Hello everyone, this is a little suggestion, the command for donators to set their custom color is /setmycustomcolour, so my suggestion is to add a shortcut for this command like /smcc...
And maybe the add this command: /mypreviouscustomcolour and shortcut for this command /mpcc.. And that command will show you in the chat the hexadecimal color code you used, like that: "Previous custom colour used: [hexadecimal code]" and if you didn't used any previous custom colour, show that message in the chat for the player: "You didn't used any previous custom colour"... nothing more
And maybe the add this command: /mypreviouscustomcolour and shortcut for this command /mpcc.. And that command will show you in the chat the hexadecimal color code you used, like that: "Previous custom colour used: [hexadecimal code]" and if you didn't used any previous custom colour, show that message in the chat for the player: "You didn't used any previous custom colour"... nothing more