be awarded with it. I recently made a kill spree of 400 counts but it went in vain. Usually what I'm doing is, getting myself killed after 100 because there aren't rewards after it. I do not ask for rewards at count of every 10, like not on 110, but on a gap of 50 and gap of 100 after 300. So, basically, 100, then 150, then 200, then 250, then 300, then 400 and 500 at last. Rewards need not to be monstrous sum of cookies, it can be anything. Something will be appreciated rather than havin' nothing.

    Ranking up is a pain in the arse because of the goo counts. Adding of p-goos in counts of rank up will be sweet.
    Another thing, to make it better, 2nd and 3rd places should be counted too, so be it of goo (including hidden pick up maps) or of p-goo .

    PS - removal of spawn kill from rule #6 of game is still on from over a month I guess. I don't think that suggestion is having a single drawback.

    Last edited by Flogrils; 15-05-17, 01:11 PM.

  • #2
    i think your second suggestion is good i am agreed with that


    • #3

      (1) Cool, +1 from me. (for the first one)

      (2) Half of your second suggestion is kinda bad as people will start abusing the goos to rank up. Players got a lot of friends in game (including tps) and tps will make goos for their friends (or for themselves) to help themself/friends to rank up which is unfair for others who don't have a TP friend. (if you know what I mean)

      The other half of your second suggestion was cool as finding a HP in 1st 2nd or 3rd position is kinda hard so it should be counted.

      Last edited by _Maniac_; 15-05-17, 12:36 PM. Reason: i always mess up the colors :G


      • #4
        1- I agree with it because I think that hard tasks deserve rewards.

        2- I agree with pgoos counting towards goos found, but I disagree with the second and third place. Usually when someone finds a goo it gets much easier for the other 2 to find it, and I feel like that shouldnt count towards the stats.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Payrle View Post

          2- I disagree with the second and third place. Usually when someone finds a goo it gets much easier for the other 2 to find it, and I feel like that shouldnt count towards the stats.
          Well, your point might be true for a goo hunt but not for hidden pick up maps. Its equally hard for the one who comes 2nd or 3rd as they need to cross whatsoever the set of objects in order to win.
          Originally posted by _Maniac_ View Post
          (2) Half of your second suggestion is kinda bad as people will start abusing the goos to rank up. Players got a lot of friends in game (including tps) and tps will make goos for their friends (or for themselves) to help themself/friends to rank up which is unfair for others who don't have a TP friend. (if you know what I mean)

          Not really. If someone is doing it, they will be dealt with. Rule 1.11
          Last edited by Blackbird; 16-05-17, 12:15 PM. Reason: Merged - Double post


          • #6
            About new rewards in killing spree i agree, because of a high killstreak they could have more rewards... +1.

            In the addition of p-goos count as goo i don't agree, because the amount of goos in requirement would increase, and it will be hard again, and the creation of goos must be for admins only, i mean, the goos in stats must increase only in goos by admins, because that would take away some of admins features -1.

            In my opinion, 2nd and 3rd place of goos found counting, i think that would be better, because it's very hard to find a goo in 1st place :/... +1.

            EDIT: I change my vote of "2nd and 3rd place counting as goo found" to -1 because i said that if pgoos will count as goo, the requirement of goos in rank will increase too, and if 2nd and 3rd place will count as goo found, the number of goos in requirement will increase too...
            Last edited by Churre; 23-05-17, 01:29 AM. Reason: 2nd and 3rd place counting as goo found vote changed


            • #7
              I guess p-goo suggestion will be added either way, or so as said by Rick.


              • #8
                I agree with all of your suggestions but I don't understand what u meant by spawnkill rule #6 since Im completely losing my brain for being offline for a month and I still have internet problems that's why I'm still offline. Anyway for first 2 suggestions I think they are nice.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by SnipePrincess View Post
                  I agree with all of your suggestions but I don't understand what u meant by spawnkill rule #6 since Im completely losing my brain for being offline for a month and I still have internet problems that's why I'm still offline. Anyway for first 2 suggestions I think they are nice.
                  Looking forward to see you soon in game. PS - your bro fucked up your account lmao.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by SnipePrincess View Post
                    I agree with all of your suggestions but I don't understand what u meant by spawnkill rule #6 since Im completely losing my brain for being offline for a month and I still have internet problems that's why I'm still offline. Anyway for first 2 suggestions I think they are nice.
                    At /rules you can see a rule which says "no spawn killing" that's the "rule" 6 if im not wrong, but now spawn killing is allowed, and Flogrils suggested the removal of that rule, because as i said, now the spawn killing is allowed

                    Originally posted by Flogrils View Post
                    I guess p-goo suggestion will be added either way, or so as said by Rick.
                    I know, but i think the most of players must agree with that, because some players do not agree, and im one of they
                    Last edited by Churre; 16-05-17, 11:34 PM.


                    • #11
                      Asking for pgoos to count as Goo's found is like asking for cbug and 2shot to be illegal so it's easier to kill the pros.

                      It's a joke. Same with asking for 2nd and 3rd place to count as a goo found.

                      I will be pissed if the hidden pickup system gets changed in anyway. It's ok the way it is...


                      • #12
                        If goo's found gonna be counted like that and it will be easier, simply higher the required goos found amount to rank up again...
                        KVIrc User


                        • #13
                          It will be so easy to abuse though. Tps can use a messenger to tell each other where they will place pgoo and help each other rank up.

                          FB messenger, snapchat, whatever. Admins won't know it's happening.

                          Also if pgoos and Goo's are the same them they should both be called Goo's! Tps can now do Goo's...

                          Keep the system the way it is.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by DeclanIsKing View Post
                            It will be so easy to abuse though. Tps can use a messenger to tell each other where they will place pgoo and help each other rank up.

                            FB messenger, snapchat, whatever. Admins won't know it's happening.

                            Also if pgoos and Goo's are the same them they should both be called Goo's! Tps can now do Goo's...

                            Keep the system the way it is.
                            Yup, you're right.
                            But we should try considering the 2nd and 3rd position goo count (you earlier said ''It's a joke. Same with asking for 2nd and 3rd place to count as a goo found.'')
                            As finding it in 1st place is hard + not many Goos' are made.
                            Not everyone is Pro like you (you're the queen of goos xD) and hence to help everyone rank up quicker we should add this.

                            everyone deserves levelling/ranking up.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by _Maniac_ View Post

                              Yup, you're right.
                              But we should try considering the 2nd and 3rd position goo count (you earlier said ''It's a joke. Same with asking for 2nd and 3rd place to count as a goo found.'')
                              As finding it in 1st place is hard + not many Goos' are made.
                              Not everyone is Pro like you (you're the queen of goos xD) and hence to help everyone rank up quicker we should add this.

                              everyone deserves levelling/ranking up.
                              Dude are u the same Maniac I used to build maps with ? I thought you're so dumb af


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