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    Hello everyone, in one of my suggestions, I posted one and I said to add Fallout, Sumo, Target Destructon and others to be loaded automatically, but I think Robo said is not possible, so this time my suggestion, is the addition of ShipCTF, GRC and some Fallout maps to be automatically loaded, ShipCTF and GRC are the most famous CTF maps, and both maps are good, and Fallout is one of the funniest events in my opinion, and if it's possible, also add Sumo event with some maps to be loaded automatically... That's all

  • #2
    I wish every single map made by "anyone" to be loaded automatically.


    • #3
      ShipCTF and GRC are loaded by admins almost everytime,so it's useless to make them start auto.Also i think they used to start auto but low number of players were playing it like 2v2.
      For fallout i agree as admins dont load it so often, for sumo too.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Churre View Post
        but I think Robo said is not possible
        It is possible, never said it's impossible.
        KVIrc User


        • #5
          CTF - GRC loads Automatically already and I remember ShipCTF load automatically too
          (can upload ss if needed, rip net atm)


          • #6
            +1 for the suggestion plus we need some famous Last Squad Standing (LSS) events to be loaded automatically , and as I noticed there's some of CTF / LMS / TDM events that players don't like them cuz they're not funny or they're laggy maps , so yeah I think they must be remouved from AutoEventLoad system and replace them with new events that they're more funny.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Robo_N1X View Post
              It is possible, never said it's impossible.
              I think you said it's not possible for ALL events existing because there are a lot of maps, and sorry if I misunderstood


              • #8
                Originally posted by Churre View Post

                I think you said it's not possible for ALL events existing because there are a lot of maps, and sorry if I misunderstood
                Nope, i mean to explain that it's very difficult for me to select every event map due to lack of time (because too many GRC and ShipCTF loaded) and i don't really know players opinion, and it's almost not possible to make what GenGar said in that topic about making voting system in forum, not to your idea.
                KVIrc User


                • #9
                  Originally posted by GEDO View Post
                  ShipCTF and GRC are loaded by admins almost everytime,so it's useless to make them start auto.Also i think they used to start auto but low number of players were playing it like 2v2.
                  For fallout i agree as admins dont load it so often, for sumo too.
                  yes I like this to be asked I don't meant to be auto start all events I .ean to start like One ctf then a stp then siege and then lms and then lms and then fallout and then sumo sumo is in last becoz it's rare for all that sumo start auto so add only sumo and fall to auto


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